Is it really worth it to lose sales by forcing ugly designs?

Is it really worth it to lose sales by forcing ugly designs?

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Normal people don't buy games based on how a character looks. And those that do should save the money for therapy.

i jerk off to the overwatch girls but will never play it. just make a good video game and people will play it. tits can only enhance your shit game so much

HZD1 sold 20 million copies...

Elden ring doesn't have good looking characters, they don't have ugly ones either. Horizon has ugly characters

Vanille from FF13 should've been the protag

No one cares about sales, its all about western propaganda.
Not to mention everyone from this board would rather play uggos and trannies and movies games than gachas

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Aside from the tons of money these games get in terms of promotion, Horizon was constantly included in bundles.

No matter how much you cope, reality shows otherwise. Also you will never get your dick back.

>Elden ring doesn't have good looking characters
You shut your whore mouth, Rya is CUTE

so only trannies and söytards are normal in your opinion?

They unironically do. Why do you think more and more normies are after anime? They miss colors and beauty.
Make a poll or thread about favorite couple or character and most of them will post white couples or white characters

Cool character design has genuinelly been a tipping factor for me buying some games

Normal people buy games primarily based on how they look.

Compare Life is Strange 1 sales and discussion to LiS2 and Li3

Gacha haters are legit 60 iq monkeys who know they couldnt ressist whaling because of their impulsivity but are too proud to admit

Forspoken looks the same and the actress/character is hot. Just Yea Forumsiggers sperging like usual because brown bad

I don't buy games with 3D people. They are gross looking and look like gorillas both men and women alike.

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Based Rika poster

Her outfits are bad

Fuck off rikafag

There is also an occasional proud declaration "But I never paid any money!"

Aloy was arguably less ugly in hzd

No, it isn’t.
People are naturally inclined to avoid ugly people. It’s in our DNA to like attractive people more. We are quite literally evolutionarily inclined to seek someone attractive compared to someone ugly thanks to the ol’ need to breed. Why would you intentionally sabotage your own paycheck with a shit design?
If game designers stopped trying to make shit look “realistic”, stop face-scanning, stop with the fucking stupid same ugly-ass character design philosophy and make some better-looking characters then sales would be much better. Customer satisfaction would be much higher.

Smut for girls is more or less intact, "patriarchal" as it is. It's a bit of a "war between the sexes", see?

This. Hell I remember some ugly Fairy tranny in horizon 2 being posted here. Who in the actual fuck wants to see some creepy guy who looks like those pedophiles who observe kids during break time in schools? Where are the copp secondary characters? Hell any romance option for Aloy? Anything?

Look at life is strange, main characters are cute and people get invested

I agree she is ugly OP but what is this lie meme about "won't sell" that is always stated when these games are released? They sell fuck loads. Millions of copies. How can publishers be anything but encouraged that these games are what people want? Serious question because if someone asked me who is "winning the mainstream war" for games it's not what i prefer.

If you live and breathe onions, sure
These faggots just love to jerk each other off in their inner circles

Thats like saying if you hired ugly actors in hollywood you wouldn’t expect sales to drop. You’re dumb.

Horizon 2 and tlou2 sell less

>5.99 USD price tag.
>20 different PS4 Bundles.

>sell millions
>still don't make a profit
Increasingly common.

Typed onions
Somehow turns onions

To this day one of the most popular ships are the Supernatural brothers just because both actors are hot
You will never saw women discussing interracial ships and any other ugly ships


>meanwhile the least lewd Korean gatcha

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Than what? Their former games have been out ages.

Nigga the only reason TWD show is still surviving is because of pic related. They let Negan just because people liked the actor too
Remove those 2 and the series die for good
TWD Beyond spin off died because of the fucking ugly cast
The Witcher Netflix is barely talked about and you even feel sorry for Cavill for having to fuck ugly grandmas. Compare it to people talking about GoT characters

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Can you provide a source for me on this?

can you actually show us how much sold for what and at what margin though? These statements are worthless if you don't actually know it to he successful or unsuccessful.

Uuooooooooooooh SEX

But botw was also in almost every switch bundle
Bundle is a retarded argument

I like the third one, she pretty cute in game and on art.

what do you mean sex. it's a woman sitting on her fat ass.

No matter how much you want to cope people are inherently drawn to attractive characters. You will never normalize ugliness as being desirable.

My wife Ranni

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Of course people do. Its one of the biggest factors in media popularity.
Their goal is no longer to make money, at this stage its about spending the money they have accumulated through centuries of exploiting goyim, spending it to brainwash and turn everyone into slaves.

