Cyberpunk 2077 is the best shit in 6 years of West AAA games

Cyberpunk 2077 is the best shit in 6 years of West AAA games

refute this

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i think skyrim takes the first six places

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>refute this
Why? What would i gain from constructing false narratives? Cyberpunk 2077 IS the best western AAA game in the past 6 years.

Pirated that shit day one never touched it again.
Did they fix anything?

pirated and played it the other day
not really

6? Rodd, you need to get your numbers straight, Skyrim can easily dominate every slot in the Top 10
1. Skyrim in your heart
2. Skyrim PC
3. Skyrim Switch
4. Skyrim Xbox 360
5. Skyrim PS3
6. Skyrim Xbox One
7. Skyrim PS4
8. Skyrim PS5 AE
9. Skyrim Xbox S|X AE
10. Skyrim VR

You can buy a ign franchise shit and name it ign something something, won't change that your opinion is objectively wrong and irrelevant just like whatever the fuck is ign japan

also, if you count modding it's easily all of top twenty

Bought and paid for

That's sad

How? I just tried playing it the last few days after hearing some patches fixed it but the normal gameplay and combat is utter trash. At some point I just alt f4'd and uninstalled.

Yes, it is. I would've loved it if there were more AAA games like Cyberpunk 2077. At least western AA keeps us supplied with games.
>Divinity:Original Sin 2
>Surviving Mars
>Disco Elysium

Kingdom Come Deliverance is a better game in every way.
Better story and characters.
Better graphics in both technical and aesthetic way, and filled with sovl and attention to detail.
Better gameplay and proper RPG mechanics.

>normal gameplay
Yeah. Better than west aaa games in last 6years

>kingdom come is aaa

Are you retarded or what

i like KCD but come on the variance in gameplay styles in that game is slim to none

>reddit spacing


>He doesn't know

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It's way better than Elden Ring. At least it's something new.

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IGN: Jew-owned propaganda, CNN of vidya

>a game where the Japanese are the most powerful country in the world won game of the year


Haven't i seen you before?


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Tinker tailor?

>a game where the Japanese are the most powerful country in the world

Kinopunk. Game of the year no doubt

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goty 2077 maybe

Eat a bullet weeb

It’s a pretty good game if you play on PC or next-gen. Shame they were too greedy and went to release it on 2014 outdated consoles.

>any country

Hitman (2016)
Doom (2016)
South Park: Fractured But Whole (2017)
Red Dead Redemption 2 (2018)
Hitman 2 (2018)
A Way Out (2018)
Detroit: Become Human (2018)
Far Cry 5 (2018)
DOOM Eternal (2020)
Ghost of Tsushima (2020)
Hitman 3 (2021)
Starfield (2022)*

*I already know it will be either tied with Elden Ring or second place GotY

>disco elysium
fuck that game. it was sooooo good until the ending.

>Hitman (2016)
>Doom (2016)
>South Park: Fractured But Whole (2017)
>Hitman 2 (2018)
>A Way Out (2018)
>Detroit: Become Human (2018)
>DOOM Eternal (2020)
>Hitman 3 (2021)

Not an AAA.

>Red Dead Redemption 2 (2018)
>Far Cry 5 (2018)

Utter shit. 2/10. Get better taste

>Ghost of Tsushima (2020)


>Starfield (2022)*

Gonna shit.

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All Arkane games made in the past 6 years beat cyberpunk.

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>not AAA
literally made by Bethesda, retard.
>not AAA
idk IO Interactive has a job listing that says you will lead a AAA multiplayer project. So I think they count as AAA if they're developing a AAA game.
>not triple A
working on a AAA fantasy title based on the dark sorcerer demo, so AAA
>a way out isn't triple A
its owned by EA.

I literally have never played the story but larping as a cowboy online is fun.
>Far Cry 5
It's their first competent villain since 3, god tier soundtrack, and the game is pretty fun.

Enjoy your nigger poop tranny

The spergiest post I’ve seen all week. Get well soon autist.

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>i-i-it doesn't count

That's a lot of trash you just listed.

the ending is literally the most peak kino imaginable

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for me it's super mario bros 2

all better than cyberspunk


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Made by id software you retard

>Hitman. Detroit. A way out

>RDO is fun
Back to the reddit you subhuman bugman

>Far Cry 5
>It's their first competent villain since 3, god tier soundtrack, and the game is pretty fun.

LMAO get fucked new fag

Kys retarded nigger

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IGN is western sjw publication trying to coopt the Japanese market.
The game itself sold like shit over there.

>the best shit in 6 years of West AAA games
no that's probably true, but it's still shit

What's the last western AAA that was actually good?

>Japs are bas-

>400 hours of gameplay and it slowly beginning reperitive

No, the game still runs like shit. They said they fixed some bugs but the performance issues are still there. Fucking incompetents.

Wasn't this supposed to get an expansion or something?

>caring about IGN

Console peasant not allowed to this board

>tfw I play on PC


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>Better graphics
animations and voice acting are poor
also you can't move around when talking to people

don't worry it's just the side effects

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Doom Eternal
This is a fuckin embarrassing thread.

Doom eternal sucked dick.


Doomcels? Yes, they are.

Neither aaa
Nor good