Big True True

Big True True

Attached: unknown.png (552x510, 539.86K)

>20 fps

Attached: Gigachad.jpg (360x450, 24.18K)

For me it's 4k 60fps

I prefer 1440p 60fps

Is the joke that he won't make the 21 miles and is fucking stupid?

found the redditor. Yea Forums is a 1080p board

for me it's 21:9 1440p 120fps

>50 fps

Attached: 1631472812397.png (744x738, 13.7K)

big ass 4k oled

>60 fps
>all settings ultra

Attached: content.jpg (656x679, 30.74K)

>still 1080p
>still 60fps
I'm scared to make the jump to 120fps because I fear that I'll never be able to use anyone else's PC ever again.

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this is the 2022 standard, poorfags need not to apply

4K 120fps should be the standard for console games.

1080p is the lowest bottom tier resolution you can have nowadays. 1440p 144hz is the new standard and might as well buy a nintendo switch if you are ok to settle with outdated resolutions

I've never needed more than 60fps or more than 720p.

12.5 fps

Attached: hqdefault[1].jpg (480x360, 13.95K)

8K 10FPS

the only games i play are
>Noita (pixel based physics game)
>Under Night (sprite based fighting game)
>FTL (pixel art)
>Bomber Crew (cell shaded, I think? definitely not worth of 4k)
>Void Bastards (cell shaded)
the only games that would benefit from 4k are Eve Online and Hardspace Ship Breaker. Hardly worth getting a whole new monitor for 2 games.

>1440p 144fps 21:9
what a cope of a fucking thread lol
buy a real card before the chinese government's fickle and routinely changed laws are changed once again in favor of crypto and everything goes to dogshit overnight, or suffer for not heeding my warning

Attached: Capture.png (637x576, 78.36K)

>tfw 3090
>tfw 4k 100fps

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>5,120 x 1,440
Only play OSRS


I prefer when my computer stays quiet

>the only games that would benefit from 4k are Eve Online and Hardspace Ship Breaker
Games with a "drawn" stylisation really benefit from 4k.
I remember finding shit like Sunless Skies and Darkest Dungeon having a notable visual improvement on my 4k monitor.


White noise is relaxation kino

Shit, you think void bastards will look even better?

Attached: download.jpg (1920x1080, 371.61K)

just wear headphones

It's not, you can see the puppeteer strings if you look closely

Hate them

Big screen.

Attached: giga.jpg (600x600, 20.98K)

I dunno if it's look significantly better, but I find stuff like that does tend to at least be noticeable. I haven't tried with too much cell shaded stuff, like I don't remember Borderlands looking better but that's way less clean in its art style.
It could just be placebo effect for me as my brain tries to subconsciously justify how much this shit cost, but my initial guess would everything would be much sharper/crisper even without AA.

>40-50 fps
>med settings

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just use noctua fans, even current GPUs are quiet at 80c

For me it's 1440p144fps

I have a padded be quiet case with their fans and a red dragon 5700xt since I read about the card being quiet. I have tried my best to reduce noise. Even the CPU fan profile is set to allow higher temperatures to keep it silent during light use

Still, maxing everything adds a lot of it

hard to go back to 1080p once you experience games in 1440p or higher.

What is your opinion on ultrawide monitors (3440x1440)?

>idgaf as long as it's stable

Attached: 1291152929459.jpg (572x644, 39.53K)

>tfw running 4k on 1080p monitor
>no need to use the meme resolution of 1440p

Attached: mfw score 0.png (889x726, 666.17K)

Are people finally starting to wake up to resolution being a scam when framerate feels so much nicer



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>Settings: Very Low
>FPS: 60-68 with frequent drops to mid 50s
Ah Yessir! It's gamer time!

Personally I'm fine just staying right where I'm at: 1080, 60fps

4k is too big IMO, and a terrible daily driver. You end up increasing the size of everything to the point that the increased resolution doesn't matter except for some level of placebo in videogames.

for me it's 4k 120 fps. 4k being hard to run was a meme that died 4 years or so ago

4k144 medium chad reporting in

>mfw 1440p 144fps

Attached: cheetoman.jpg (303x351, 36.36K)

1080p 60fps w/ render resolution set to 1.5~2.0x

I hate to break it to you but it is exactly as you fear. 60 is still "fine", and already infinitely better than crimes against humanity 30, but after you go over 100, even 60 starts to feel booboo.

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Don't do it user!

depends on screen size/viewing distance but there's nothing wrong with a bit of scaling. Text looks much crisper with higher PPI

You'd have to be really autistic to not be able to use a 60hz monitor without issues. Even if you downgrade your own monitor from 120+hz back to 60hz, you'll get used to it within the same day.


1440 100+ fps for games using the mouse/kb
4k/60 for controller games

>1366 x 768

Attached: 3am.png (2560x1472, 1.5M)

I don't know man a 4k 27" display at 3ft viewing distance for me pretty much makes it so I don't ever need to turn on anti-aliasing and that's nice for performance

I rather keep my UHD 120FPS (3840x2160)
Unlike 4K 30FPS that doesn't exist. (4096x2304)


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1366x768 30fps
Any NVS 5200m chads?

60 is ok for everything but fps even once you've acclimated to 144, and its still playable for fps

I'm so confused, how do consoles reach these settings?
Do they tone down the graphics or is it optimisation

I remember half of Yea Forums coping saying 30fps was good 8 or so years ago, then it changed to 60 being good and 144 being "esports only"
maybe in a decade we'll see poorfags finally experience high resolutions and framerates and lie about shit they never used to cope with what they have

People here and on /g/ also used to say ssd is a meme.