Touhou would be better as a cute, colorful jrpg than as the boring, frustrating and unfulfilling bullet-hell it is today
Touhou would be better as a cute, colorful jrpg than as the boring, frustrating and unfulfilling bullet-hell it is today
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>Touhou would be better as a cute, colorful jrpg
>Touhou would be better as a cute, colorful jrpg than as the boring, frustrating and unfulfilling bullet-hell it is today
Touhou would be better as a dating sim with only one route
dont you like being able to chat and seduce ladies in rpg games, faggots? what do you have against women? do you prefer men?
I would like a Yakuza style 2hu fighter game with all 6 protagonists playable.
Typical JRPGs suck ass.
A Touhou JRPG would suck ass
That's called a VN and they're for cucks.
literal reddit NPC opinion
made for adult human males
>Wojack posted
You shouldnt call others npcs when you save those images
I beat UM with Sakuya on normal
Saki + Marisa's shot deals absurd amounts of damage and I like it
Yakuza sucks ass. even SNES era beat-em-ups were better
VNs are based
>i disagree uh y-you're like uh reddit!!
you're a nigger and your mom is gay
Hello where are the 1ccs???
i don't get it seriously. what else is there to like about 2hu if you don't like the game and music? fumos? R18 doujins?
post some sexy gyates and we'll talk
give me a game that's not DDC
the people who complain about gatekeeping are exactly the sort who should be kept out
jrpgs suck dick
UFO Lunatic MarisaB
>Touhou JRPG by Zun/tasofraud would suck ass
Genius of Sappheiros and Labyrinth of Touhou are kino.
I dont play touhou, i never join these threads i just came here to see the coomer posts and i see some retard thats worse than them
Go outside and get a family
>more hidden posts than visible
Off to a great start.
fucking destroyed
Unconnected Marketeers! If you have already cleared the game, try getting the alternate ending by buying the empty card at the end of stage 5.
but I already have all the secret endings
Then play it NB
>Touhou would be better as a cute, colorful jrpg than as the boring, frustrating and unfulfilling bullet-hell it is today
>I'm too shit to shit up this fandom boohoo
Yet another fucking 1MNB
Congratulations, you're even worse than the wojakposter. At least that faggot plays the games
Just play UFO Lunatic with MarisaB
>I dont play touhou, i never join these threads i just came here to see the coomer posts
you're not a touhou "fan". you just like fapping to anime girls. maybe bugmen gachashit like genchink and GFL is more suitable for your tastes.
Give me a shottype for DDC, a difficulty (that is not lunatic) and a rule (like no vertical, one eye etc.)
If you haven't 1CC'd a touhou game you are not a touhou fan or a real woman.
Marisa A
No shotgunning
Have fun
MarisaA no Bomb no Focus and you have to time out every spell card
Here is the lake, but where is the mist
fluffy 2hu
Made it to Patchouli, but lost too many lives to Meiling before that. I just don't get why she's filtering me, her patterns are easy
Any tips for Metal Fatigue apart from bombing my way through it?
Sakuya A, easy, take it easy
>Metal Fatigue
Look ahead of your character. Find the gaps.
Hold shift for focused movement
No. Also holy fuck, I'm finally done.
Going to back to doing good art again?
Post chart
I was gonna draw Tewi getting guillotined while getting gangraped or something, so yes. Unless you mean MS Paint art then also yes.
>Post ch-
Now play DDC with Sakuya A
Nigga leave Tewi alone
Touhou would be better if it didn't have dried up old hags
It'll just be a funny prank like in that one Xiaohua guillotine set, so no harm no foul. Plus, I wanna practice drawing squirting and some perspective other than front facing.
I'm too tired to draw
Whew that is one fertile hag body
I think I'd rather wan shee shee WBAWC next or PCB.
>I was gonna draw Tewi getting guillotined while getting gangraped or something
Where is waggysaggy?
You haven't watched Kamen Rider Stronger. You aren't allowed to use that reaction image.
Because I'd rather draw that than what I originally said I was gonna draw of Tewi (and Reimu).
>another /jp/ raid thread
Fuck off from Yea Forums already
by that logic you're not allowed to watch porn or jerk off since you've never seen a pussy or had sex
>make 1cc thread (VIDEO GAMES) and thread gets autosaged or deleted
>some faggot makes this thread and it will hit the bump limit
Not like this...
I enjoy wholesome art, please consider making some with Tewi.
what the fuck dude, Reimu should kick your ass
>I was gonna draw Tewi getting guillotined while getting gangraped or something,
I have never watched porn in my life.
>he wants to talk about video games
>on Yea Forums
This evening while you play Touhou what are you having to drink?
Spring is here!
foxy juice
you will never be a janitor
Rum, rum and some rum with more rum.
i think it would be better as a city builder tbqh
Just take it you double rainbow
Should i try 1CCing DDC today?
Is that so?
Go for SA instead.
I already 1CCd SA
most skippable game in the series
play GFW instead
With Marisa A
I've crossed Reimu (/jp/) off the list, so Reimu (Reimu) should be thankful.
only if you NB with MarisaB
That is so!
alright real talk: would op's idea be good IF combat was structured similarly to undertale's where its a mix of jrpg and bullet hell?
not really a fan of undertale, just using it as a example.
>play the 2nd shittiest game after LoLK
I can't say because I'm biased and I hate JRPGs so I don't want any. I'm only contributing because it's been hours since the last proper Touhou thread that wasn't pruned or archived because nobody cared to bump it
Would you say Touhou deserves the ludicrous amount of fanart it gets? I'm like 70% done with the series and i'd say no
You didn't beat it
why doesn't it?
1cc threads are usually spam. there are so many, so often, all at once... this thread, on the other hand, is cute and based. youre just a fag
A SRPG with a focus on tactical positioning (dodging spellcards) would be neat
It would be better either way. It is carried hard by headcanon and conformism nowadays. Even waifu shitting has been overtaken by vtrash and gacha games.
That is not soda, it's Rumia
post chart