Only a shut-in would say diversity in vidya ia bad.
Also, this thread is NOT political, so don't post off-topic crap here.
Only a shut-in would say diversity in vidya ia bad
I'm a fan of futanari. Only futa-on-female though, futa-on-male or futa-on-futa is kinda gayh
It's not bad. What's bad is when it's shoehorned in with poor context.
Good diversity: A futuristic game with an international space station featuring a cast of international characters, bonus points for authentic accents
Bad "diversity": black vikings, transgender people in victorian times, characters that announce they're gay for no reason, pointlessly race swapping characters in remakes
>lol chud ur just mad minorities exist
Revenge is the only reason to do anything.
I miss him so much bros.
it is bad.
/thread and kill yourself
Fallout lets you be a white female on a quest for revenge with a plucky dog sidekick
>a period appropriate cowboy and a modern day graverobbing action hero are the same character
You will never understand what diversity actually means.
You just made it political by bringing in diversity.
any game with filled with characters that aren't white or japanese is guaranteed to be shit because it's created by leftoids.
Kratos isn't white, I don't think the new game was even about revenge
Honestly this, nobody cares about Demoman or Louis or Coach or Barret or Nagoriyuki being black
greeks are the epitome of whiteness since they have started the european civilization while anglos and nords were still snow and mud niggers
lol if the Nazis ever took over again, train wrecks like you would be the first ones up against the wall you fat autistic NEET.
Neither american nor russian
Try again
>tomb raider
>mythical god
u just have shit takes,shit taste and you smell like a nigger
What does Trump and Russia have to do with video games?
This is bait you fucking faggots, stop replying to this low effort shit
Who could be behind this post?
>3D men
never been to Athens have you
The ancient greeks were white, modern greece is mutted beyond recognition.
>Nathan Drake
>Arthur Morgan
you didn't play these games and are just trying to fit in
Did Nathan Drake really do any of his quests for revenge? Usually he gets roped into a baddie's scheme because of his wanderlust, and then he has to murder his way past hordes of mooks.
Yeah the 2018 GOW was really just them spreading Kratos' wife's ashes and then getting sidetracked and teleported far away from home. The whole game they're literally just trying to go home but shit keeps going sideways.
None of them did, it's bait you fucking idiot
Cloud's bussy...
nigga please, according to you arab andalucia whas white as well
>None of them did
Did you only play Nu God of War?
Cloud is not on a quest for revenge. He is on a quest to save the world from being destroyed by Sephiroth and later also free himself from Sephiroth's influence.
That nigga Cloud Strife has been on my mind. No cap, I been thinking about that time when I barebacked him raw in a Boca Raton Air BnB. That shit had to be the tightest, wettest boy pussy I've ever laid pipe into. I swear to God, the most heavenly high is gargling that wonderboy's nuts while going fist deep into his shitter. I had Cloud screaming in the sheets with head too ridiculous to ignore. That nigga frotted my cock until he busted on my mouth, I had to return the favor. That nigga Cloud and I been fucking non-stop ever since, but keep that shit on the DL. He does that shit for free. If you're gonna ask me how to "long" Cloud , I'll be deadass. All you gotta do is ask, be straight up, and get physical real quick. Touch his nuts, get on ya knees, talk your shit. He doesn't play around with no pansy-ass niggas either. He likes his men manly, and his dick thick. Dark skin, 6'5 is the minimum and I ain't talking about height boy.
That nigga Cloud Strife stole my heart and drank my seed.
and yet they have achieved more than your supposed "whites". I say it's the meds who are white and germs and anglos are the niggers of europe.
>hurr skin brown
who cares, they are smarter than you ever be
Leftists hate people on the right because they hate when someone who is supposed to be banned everywhere and silenced still gets away with saying nigger and denying the holocaust. Leftists are unhappy because nothing they say is really controversial so they end up proping themselves as "the resistance" to make themselves feel important. They'v convinced themselves that internet fame is important and they lose their shit when right wing nazis on the internet get important. When leftists try to expose someone for denying the holocaust they really dont care about the holocaust, they're just upset that someone is getting away with something they shouldn't. It's all just a giant cope.
You'd be the first against the wall. Just enjoy the current liberal world. In a communist or fascist world you'd have been killed already.
>fascism is le bad because... IT JUST IS
the whole point of cloud's character is that he grows as a character and wants to stop sephiroth for the sake of the planet and not for revenge
That's gay, there's nothing wrong with revenge.
Here's some free advice, idiot: don't piss me off. I'm not the one. Get it?
he still gets his revenge in the end, but it isn't what motivates him anymore
>y're so important and rent free in my mind that you'd be the first one to face the wall.
