>no news for the entirety of April
>basically only time for 2 more trailers before release
Is it over?
>no news for the entirety of April
>basically only time for 2 more trailers before release
Is it over?
I really don't understand why they're dripfeeding content so fucking slowly. Even just a couple of short clips showing some returning monsters would be enough to keep discussion going.
>I really don't understand why they're dripfeeding content so fucking slowly.
Because they barely have anything to show, obviously.
It’s gonna be great by virtue of there never being a bad G rank game, but Capcom is being extra obnoxious right now
Not like I care about spoilers, it’s fucking MonHun
bros mon hun went from my fave game franchise that is the only reason i bought a 3ds/ps4/switch to not giving a flying fuck about sunbreak. i hope they fix a lot of the problems i have with the base game
Rise was good side content before the next mainline game coming out next year
I remember being really fucking hyped about 4u so i managed to get a 3ds so i could play it. Then came mhx and i pirated my 3ds so i could play it with an english patch.
If theres a new monster hunter game, i will play it and get hyped for it.
Sunbreak feels... Idk, i don't want to buy it yet, not until i see something of value.
nvidia leaks already showed next monster hunter is coming dude, no point to invest anymore after sunbreak
I feel like its gonna be rise release all over again, a blatantly unfinished game with cut content disguised as post game updates
Don't want to get into details due to my job. But I can tell you even monhun merch is at a near all time low too
Capcom reconfirms that MHS2 was a succcess, they finally got their successful MH spin off series. Expansion when? Seriously, the leaks mentioned a expansion based on Rise.
I would just release this and then go back to making the next mainline game. Its been long enough since World and we need to get back to modern MH and let ps1 MH die with Rise
What capcom needs to do is cut a deal with BadDragon so that they have rights to make Monster Hunter themed dildoes and pocket pussies.
base rise blows base world out of the water, base world roster was fucking horrible.
Also i hope they will never do unskippable custcenes again like in world.
Rise's roster is better bu teverything else is worse
>Better maps
>Better music
>Better village
>Better QoL
>Better characters
>Better story
>golemgorillanigga monster looking like its from a shadow of the colossus cutting room floor
>supposedly one of the three lords
>looks slower than a fucking low rank anjanath
Faster doesn't necessarily equal better when most of the weapons aren't built for it, even in base Rise weapons like CB already couldn't consistently get damage in without constantly risking trades
But that's also just an issue of new MH games having absolutely no consistency in its weapons
>>Better characters
>Better maps
>Better music
>Better village
>Better QoL
>Better story
Mind-control cryptic dragon poetry is the stupidest thing in the franchise.
>Mind-control cryptic dragon poetry is the stupidest thing in the franchise
Significantly less stupid than Captain Planet Nergigante
Astera is objectively bad because it's gondola and design is just shit. Capcom even admitted that they messed up and would rectify it with Seliana.
more of the same
wake me up when a new mh game hits
meh the combat changes were kinda fun at first but once the novelty wore off i found i enjoyed it much less than world. no apex/hyper/tembered system also kinda sucked. Having said that I definitely got burnt out with World fairly quickly once I hit end game, thats why im still holding out a bit of hope for Sunbreak.
>>Better maps
>>Better village
No, objective.
World's maps are prettier, but they're way more annoying to navigate. In Rise they didn't even have to implement the GPS bugs because you can just go in any direction, and you don't risk getting stuck in a labyrinthine clusterfuck of paths.
The village is better because it's more condensed. World's villages are more organic and again prettier, but they're considerably less efficient.
Let's be honest, is anyone looking forward to Sunbreak?
My friend and I managed to do all of the story important hub quests plus grind for the gear we wanted in 100 - 110 hours. Our conclusions were, while somewhat fun, it just seems to be lacking in difficulty and meaningful content since most of the DLC fights are reskins and the rampages are pretty repetitive.
>this game lacks content and difficulty
>what's this? Content and difficulty? PASS
It lacked neither of those.
Maybe play past the credits next time.
Most of the shit shown in Sunbreak has been reskins of existing monsters and then three flagship monsters added in with an elder dragon from World. It doesn't seem like we're getting much added in terms of content. Literally 6 "new" monsters on Capcom's site.
What Sunbreak needs to add isn't content, it's better combat. Rise has too many fundamental issues in its gameplay and Sunbreak doesn't look like it's addressing any of that because it's just a casual pick up and play title and you're not meant to engage with its mechanics on any serious level.
