Weakest Polish man in gaming.
Weakest Polish man in gaming
he's Jewish
What happened to wolfenstein? Its reboot seemed like a major success just a few years ago
>yfw the nazis have blue beachballs with your face on them
id isn't making any games ATM. wonder what they're up to?
people realized it had nothing special going for it and was only hyped as fuck due to nazi man bad while unironically featuring an MC that looks like someone hitler would have considered as the perfect human being
30% of Poland was Jewish before WW2
>nazi man bad while unironically featuring an MC that looks like someone hitler would have considered as the perfect human being
isn't that the joke?
it would have worked as a joke, but they actually went 100% straight with it, not to mention the laughable bit about jews being the game universe's actual ubermensch super-inventor race who the cartoon villain germans stole all their tech from, including the fine art of making fucking concrete
Why his in game model looks so different though?
they did this in the original game too chuddy nothing changed blascowitz was always aryan looking, that's the joke retard
1992 is best. 2017 looks like SHIT.
Yea so 30% of Poland was not Polish
Still like Return's the best. Blue eyes + dark brown hair is a killer combo.
2014 > 2001 > 1992 > the rest
Strongest polish man.
Everything changed, stop deluding yourself. In the original it was in jest, in nu Wolfenstein games its 100% being serious about Jews looking like humans
>lol ok get this
>we take the aryan ideal
>and make him HATE nazis and say globohomo, multiculturalism, feminism, and white genocide are based
2009 soul
Something makes me think you have blue eyes and dark brown hair
Honestly, I like the 2017 version best. The scar is dumb, but it works.
Scar is fine, the choker keeping his head attached is not.
Games good because you get to shoot people like you. It hard to understand I know but normal people would be enjoy shooting you so you can be forgiven for being confused about the appeal of the game since your perspective is from the evil stupid piece of shit side.
You try too hard
Anytime I see a choker I think of a goddamn tranny and not the hot goth chick I should
...goddamned nihher jew propaganda
>First one was about a proud beefy American dude who wanted to kill nazis because....they were nazis, what more do you need to explain than that? He also despite looking like some dumb jock, OCCASIONALLY had some inner thoughts that he revealed not to quickly dismiss the dude as little more than a prop for us to control in the game.
>Second one has it's focus on trying to explain why the nazis were bad and giving a painful backstory on why this beefy American dude would personally hate nazis. Also rather than sticking with "more to him than his dumb jock look", they wouldn't stop the inner thoughts as though we should expect him to be the next Shakespeare rather than a beefy American dude who wants to kill the nazis. Futhermore they added a character that the writers placed clearly so they could push her as a "strong independent woman" that isn't a romantically linked to the protagonist. Which complaining about regardless of how easily could see the "push" the game for it, may be reasonable in suggesting has a whiff of sexism....except there already was a a "strong independent woman" that wasn't romantically linked to the protagonist in the first game....who wasn't pushed as such, was loved by pretty much everyone who played the game and was fridged in the open mission of the 2nd so this new woman could take her exact position in the group.
>3rd game is alot of issues with that come with being a multiplayer game for a single player series, especially one that was so lazy in trying to handle in how to go about it. But mostly because it tells us that in a universe where the nazis get their hands on super-tech, took over the world and even had space stations, when most the rest of the world finally manages to "defeat" the nazis, they let the nazis continue to control most of north west Europe for DECADES later because of "reasons" rather than ending them completely.
Everything good has been ruined by trannies.
>thigh highs
>Note of which the 3rd game in the "BJ" trilogy that people are promised will be a prequel to "3rd" game that has already released. So we know ahead of time that we won't "beat" the nazis in the 3rd act and that BJ will fall into a depression because he saw that Hitler's going to have the last laugh as his death will be the cause of apocalypse that'll happen a little over 20 years later.
>>First one was about a proud beefy American dude who wanted to kill nazis because....they were nazis, what more do you need to explain than that?
>>Second one has it's focus on trying to explain why the nazis were bad and giving a painful backstory on why this beefy American dude would personally hate nazis.
I never thought about it like that, but it really is that simple as to why I hate the 2nd game (among other things). What were they thinking? Thanks for summing it up concisely.
Nazis and hitler-bootlickers have only been getting more uppity in the last few years so my appreciation has increased for Wolfenstein.
didnt read
Story in a Wolfenstein game is like story in a porn movie. It's expected to be there, but it's not that important.
Bethesda was desperate to get on GAAS so they forced MG and Arkane who generally excel in more linear, deliberately paced environments and the more open "immersive sims" to try to turn Wolfenstein into their own Destiny with a bunch of repeating missions. This was also around the same time as Fallout 76 and Elder Scrolls Blades so basically every franchise that wasn't already actively doing something in the leadup to the end of the decade launches was dragged into this wackiness.
God knows they'll try it with Redfall too.
Youngblood came out and killed the series
spot on
Despite everything I still think he did a decent job, great even in TNO and TOB.
I absolutely love the introspective monologues he gives during the gameplay since it's a creative way to give BJ some more character without relying on unskippable cutscenes.
why wouldn't it be fine?, that's some cool ass Frankenstein shit if you ask me.
Have you considered that you might be a huge homo?, you definitely have become one if you can't enjoy any of those tbqh.
Strongest Polish man
>>First one was about a proud beefy American dude who wanted to kill nazis because....they were nazis, what more do you need to explain than that?
what a dishonest post, typical Yea Forums
there's an entire long-ass chapter in TNO set in a concentration camp with barely any gameplay which goal is to remind you that Nazis are, indeed, very bad
not to mention the hospital opening
>fat face polak if he made by nogmutt
way to miss the entire point of his fucking post
BJ was killing Nazis in New Order because they were doing Nazi shit. New Colossus turned it into a revenge fantasy against BJ's racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, dog-killing, wife-beating Father.
Why does this look so realistic?
BJ was killing Nazis because they were Nazis, he iterates that multiple times, no matter what they personally did or did not they were the enemy
he specifically derived pleasure from killing Nazis
>interesting thread on Yea Forums
>immediately derailed into idpol shitflinging
>"leftard this rightoid that"
can you niggers please shut up for a minute? well, i guess this is all thanks to american devs shoving in idpol in their games in the first place
I thought it was for patriotic reasons too many rightoids forget he's a hard american nationalist at heart
How the fuck did they make killing Nazis seem utterly boring in the last 2 games?
Nu-Wolf is made by swedes
swedes are americans but tall and blonde
I think it's because that's all he has left in life. Well, had until Anya. It's funny when you consider nuWolf soft-confirms that 3D, RtCW and 2009 all happened. The man is basically a Doomguy in a more grounded setting.