This is what I'm talking about. The left doesn't understand priorities. They think someone saying nigger on the internet is worse than literal child molesters.
Let me guess your solution to this
>female protagonist
If you talk about child molester you probably are one. You probably participate in loli threads.
Anyway enjoy the liberal world, it lets you live.
Al-Andalus were invaders from north Africa you stupid cunt.
My entire province is 99% white
Threatening someone who you think is a losers and has nothing to live for with death seems counter intuitive.
or a black man
>projects his inferiority
>make blatantly political thread
>but it's totally not political i promise
Nice try mate, but you know what's gonna happen.
>white male
Kratos is greek.
ah yes, as seen in the picture they were true dark brown arabs
Whenever I get gender identity policits shoved down my throat, I uninstall the game immediately and usually get to refund it.
Based white men
This. Like the 90s and early 2000s had tons of diversity in media and no one gave a shit because it didn't feel so forced.
You're the one who opened your mouth, slut.
>a good game
>a good game
>a good game
>a good game
What's the problem?
Yes he is, cope.
Don't tell me all the losers browsing Yea Forums are in fact superior
Anyone who actually plays video games will choose to have another CJ in GTA rather than a female protagonist.
nobody cares if a game has diversity or not
we care about shoehorned characters that very obviously dont belong and have zero personality outside of "IM BLACK LOOK AT ME ISNT BEING A MINORITY SPECIAL?" who only exist for social justice points from twitter troons that dont even play the game to make up for their game just being shit overall.
>t.swarthy Greek who lives in his mother's basement
Your ancestors spit on your disgusting brown body.
And you wouldn't? Pathetic leftists are subhuman, stop projecting.
Cloud is neither a "modern" character nor is he a realistic "white" character
It isn't a liberal world, your secluded internet world doesn't reflect reality. Escape your revolting delusions.
I'm doing pretty well irl but I'm not claiming to be some superior godlike being like you. 99% people on this shitty site are pretending to be some kind of superior godlike beings. Let me just remind you again that you're weaker and dumber than normal people
>transgender people in victorian times
which vidya jame is he referencing here? Only tran i remember in vidya within the last decade is... krem dragon age inquisition? and that game has much bigger problems
>I'm doing pretty well irl
Out of everything in this thread you've said, this is the biggest lie.
It is a liberal world. Maybe you would know if you had a passport you fat american uneducated rural hick without a highschool diploma. Don't act superior to me. You're probably an incel too.
>right winged Nazi
Imagine being so steeped in leftist propaganda you actually think that atheist, progressive socialists qualify as right winged.
I did. Did you, you retard?
I'm not pretending to be superior, you are. Neo nazis think they deserve to rule the world. If the actual Nazis or even commies came back. Maybe you'd be dead or lose some weight. Both good outcomes.
Maybe if your IQ was actually high you'd get a job
who are either of you fucking talking about?
How do I join the shut-in world? It sounds like heaven.
Cloud isn't really looking for revenge, getting back at Sephiroth for the burned town is never really brought up. He knows Sephiroth's is up to no good and needs to be stopped
The shutin world is filled with delusions. If they were actually having fun, they wouldn't be fantasizing about destroying the world.
I don't like diversity as a political statement
I like diversity when it appeals to my dick
>over 40 years of video games with plots
>over five million games in existence
>Can only cherry pick 4 games that meet his criteria
>and they are over decade apart each
honk honk zoomie
>reading comprehension
Get some please.
hyppocrytical racist but it's ok because it's anti-white
eat shit, all fields
are you calling mao an atheist progressive socialist?
Good diversity is whatever the devs feel should be put into the game they’re making. It’s their business profit after all. How it effects reception of said product is out of their hands.
There is no diversity in western games when the good characters all have the same politics and the evil guys are either white males or women made evil by white males. Real black women are hateful af.
You never hear these fragile little bastards say a word about Gerard Butler playing an Egyptian God or when Jesus is depicted as white. Or angina Jolie as Marian Pearl. Or the three main characters of the Avatar movie Ang, Katara and Sokka. In the movie, suddenly none of them were Asian, they were fucking white.
Did they say a fucking word about racism and changing anything POCs into white folks? Oh fuck no. They are far too self absorbed to give a shit about that. It impacts their precious victim stories which they need to keep safe so they can say stupid shit like this.
Nope, they don't give a shit, they just fall the fuck apart and make stupid statements about how j Hard being white is. Or use direct capitalism as an example of communism or some sort of "the world is going to that evil libs who are bullies taking away my proud white heritage"
But if you tell them other wise, you're called a fucking Nazi. And if you're POC, then you're probably antifa Hitler youth from the satanic blm movement.
Stop kikeposting on Yea Forums