There was an image that someone posted that had around 20 PS4 bundles all including Horizon, and the fact that FW is selling less than the first one did kinda shows just how much retention it has.

BoTW was bundled with a 10 USD discount if you were to get them separate, and regardless, it is still being sold at almost full price to this day.

>Ugliness doesn't sell
ummm AAAsisters...

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>but what about!

Not him but that may be the case user but games with ugly realism sell and if you try to argue the majority of players just shout you down with "who cares what she looks like i am here to play a game. You are paying to play a video game."
You will be spoken to like the biggest retard in the world for even asking or pointing it out.

Pretty much all studies show this is false.

Millicent is beautiful

>There was an image that someone posted that had around 20 PS4 bundles all including Horizon
I still don't understand why this would not be a sale though. I see bundles all the time for consoles like switch or xbox.

I accept your concession

shit taste. The tarnished is dead like 5 second after her ending knowing how much of a backstabber she is

Disgusting fat rolls

There isn't a single man under 7/10 there

Bottom right doesn't look that bad.

that's the worst one

Hot white men

>Women can't be objects!!? fucking radical feminisrts destroying the beauty of women

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GEEEEE I wonder which character people remember more

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Yeah, its not like cute girl skins are always the top sellers in video games.

Shut up simpcel

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Literally what is the left one wearing. Just wear a poster saying DON'T FUCK ME


It does, but it's irritating to see people state how iconic HZ is when most of its sales came from bundles where most consumers wouldn't have bought the game as a standalone. FW flopped because it shows that Horizon, as a franchise, isn't that popular, so people should stop quoting "muh 20 million" like gospel.

Most of them are average at best. Most women don't find them that attractive.

Men don't have to be handsome, just rich.

20 millions for a new ip is fine

That's bullshit, they all have prominent jawlines, hollow-ish cheeks, full hairlines etc, nothing compared to genetic abortions like Horizon protagonist

>when most of its sales came from bundles where most consumers wouldn't have bought the game as a standalone
To me that sounds like the opposite though. Someone literally didn't own a PS4 until HZD came out and they bought the one that comes with the PS4. How is it supposed to be the opposite logic?


I know of a few girls who bought Heavy Rain just because of the cute agent guy

>Someone literally didn't own a PS4 until HZD came out and they bought the one that comes with the PS4.
my PS3 and PS4 both came with TLOU, and I never even started that game.
sometimes people just buy a console bundle because it's the only one offered at the store.

Women love chris redfield

reminder that "its bad because I cant jerk off to it" is not a valid criticism and just a reflection on your own shallowness

Putting aside this insane autistic cope, proving that leftoids are totally out of touch with basic human instinct and the world around them; if the character designs don’t matter then why bother to make them ugly on purpose?

>my PS3 and PS4 both came with TLOU, and I never even started that game.
>sometimes people just buy a console bundle because it's the only one offered at the store.
This is also all anecdotal and guess work though. It's why i think the entire premise of it "not counting" is dumb because we are just assuming other consumers intentions.

2B, Ryza and Sonic proved a good design helps to sell

gaslighting post

"They" Run Tweeter at loose and refused to sell it and actually earn money.
It should tell you what their priorities are: It's no longer profit, it's brain washing.

Went to a female chatgroup and they gave each guy a 2-4/10 rating.
Women prefer Leon while more men ogle at Chris.

It's even funnier seeing that Nadine made Unchared Chloe game lose sales, the ugly tranny killed tlou2 and soon GOWRagnarok will bomb just because of that smug nigger at the end of the trailer (my case, I enjoyed gow2018 for what it was but good lord if that triggered me)

the girl on the left is Solana from the cancelled ffxv dlc she's not Frey

they can live in fantasy land all they want, but 100% of women in real life will curl up in a ball in the face of any kind of adversity or conflict

>Putting aside this insane autistic cope
not him user but i feel like i am forever seeing people dismiss character design as unimportant. Any place where people post a thing like "this design is worse than the last game" or "she looks a bit weirder than she did before is almost allways met with a wall of normies who bought the game saying "omg who cares touch grass it's a video game none of what you said affects gameplay who looks at their character that much? Just jerk off to porn."

Wanting female characters to look appealing to men is sexist you fucking bigot

Nigga The Evil Within has a lot of females liking it

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Women love bara characters like chris
Reiner from AOT is adored by women you can see all the cis women on Yea Forums posting about him

On twitter?

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I think it's an example of how you can make a good design for a black woman Solana even combine some modern clothes and looks aesthetically good