This is fucking magic.
it makes cyberpunk playable in ultra
How do they do it?

Attached: Red-Dead-Redemption-2-con-Nvidia-DLSS.jpg (1157x615, 107.52K)

What's with the nvidia shilling today?

>Render game at sub-native resolution.
>Teach an AI what every object in the game looks like at 8k max detail from every angle.
>Upscale game to your native resolution
>Capture frame and tell AI to unfuck what you're looking at.
>AI does its best.
>Output frame.

2 nvidia shill threads already , so epic

Can't user just be happy that his shitrig can finally play RDR2 at acceptable frames?

how they have stores for vaccines when they havent been invented yet back then? fuck rockstar

This is high quality bait

by comparing it to taa which is yet snother vaseline filter.
I fucking hate modern graphics

holy shit this is primo bait

Attached: 1650532692208.jpg (487x463, 31.9K)

>Throttle card if "DLSS" is "off"
>Unthrottle when "DLSS" is "on"
They have been doing that since forever.
New cards are no different from your ancient 2010 cards. They specifically program games in a way that if it detects an older card from the manufacturer it lowers your fps.
You could run every single game on 240FPS on your geforce 460 if not for this shit.

Attached: pilot red.jpg (501x625, 160.42K)

not really

holy schizo

Attached: 1636437636308.jpg (960x911, 47.59K)

>This is fucking magic.
it looks fucking ugly in motion. is this tech being shilled by Jewvidiots or something? I always accept the tank in FPS over playing in DLShitShit. It looks like temporal AA on steroids.

how does DLSS look in a game with high speed motion? that's my only concern
I have a 1060 so can't try it out

Attached: 1649889473621.gif (805x540, 100.09K)

t. singleplayer player
have sex.

>it looks fucking ugly in motion
While it is noticeable in some situations it's still subtle enough.
It's miles better than TAA.

DLSS is TAA with AI

Are you surprised? The dirtiest company of the industry has an enormous amount of shills, is this supposed to be mindblowing?

this but unironically.
it's in the same vein of the "ti" scam they pull on people.

thin, high contrast lines or "glitter effects" that are single pixel thinness look like mpegs you downloaded in the mid 00s when you'd put them in fullscreen
and anything with transparency has massive artifacting in high motion, it really makes you aware of the framerate and that you're seeing like the last 3 frames of data that are persisting when they shouldn't be

dlss looks good in low motion, it's awful in high motion

in the specific case of rdr2 dlss only looks good if you're targeting 4k, lower resolutions have more artifacts than taa and fuck up hair

surprisingly enough it looks great in doom eternal

Isn't that only true for RDR2 since R* is autistic about their TAA?

Doesnt work with cyberpunk tho

Had a laugh, thanks m8

Rdr2 dlss looks like shit

Have you ever used it? When panning the camera it has mad ghosting / shimmering.
I recall reading it takes the info from the next 7 frames then does its thing.
FSR is just an upscaling algorithm and doesn't suffer from this issue.
Why are you upscaling anyway? Let me guess, you fell for the 4K meme?

RDR2 DLSS is pretty shit on sub 4K res, almost as bad as TAA

uhh lemme check

>blurry as fuck mess achieved

DLSS looks like complete shit in motion. Kys shill.

Attached: shill thread.png (1196x624, 144.95K)


>barely 20fps more
lol, that's not magic that's tragic you retard.

Are there any implementations that actually look really good? RDR2's looked horrific back at launch but I think they've patched it a bit cause its good enough that I dont notice the blurriness when Im drunk. Doesn't really help that RDR is either a jagged nightmare or a blurfest depending on if you turn AA on or not.

>>blurry as fuck mess achieved
if you DLSS your game on your shitty 1080p monitor, yes.ยจ
4K DLSS 2 looks sharper than native 4K and no AA required

On one hand, I want to call you retarded.
On the other hand, it used to be commonly acceptable to flash your GPU with custom firmware to get better performance

i like this thread

Attached: 1643775932755.jpg (610x495, 40.13K)

Nice bait jpeg quality.

Death Stranding, Doom Eternal?

Does AMD have anything similar or is it over for them?

>In 1796, the British doctor Edward Jenner demonstrated that an infection with the relatively mild cowpox virus conferred immunity against the deadly smallpox virus.

Maybe they have cow ligma in that building

oi cunt i see u cunt

Attached: 94562297-7DC8-4BE6-B325-4531BC5F8F3B.png (885x1226, 31.6K)

Yes. This one.

Attached: tAUu6ojH_400x400.jpg (400x400, 22.54K)

What's cow ligma?

>games are intentionally designed so that the consumer views a simulacrum of what is not actually there

you aren't seeing the game, you are seeing an AI's interpretation of the game

The word you are looking for in this specific usage case is "aliased". Yes, it looks more aliased, which is unfortunate since people run 4-16 levels of anti-aliasing or super sampling to get rid of it in the first place, or play their games at higher resolutions to reduce the effect of aliasing.

Why would you buy a $1,000 GPU, a more expensive monitor, and run a game at reduced framerates to get a decade old graphical experience? Just play it at 1080p at that point.

delete this immediately

I hate newfags so much

Attached: 1648706789083.gif (286x258, 2.51M)

That's 33% more fps. Nothing to scoff at.


DLSS is literally for 4K and higher, you need to upgrade if youre using it at a lower display resolution

no and there never will be because DLSS is a scam.
imagine actually thinking that running a game at a lower res and letting an algorithm "guess" (ie blur) what it's supposed to look like at proper res would ever measure up to the native image.
the real underlying issue is that devs nowadays rely on so hard on dithering for effects, eg transparency, because vaseline filters have become the industry standard

DLSS going from 1080p -> 4k is sharper in RDR2 than RDR2 at native 4k with TAA.

Death Stranding, Control, Doom Eternal, it works well for more games than it doesnt in my experience

thats why i use DLDSR

>he hasnt actually seen dlss in person at 4K
You should stick to what you know poorfag

That's only because RDR2 has the worst TAA implementation in history.

Native res
Turn off motion blur
Turn off shit post processing
Mod out the hideous grey/brown filter over everything
Turn off vsync

Yeap, it's vidya time

So if I'm wanting to play say Cyberpunk a with RTX, I'm actually better off with a 4k display then a 1080p one, even if I don't care about 4k resolution, because using DLSS to scale to 1080p doesn't look good and using RTX without DLSS is a huge performance hit?

Is there no alternative, like DLSS-ing to 4k then sampling back down to 1080p? I really can't afford a 4k display and as I said I don't really want/need to play things in 4k

even with dlss you won't be able to run rtx at 4k

Leakers recently confirmed next gen flagship will consume 600w+