

Attached: 1649879052710.png (620x413, 96.58K)

Meow meow meow hiss.

Attached: 1642813344228.png (501x866, 587.37K)

Catbox is shitting itself

this is going to be vaporware, isn't it?

Attached: Literally me.jpg (1122x1443, 138.49K)

When is the release date? Do we know yet?


Attached: 1649497531909.jpg (594x1054, 50.55K)

This didn't answer my question, cat.
Thanks for the reply anyway.

i love kitties

>cat game
Instant 10/10, preorder when?

This settles it, white women could literally use a cactus and it would still feel good to them.

the game that saved Yea Forums

Caturday came early, bros.

Attached: 1618756751210.jpg (604x599, 37.22K)

i expected a bite
kinda disappointed ngl

don't open

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1 мaнyл


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hallo sirs berry berry gud marning!

Attached: Maus.jpg (480x600, 51.78K)


lmao cat make me lol irl

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I must apologize for Wimp Miauw, he is an idiot.

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This is the third time I've seen this thread with this webm.
What exactly are you getting out of this?

a cat is fine too

Attached: cunt m8.jpg (233x216, 7.62K)



Attached: nigger.png (615x534, 283.01K)

look at this loaf

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Attached: 5pwPM-lWjRE.jpg (453x422, 42.18K)

that's a wierd cat

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Attached: security cat.jpg (828x1003, 587.77K)

hes Siamese

Cats are the niggers of animals.

you are the nigger of humans

>Cats are the gigachads of animals

How much I wished this would have been just about exploring an interesring landscape with cat mechanics. No UI, no abilities, no dialogue.

Attached: walljump.webm (406x720, 2.87M)

Attached: death from above.gif (396x370, 1023.02K)

>I came here to be alone

>cat gameplay mechanics are superior than human ones.
It's not fair

Platformer cat

Attached: objective escape.gif (340x284, 2M)


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Attached: 1633079103314.webm (960x960, 1.58M)

No, pitbulls are the niggers of animals.

Attached: 1650636000308.webm (480x480, 480.94K)


Attached: tiger.jpg (640x335, 221.77K)

untrue. Dogs are literally niggers in animal form

Attached: nigger.png (750x500, 496.68K)

me on the left

Attached: 1635658115770.png (700x933, 850.13K)


Attached: 1558849112069.png (300x488, 277.35K)

>lol look how funny, the baby is terrified! he thinks that niggerbull is gonna maul him

Attached: 1553047731302.png (357x303, 96.45K)

>tfw always grabbing free toilet paper for my kot to play with

that poor kid is going to grow up scared of dogs

But how can they scale 90° flat surfaces with such ease. How are they able to grab a solid surface like a brick wall and climb it?


Attached: blini.png (228x201, 9.96K)

Joe Biden cat

claws and momentum

maybe its for the best since most dog owners these days dont even bother training them and just chain them up in a tiny cage for their entire lives.

An exclusive game will always look bad

Hog frens

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