LGBT: The Videogayme


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Lol. Eunuch Cuck Simulator

That's a shitty and boring trailer.
But hating on this customization proves you guys never played saint's row before.

I've never seen this much wokeness stuffed in a videogame...
Let's recap:
Female main narrator, mostly female characters, loads of fuchsia and cyan, and neon and flashy colors, lots of black people, trans characters, full body type customization for inclusiveness, genitals customization...
Yep, reality check incoming for these idiots.

Is that Adam Lambert?

AA+ devs made their (((bed))). They can get fucked in it.

If Volition survives after this ... they'll just look at this massacre a year later and will just conclude: "For our next project, lets take a safe route and just Remake Saints Row 1 ... "

Reality check incoming for Volition: They will soon realize that these "gamers" they are pandering to, don't buy games.

>Randy the Tranny

>But hating on this customization proves you guys never played saint's row before.

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back in my day, faggot clothing options were restricted to hidden stores around the game world and not treated like a guided missile to them, you had to find them through your own curiosity, and even then the outfits found within were not meant to be taken seriously
saints row has gone from being a mostly series game to a game that's completely retarded and now to a game that's completely retarded but takes itself seriously
what a fucking joke

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Nobody is hating on the customization itself. All they had to do was not be obnoxious flaming faggots about it. All these "randy the tranny" options are now included with 100% sincerity for representation and diversity, no humor intended.

>faggot clothing options were restricted to hidden stores around the game world and not treated like a guided missile to them

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Fucking this. They knew what they were doing when making that trailer pandering their hardest to that demographic. The funny part is they never buy the games anyway, all that pandering for nothing kek

is this a Yea Forums reference?

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They wont, if they survive it they will just keep making games like this or same but with less effort. As for the Remaster of SR1 I dont want them to touch it. The game will end up being like the GTA Remasters, in which case they can fucking keep it

Man what the fuck is up with this torquise and pink spam? these devs always use this combination when the game suppose to be zanny and funny.

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if you only knew how bad it really was

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Is this the "complain about a character creator with TOO MANY optional OPTIONS" thread?


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You know youu can make whatever creation you like right? Why do chuds always get offended by more options? Don't want this character, don't make it

Chad Ginger Powder vs Virgin SRR Tranny

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60 sjw's per second


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Yea it has so many options that it doesn't even need a titty slider.If i still got to go and get mods to make a titty monster than your character creator is trash.

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Words have no meaning on Yea Forums at all

The series peaked at 2

To be fair, 90% of trannies are commies

>Words have no meaning on Yea Forums at all

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So loli is fascist?

Most of the time yeah

butthurt fascist

>All these actual game images
>Then a randomly placed image of The New Day
lmao, even

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>butthurt fascist

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Oh look I broke it

you dumb kikes will always lose kek you always kvetch out at the end just look at ukraine, always the sore ass looooosers :DDD

>Oh look I broke it

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Kike is another one of those meaningless words here on Yea Forums. In fact it seems like ever other word just means 'person I disagree with'

You Marxist kike

I should've figured this was going to be the newest "Yea Forums gets mad" image when I first saw it.

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Why does it look like everything's floating above the ground

When are we going to expel Jews from videogames, Yea Forums? They are the direct cause of this

you retards are desperate to keep this shit going

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let's see how many formats can you use

It would change absolutely nothing you damn fool. You're condemned to always lose because you're tilting at windmills.

>tilting at windmills

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Jewish hands typed this post.

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>take an anti-capitalist meme
>pretend it's about you
You're fighting to preserve all of that.

>instead of a gang of thugs you get a gang of hipsters

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The petty shit you guys get assmad over is embarrassing.

I wonder if they will include the P for this game. Go fulled pozzed and hit the LGBTP crowd

as embarrassing as stinking of shit from your groin wound?

>retarded commie doesn't know about how fascism is both anti-capitalism and anti-communism
Capitalism enables degeneracy, communism caters towards said degenerates.

fighting to preserve it by removing the cause of it?

Pozzshit aside, the game looks really unappealing. Arstyle is ugly and the whole premise of a band of Californian gender studies undergraduates turning criminals to pay college debt is stupid and doesn't even make for a good parody.

>fascism is both anti-capitalism and anti-communism
niggers really believe this.

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Yea wtf is this gay shit?Look like a california pride parade.

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>White genocide isnt real

Fuck pol was right all along.

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Fascism isn't anti-capitalist, it's hypercapitalist.
No, by pretending the only flaw with the system is some spooky boogeyman falsely manipulating things behind the scenes. There is no boogeyman, this is the system working as intended.

I'm gonna make Duke Nukem.

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pretty sure devs confirmed the sex appeal slider is back you fart-sucking retard

nobody outside of 4chin took this seriously, let it go

Pol was right again

The world needs to be saved from degeneracy

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>Fascism isn't anti-capitalist, it's hypercapitalist

You get all your information about facism from tv huh

why is this thread slow as hell

Since I don't have one, this is way more embarrassing. Imagine getting angry over this.

How is fascism "hyper-capitalist"?
Read the 25 points.
>11. Abolition of unearned (work and labour) incomes. Breaking of rent-slavery.
>12. Total confiscation of all war-profits
>17. No land taxes and banning speculation (buying land to sell it)
Not to mention they kicked out international capitalists.
They're a danger to capitalism, which is why the Capitalist calls any right-winger a nazi and any nazi a terrorist.