Reddit: the game

Reddit: the game.

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name one game that isn't discussed on reddit

Borderlands 1.
Fallout 1.
Life is Strange.
TES 4: Oblivion.
Watch_Dogs 1.
So, basically, serious games that don't have "WACKY AND SO HECKIN' RANDOM xD" shit and require high T levels to complete.

yea no. you can find hundreds if not thousands threads about those. i'm sure some of those even have their own dedicated subreddits

Reddit: the thread

I always hated this stupid franchise. Did you ever see what this was supposed to be before the art team totally trooned it out? Borderlands was supposed to be a cool serious sci fi game without the autistic looting mechanics initially.

looter shooters are the tick tock of game genres

>tick tock of game genres
Fighting games.
Racing games.

>Watch Dogs 1
>Life is Strange
>high T levels

I see no attempts to deboooonk it in your post.
That being said, Watch_Dogs is neo-noir crime game and it is much more serious than WD2, WD:Legion or Borderlands 2. Of course it isn't popular among low-T redditors.

>anons are now pretending the original Watchdogs was a game worth talking about

Yea Forums loves this game

Yea Forums is full of retarded obese americans who played console games since childhood. Of course they love games for retards.

Watch_Dogs 1 is a pretty nice game. Not my fault you're an NPC without his own opinion on games. WATCH DOGS 1 IS BAD AND WORSE THAN GTA 5, AMIRITE??

>Yea Forums loves this game

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cope, i like this game. anarchy gaige is fun, zer0 melee is fun, any krieg build is fun.

I bet you also like Anthony Burch's "jokes" and "humour" in this shitty game.

>dude generic open-world Ubisoft bugfest is... le good!

>greentext full of memes
Don't know what I expected from Yea Forums. Keep being a NPC.

Don't care, didn't ask and it's fun

Damn, Reddit play like that? Not bad.

why is it that autistic retards dont understand that shooting and looting is fun. I dont give a shit about the story or lore and i dont use reddit

Don't forget to buy the next three Ubisoft open world games they shit out

huh that's not elden ringo?

What is Yea Forums: the game?

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>it's fun
I bet you also think that Anthony Burch's "jokes" and "humour" in this shitty game are FUN.

Katawa Shoujo.

>Life is Strange
>high T
My nigga that game is the antithesis of high T.

Borderlands 3 had absolutely painful writing and I put it down to just being a Borderlands game, but when they gave away assault on dragon keep there recently I was surprised that it wasn't so bad. A few of the lines got a sharp exhale through the nose, and Tina not being able to accept Roland's death was genuinely sad. That said, it still was borderlands so it was like 1 or 2 decent bits in an enormous pile of shit but still better than 3 and wonderlands which didn't even have those moments.

It's funny to me that dudes will spend all day caring about reddit and talking about reddit while pretending that they're not reddit.

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I see no attempts to prove your point in your post. You just posted a "NO U" response, that's all.

It's funny to me that dudes will spend all day caring about trannys and talking about trannys while pretending that they're not trannys.

Yeah people obsessing over trannies is also super weird. If it weren't for people constantly bringing them up here then I wouldn't have to think about them at all.

Why are retards like this? People think Reddit and Yea Forums are a single stereotype across the two whole sites, when it's nothing like this. If you look for it you can find threads talking about serious games without this image that you painted there. Same for this site, there are normal people on both sides, not everything is ruled by the retards

>that shooting and looting is fun.
Not when the gunplay is shit and boring as fuck. Also looters and rpgs in general are for low iq midwits who like to mindlessly grind shit to win instead of actually learn, master and git gud at a combat system.

>mindlessly grind shit to win
You are mistaking RPGs and J"""RPG"""s.

let me guess, your favourite games are dark souls. I have never grinded in boarderlands, you know most people just play through the games story once?

you are a retard

>dark souls
Why would I like that garbage when it's a shitty rpg with leveling and stats that's way too easy to cheese and trivialize
>you know most people just play through the games story once
So they play it for the shitty story full of stale memes and jokes? That's even worse.

oh no

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>when it's a shitty rpg with leveling and stats
>with leveling and stats

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To be fair, you have to have a high IQ to appreciate borderlands games.

You saying that all this shit isn't stats?

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>Nobody posted the pubes in leotard pic yet
Fuck you guys man. You aren't fun anymore

>Yellow hallway 3

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Mako's game


>Dark Souls SUCKS!
>dark souls 3
in case you needed proof that children inhabit this board

>durrrrrr it's ackshually arpg/jrpg
They're all the same shit
They all have the same stats screen retard


Please go to bed before your parents find out you're on the Racist Hacker Website
Either that or lurk more

I remember when they turned the commando guy into a fag mid-development.
When a developer does that, you know it's fucking over for them.

That other dude is right, you're a child.

You sound very fragile

The gameplay loops are fun especially with friends, Yea Forums makes a big deal about the writing but honestly I can't really even remember anything from BL1 and 2.

>feels compelled to reply with personal criticism
guess who's fragile

>I bet you also think that Anthony Burch's "jokes" and "humour" in this shitty game are FUN.
No I turn off the voices and I hate the jokes.
The gameplay is fun tho.

>third guy shows up for no reason
It's me, I'm fragile.

>It's only Reddit if I dislike it

>Yea Forums is full of retarded obese americans
Rent free

Well it's a Gearbox game, so...
They've never been good. They've never made a good game. Borderlands 1 was almost as bad in writing as all the others and Claptrap is one of the most annoying characters in existence, regardless of how "ironic" it is.

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>Most of Yea Forums's current userbase came here through FaceBerg
>These people still bitch about reddit

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Hatred or Rape Simulator

good art style. shit story and bad gameplay.
if i made a lootshooter i would drop all rpg elements aside from special abilities and instead of random guns i would make it so that players get access to random gun parts so that they can build their own ultimate weapon

>thinks young people use facebook
holy shit you're out of touch grampa

I don't recall saying anything about age.

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>Borderlands 1
>bandits are genuinely insane and aren't trying to be quirky
>main NPCs likewise aren't trying to be quirky, they are just portrayed as 50 IQ individuals, though some are also insane and act similar to the bandits
>claptrap is the only quirky one
>Borderlands 2+

I really only hate this game because I was playing it when I lost my absolute best friend in the entire world, before we could finish it. We were really close to the end, too. Like one or two missions away.
I miss you so damn much, man.

Are you just listing things you don't like?