>Most of the shit shown in Sunbreak has been reskins of existing monsters and then three flagship monsters added in with an elder dragon from World
Literally the only part of this statement that's correct is that there are three flagship monsters
We already know that there are going to be subspecies of Bishaten, , Almudron, Aknosom, Tetranadon, Somnacanth, Goss Harag and Rakna-Kadaki. We also know that the launch roster of the game will be around 20 monsters before DLC, from Capcom leaks.
There's not much space left.
>Rise has too many fundamental issues in its gameplay
such as?
Input buffer and dropped inputs
Weird combo windows
Gimped iframes and evade distance compared to even the old games
Airborne hitboxes
Overcentralizing silkbinds
Wyvern riding
I just want more stuff for Gunlance in Sunbreak.
Rise's Gunlance is actually pretty fun and I'm scared the Monster Hunter will ruin it.......again.
Anyone else think Wyvern Riding had an increasingly negative effect on the map design in Rise?
You're just going to do even less damage relative to other weapons because G rank.
Also Rise GL is the worst incarnation of the weapon yet.
That's all weird nitpicky technical stuff that no casual player is ever going to notice or even understand. Why would they waste time and resources on that instead of cool new moves and gimmicks that they can put in trailers and actually attract players with?
>gimped evade distance
You have not played the game.
Base evade distance. I know that the armor skill now makes you roll absurdly far, but gimping your base capabilities and then selling it back to you with new systems or armor skills is one of the worst practices these games do.
the G rank parts of FU were the weakest so I'd say Freedom 2 is the good game and FU is actually a bad G rank game
Again. You have not played the game.
If you're forced to make up things, your core argument is probably not very good and you're too emotionally invested in it
What exactly am I making up?
>but they're way more annoying to navigate
literally only the forest presents any challenge at all to navigate in world
Leaks said 20-30 extra monsters, but honestly that's probably lowballing it
20-30 is with DLC.
Rise's monster count in the Capcom leaks was 40, and that's exactly what we had after title updates, minus Apexes.
>Better music
>Better characters
>Better story
Utterly irrelevant and the story one isn't even true
I hope that mean no retarded feature like Clutch Claw added to it, just more of what we already have.
I want a fucking demo but I know we can't have it until they show a round of new wireskills
Don't invest in that either user, common sense leaks told me another one is coming after that too
>no news for the entirety of April
why does there need to be?
Rise's story is better because the game doesn't force me to sit through it.
Extreme apex are litterally that, but without that dopamine special drop people seem to hate em lol
Because the expansion is coming out in 2 months and they've shown a total of 6 monsters. And half of those haven't even had proper gameplay reveals yet so they'll get rehashed more in marketing.
I care less about the monster reveals and more about what kind of changes they're making to weapon balancing.
They could reveal 10 new monsters per week and I still wouldn't be excited for Rise, because as a Lance, Dual Blades and Hammer player, I don't want my playstyle to be 50 hours or 60 hours (or however many hours it takes to beat Sunbreak's final boss) of going through Sunbreak while spamming Spiral Thrust, Demon Flight and Impact Crater respectively. I don't want to go through that shit again.
More generally, I need to know if they're gonna rebalance weapons so that efficient play doesn't involve having 70-80% of your damage output originate from one type of move.
You know why SNS was so amazing in MHGU? It's because you had to use your full moveset and no single move made up like 70-80% of your damage output.
The same with Lance in World/IB or Insect Glaive in MH4U.
I want weapons to be like that again. I don't want to design my gameplan when hunting a monster around fitting in as many [insert overpowered move here] as possible.
Does force you to play through rampages which are a large part of the story
No G rank ever added more then 4/5 NEW monsters user
I don't get why you get angry only now
>if they're gonna rebalance weapons so that efficient play doesn't involve having 70-80% of your damage output originate from one type of move
That would make Sunbreak the first MH of its kind, so I wouldn't get my hopes up.
>That would make Sunbreak the first MH of its kind, so I wouldn't get my hopes up.
That's not true.
Did you not read the end of my post? I cited three weapons from three different games where that was not the case. I could cite more specific examples.
MH is weighed down by over 15 years of legacy baggage and people bitch if any of it gets touched or changed in any way. The overcentralization is a symptom of the fact that Capcom cannot meaningfully iterate on MH combat without creating new systems that overshadow all the old stuff, because the basic movesets always have to stay relatively intact.
