just what were they even thinking with wind waker, it was such an outlandish idea and so poor in execution, it makes no sense at all
nb4 someone says the artstyle is good or they're glad the game was made
you're part of the very issue i am bringing up to discuss, fuck (you) tasteless npc
Just what were they even thinking with wind waker, it was such an outlandish idea and so poor in execution...
the idea was great the execution was poor
all it needed was more time in the oven
WW link is the best link in the entire series.
The same could be said of many Gamecube games. It's a shame really.
wow it really sounds like you want a discussion
Still seething after 20 years
so you came to 'nuh uh' and suck off the game? admit it, scrub
Only issue with it was the lack of content.
Artstyle is fantastic and the dungeons were solid, just wasn't enough in the empty ocean.
>you're part of the very issue
Nah, you're the issue - if I'm to blame for WW then you're to blame for TP, a much graver sin as much as I love Midna's ass.
You're meant to wait until you actually have an audience before pulling that, user
Played your hand.
Just an FYI, I'm going to ensure this thread hits bump limit. I'm not OP but I will be pretending to be during the thread also. I shall be half the total posts when we are done. I've already got four.
>Nah, you're the issue
i fucking called it, you punk ass bitches
right down to giving the graphics a reach around
People who bitched about this not looking like OoT3 were the NPCs
Holy shit this!!!
holy fuck twilight princess is so much better thankfully someone is saying the things that are needing to be saided
>a much graver sin as much as I love Midna's ass.
How big do you love it?
I give a FUCK about the artstyle, the game is just boring to play and there's nothing to do
this but for all the replies to OP instead
the rest of you can go, we got this
>nothing to do
>lots of individual islands
>triforce hunt
>discovering every island on the map
>windfall island quests
You think its got nothing to do because there are no yellow exclamation points above peoples heads asking for 12 bear tongues and assholes. Dopamine riddled zoomer brain.
I miss when Nintenod had the balls to give their fans the finger and do something like MarioSunshine or Wind Waker instead of just what people beg them to.
amen brother, you're mocking me and i still have the faith
Guys it's me!
>game literally wants you to collect joy pendents and blackbelt taikwandos
step right up and be knocked back down
>>nothing to do
like 3
>>lots of individual islands
>go to any island
>oops you don't have the right item
>come back 10 hours later
>use item
>get 20 rupees
>>triforce hunt
nice ghost ship retard, at least it gives you something to spend those 20 rupees on
>>discovering every island on the map
you already mentioned this, it's shit
>>windfall island quests
of which there is like 1 good one?
Doesn't change the fact that WW gets more hate purely because it is a childish type of game versus the grimdark aesthetic of other titles, the game has plenty of content, most gamecube games are extremely good value for money for the amount of gameplay you get.
>That ratio
This, also spending 5 minutes using the grappling hook to get 10 rupees off the ocean floor is stupid.
They were thinking they were going to make the 4th best Zelda in the series, with some of the most memorable characters and settings ever created within it, that still holds up to this day.
If you're going to bait, at least explain "why" you "hate" it, user.
You filthy rapscallion saucy. Don't think you're going to trick us into thinking you're a fake saucy.
But seriously, go play Lufia 2.
I love Wind Waker. I'm really upset they immediately went back and pandered to all the OoT fans which hated it after its ending implied we would get brand new adventures (never played the DS sequels and people say they're kinda men? Minish Cap was great and I'm glad it had Wind Wakers artstyle but it was more like a lttp prequel thing...)
>like 3
You mean 7
muh b8 muh b8
you literally just spout off what i said you would like a record playing back, it's fucking weak sauce
They're both great games and Zeldas, with different artstyles. Fuck people bitching about TP's items, and WW's charts. I could hang in the island cabana or Hyrule Castle Square all day long.
Not going to happen champ.
Again, poor bait. You literally left nothing to retort except "it sucks". Explain -why- you dislike it so people can debate or concur with you.
Throwing around buzzwords like NPC isn't a valid point.
Here wueen
you got trolled, hard hahahah
just looked it up, it's 5. Add one half if you want but you must be actually joking if you count Ganon's Tower as a dungeon, ask anyone and they'll tell you that MM has 4 dungeons, even though Ikana Castle, the Moon and the Pirate's Fortress are just as complex as Forsaken Fortress.
I loved this game. Easily one of the top 5 best zelda games
That's not hard when there's barely 5 good zelda games.
>you're part of the very issue i am bringing up to discuss
What issue, you didn't discuss anything, all you said was "I don't like thing, fuck you"
>Dragon Roost Cavern
>Forbidden Woods
>Tower of the Gods
>Forsaken Fortress
>Earth Temple
>Wind Temple
>Ganon's Tower
Even with your "durr one doesn't count" there's still more than you claim. Funny how you shifted your goalpost from 3 to 5 and were still wrong.
you can have reasons it sucks when you come up with something other than muh graphics muh glad it was made
It is good, you're just retarded and going with the flow
Idk original, lttp, minish cap, oot, ww, 2, seasons and ages... OK so there are 8 good zelda games.
you all hopelessly put the artstyle on a pedestal and prop the game up as being worth a hot damn, it's pathetic, i called you out in the op and you fucking went for it, dove right in
WW link is the best link in the entire series.
>posted actual evidence that proved you wrong
>durr bait
fucking retard
bad bait
>WW gets more hate purely because it is a childish type of game
Yeah, sure. The one game in the series that actually is post-apocalyptic and about the last vestiges of civilization finding their way through life in a flooded and isolated world, is childish.
There is quite a bit of dissonance between the cutesy presentation and the actual narrative.
Those calling Wind Waker childish are mouthbreathers that don't look further than the toon-style graphics.
>I have [wrong opinion] and people will disagree with me, but they are bad
>does not leave
>refuses to elaborate
Well thanks for responding, we all called you out too, and you went for it, just dove right in
Windwaker is unironically the best Zelda game in the franchise.
/yourself /thread
Thanks for reminding me with this thread why people shitting on zelda here are usually mouthbreathing retards.
Zelda is bad because popular thing bad, do I fit in on the 4chanz yet guyz?
>proving you wrong is bait
>he LITERALLY goes for no u
christ dude, you've been had, it's over
'no u' is a valid argument when your entire argument is 'u'
Prove me wrong
you behaved exactly as predicted and you're doubling down
pottery, that link smashes