Elins use to own this board

Elins use to own this board.

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rip in peace

Times change user

It's not funny to be a pedophile anymore

i love sexy kids

Now we do

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It's now cute and funny

Yea Forums is a lalafell board.

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I agree, it will however be HILARIOUS to watch projecting actual kiddy diddling pedos like you hang from a streetlamp when you're dragged from your house screaming

You're right, it's not funny.
It's based.

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Yes it is.

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There will never be a better race than Elin in an MMO.

Maybe in 2011 before dark times.

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These things may have been my first major descent into cunny hell.

>get called out for being a degenerate pedophile
>n-no u hahaha g-gottem
kill yourself degenerate

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denial won't save you
you self-appointed anti pedo crusaders are all the same, projecting trash hoping if you scream loud enough at the people liking 2D no one will ever notice you jerking your chode to 3D or worse, touching actual kids probably family members. Thankfully you doth protest so much you eventually get caught and meanwhile, 2D enjoyers get to laugh at you while you get the shit beaten out of you in prison or even better, gutted like a pig.

malding lol

tl;dr, shit bait, kill yourself

Your argument?

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Granted you are the pedo rapist. Classic overcompensation

More projection from the closet pedo, hilarious


I need an elin.

Now they're compost like the pedos that shipped them many years ago.

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>Elins use to own this board.
Now Esteban owns this board.

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*unzips pantsu*

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Hey you! Pantsu doesn't even have zippers.
I'll have to confiscate those illegally modified pantsu and bring them in for a thorough inspection.

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It's not funny to pretend to be a woman either, yet here you are

I'm a man you fucking loser

>tfw I never migrated my characters and now they're gone.

I wanted to play one last time.. I guess it only lives in my memories now.

>migrated accounts
>played for a little bit
>They banned my VPN so now I can't play again because I moved to Japan

Anti-2DLoli fags are idiots.
Imagine being the unfunny type of intelectualoid just because you think a drawing causes real life cases. (and you as an adult care about it)
If you got molested as a child you probably deserved it. kys.

Kill yourself tranny. Only 2 genders.

I got some creepy vibes once I reached the main city area and saw that 90% of were elins wearing slut outfits.
Only pedos will miss this game

I love the groomer spiral, you pretend to have a point and then just Troon out and admit you're disgusting.

Trannies are groomers. You're game isn't working, everyone already (rightly) pedos with trannies.

Just pull up the gay pride parade photos that pol found, thats you dancing with children you nasty pedo freak.

>everyone already (rightly) pedos with trannies
Can /pol/chuds speak english?

It seemed obvious that you'd fill in the word "associates" via context so I didn't say anything. Not really an argument either.

>creepy vibes

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>It seemed obvious that you'd fill in the word "associates" via context so I didn't say anything.
>so I didn't say anything
>I purposly dropped a word in my sentence, because it was obvious to me

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Who cares if I'm a terrible person.
At the end of the day, I have a place to live and I get paid, unlike the tran leftoids.

KYS tranny.

Just make a new character. I made it to level 20 in less than half an hour doing nothing but mining rocks in Lumbertown. The game is hilarious broken.


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Elin are for lewds.

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Sorry calling you out for the pedo you are has triggered you

I prefer high elf.
Post tera elves are soulless as fuck, typical korean plastic doll, so bland.
Tera high elf was so elegant so sexy so feminine man

At first, peoples like elin because they had tini hit box and faster animation than most.

TERA's the only game in which I actually liked female humans.

not enough ass for all that thigh, lots of games do that which is annoying


Lyn > Elin

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They look like kids...


Eh. Could never get interested in them plus they're attached to a glorified dueling game.