>Input buffer and dropped inputs
>Weird combo windows
That can totally be fixed user (I won't say I didn't have too many problem because personal experience doesn't matter really)
>Gimped iframes and evade distance compared to even the old games
Use the tools of the game, OR git gud unironically
>Airborne hitboxes
Can be fixed for sure, pretty minor anyway
>Overcentralizing silkbinds
It's part of your weapon user, it's perfectly fine considering it's an important feature of the game
>Wyvern riding
AAAAA fuck that shit, I agree, just remove it and make it so you can only crash it into a wall/monsters for a few moments to free attack
>Several hours of unskippable cutscenes + forced walking segments
>Comparable to maybe an hour of slightly non-standard gameplay
You are "forced" to play 2, and it's still gameplay at least
GU SnS was one combo and Round Force on cooldown.
4U IG barely ever deviated from one of the following things:
Poke with standing X
XXA loop
Poke with standing A into standing X
GU IG would be a better example.
Also G rank expansions honestly have really mediocre rosters of new monster additions for the most part. Iceborne was an exception. Rise is fairly likely to be much more in line with previous G rank expansions which were just subspecies + a few new monsters + a handful of returning ones with a bunch of trash mons and a couple of standouts
>Use the tools of the game
It's just not fun being railroaded into wirebug gimmicks not because they feel good to use but because they made your basic tools worse.
>It's part of your weapon user
No it's not, it's a tacked on special move that overshadows your basic moveset entirely.
>Did you not read the end of my post?
Yeah you wrote that, but that's just a lie so user ignored it
Also they made aerial IG "acceptable" for once and you sperg about 4U broken glaive
Most of the wireskills use your weapon and are litterally part of the gameplay of the weapon, some are litterally normal moves with a wirebug on it, like Wyvern dive for IG
You are just angry about the while wirebug flavour
Why are the Japanese so brain dead?
Just fucking release a Monster hunter online that's between world and rise in terms of graphics quality and release an expansion each year for a decade. Free money. Add micro transactions out the ass.
Have been playing since Freedom 2 and I'm not a huge fan of Rise but the music was really fucking good. I guess the only bad thing about it is that not every monsters get their own themes, only the most popular ones.
I haven't been too much into MH Rises' discussions having bought the game like two months ago. It may sound silly to say about a portable game, but I kinda miss the sort of immersive designs the games used to have. Warm and Cold, climbing took some time and effort and monsters appeared like living entities instead of a moving hit block. It really felt like a bunch of prehistorical hunters hunting monsters and dragons, this is the MCU version of it. Now it's so arcady with flying UI stuff on the screen. I've seen so many people online resort to Bow and ranged weapons on elder dragons and apex because they're just not fun and don't want to bother fighting them close range. I'd love a return to a more slower, semi-realistic and immersive monster hunter.
Lierally in rise there are large pits and cliffs in all maps that are a pain in the ass climb. Ill take the labrynth over getting knocked 30 meters down and scrambling for a way to get back up again. Even with the wirebug, that shits annoying
The rise OST is much more hit and miss
Mizutsune's track is an improvement but some other tracks like the chameleos's are actually gutted and seem to completely miss the point of the track
Rise flopped in general so naturally people won't put heavy affords into its dlc
8 million sales single platform is a flop now?
Chameleos is great, wtf are you saying.
The only one I really hated somehow is Narga one, doesn't feel like a good remake but also doesn't feel like it add anything interesting
For example, I like new rajang one. Not because it's better then the original or anything, but because the moment where the sound nearly stop and the vocal happen give a pretty cool eerie vibe
flopping is a state of mind
It feels like they just give up on this game and are just throwing a g-rank expansion to keep people occupied while they're working on a real MH game.
I'm not angry about the wirebug flavor, I'm angry about them making up way too much of your damage output, or compromising your weapon's gameplay. You could rebrand them as hunter arts that use some auto-regenerating meter and I'd still hate them not because they use bugs but because they're stupid 200-300 MV super moves that you can use constantly, or mechanics that destroy the fundamental gameplan of your weapon
Why play CB normally when CPP can just instantly refill your phials over and over and over and they also made SAED way worse to balance out the power of CPP
>Chameleos is great, wtf are you saying.
No it's fucking not
It ruins the "threat hidden in the mist" feeling the original evokes by adding some vocals that just don't fit the monster. Even the intro is trying to be much more grandiose rather than threatening. The newer one slows down at some points like the chorus which the original never did which gave the idea of a continuous fight against an unseen threat.
The new theme is fucking garbage
I’d unironically play the fuck out of it. Just as long as the female hunters have boob jiggle and you can take screenshots, then I’ll be sold.