Dead Games

Post games that are unequivocally DEAD.
I'll start:
>Let it Die
>Made by Suda51. Yay! Controlled by GungHo and designed to be a gacha hellscape. Boo!
>repetitive levels, P2W, + shitty Clash of Clans multiplayer
The highlights
>Skeleton was funni
>Elevator girl had fully modeled nipples hidden beneath her shirt
>Jackals were cool

Now you post a dead game

Attached: let it die.jpg (1920x1080, 226.79K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>Awesome fully customizable martial arts game with persistent online zones and a decent PvP system / skill ceiling
>marred by horrible connectivity, an extremely short (5 hours) campaign, only two weapons and four fighting styles, infrequent updates, etc.
The devs moved on to make Sifu instead. An Absolver 2 had the potential to be really good, but the game just never got enough traction.

Attached: absolver.jpg (800x370, 33.91K)

Oh and if you want to see the elevator girl's fully modeled perky nipples, literally just google Let it Die elevator girl. Its the first result kek

Attached: torairin.jpg (608x608, 50.47K)

dead rising 4
no one likes it, its shit

Spiral Knights. Director abandoned it not long after it was acquired by Sega and the company three rings dissolved. Now it's on life support and being run by a skeleton crew.

Attached: 1628799016301.jpg (460x215, 38.08K)

I love Let It Die very much.

a Yea Forums classic
And now hirez owns the IP and won't do anything with it.

Attached: 81879dcd9fbc7b0c2af6f3795c88b913.jpg (1920x1080, 485.36K)

As soon as they added the Raider it was pretty much dead in the water. You either bought his shotgun pistol thing or couldn't compete at all.

>Have fun despite the grind
>Enjoy the challenge and the feeling of finally beating an area or a boss
>Slog my way trough floor 11 and get to GOTO9
>Completely loose any interest to continue

You would have hated 21+ because you're directly forced into either getting a tier 3 iron or bumming around those low floors until you can upgrade the Longsword enough to matter.