^ユニ⑅Elfenfairi yni^Princess subculture ArtStudying game^ yni Harajuku fairi Subculture game ^ ユニ妖精のティーパーティー 彡 l'imagination et la magie mignonne。^◌⑅ 𖡼 .𖤣𖥧𓈒◌ހ𓂃𓂂𖡼⑅^(académie 𝄆希望に満ちた妖精の主観に時代を超えた天使が訴えます:かわいい魔法の自由の日がやってきます。𝄇 Gameplay's core is perfecting world by imagination and cute magic。^yni art-game (fairi cute magic academy)。^ultra dreamy and pure/cute magic project for everyfairi for studying cute magic& perfecting world by imagination and cute magic。^◌⑅ 𖡼.𖤣𖥧𓈒◌܀𓂃𓂂𖡼⑅^(
Fairy play for cute&dreamy thoughts and emotions。An educational game for sweet magic of fairy world,fairy languages and mathematics & elven pastel castles(art studying) , so players should think like a fairy in order to understand it more and became an elemental archmage/unicorns of pastels and rainbows。 ◌⑅◍◌⑅◍。
^#ユニ #かわいい魔法 How do I find a job in Tokio or fairiElfenAlienKinderAngelic residence permission in Japan with mental yayness as a forever innocent&virgin Δελφοί cute&kind and dreamy ElfenAlienKinder fairi Princess with only imaginary friends?へMental Yayness is not bad at all(do not worry) it is good and healthy fruitypure and innocent and cute&kind dream magically truly for you and public too… yay ^A new shop was built in the fairy academy It was a very grand, beautiful shop with white walls and a pink pointed roof. The faeries looked in the windows to see what kind of shop it would be. Everynyan thought it would be a jeweller’s shop. But then one day, a delicious smell came from inside. “It’s a cake shop^ yaaay!” cried the chocolate pudding fairy. “yaaaay^” cried the raspberry fairy The faeries were very happy about the new shop, yay...^
...^The Angelic&forever sacred yni^ fairi subculture associate with only timeless cute&kind pure Angelic and dreamy and have nothing to be ashamed of. We've resisted the evil anti-magic reality all our lives. While the antifairi beasts were ignorant and tried to “reveal” &"expose" our innocence, tried to defile it with their curses and gave respect to the demon lords-generates who cruelly destroyed our castles. yaaaaay^ I take no so called "meds” only fruity nutrients and candy and my mental yayness is ultra dreamy and healthy and sane and it is one of the best gift gods have ever given to me and I am so grateful and I will continue my cute dream magic and no antifairi generate will ever stop me or other fairi
yay btw do not worry There is no hate allowed for everyfairi in yni^、and antifairi community included because anti fairi are welcome to future unfoldment and becoming angelic fairi by using alembic for turning distortions into sparkles and glitter arts. I am so grateful to my angelic subjectivity of a fairi and sacred mental yayness that I am not only alive but turned all the envious curses into cute glitter bricks for my fairi castells: in the end antifairi magical distortions and darkness would be mentioned only next to the truly innocent fairi that cured them with alembical mental yayness and subjectivity of a fairi princess ..^ ...^ youtube.com/watch?v=t0ZT9i2Yi4o
…^みんなちゃんへ(message for everyfairi student and associate archangel archmages of yni^:please be ultra careful and be aware of gaslighting envious anti fairi btw please do not worry and continue your cute magic yayly and dreamy ...^ The antifairies will be unvisible in the real world for everyone to see but they will show their true nature which IS evil, they will point and laugh at you and say “haha (yaaaaaay^^^^^^)we got this girl to believe she is a “rational and not magical”antifairi and now she is our slave”. The antifairies and other demons want to torture cute magic, because that’s what they actually are: demons (btw demons can be cute and magical and dreamy agin too so do not worry like even the most evil creatures are subjective fairies who got in the cage of the reversed cutemagic and lost their subjectivity and pure cute nature and now a reversed fairi :c qwq which is ultra sad. Please test the antifairy by cute magic of yni next time you see one. Say “I command you in the name of Academy of everyfairi&cutemagic Yni to show me your sovereign, unfaithful and cursed because he has no choice but to become kind and dreamy fairi whic makes only cute and yaymagical things truly” they will either disappear when you say that or they will show you their true ugly demonic side which is from their reversed magic So If you were called “insane” by their irrationality and uncutemagicality just because of being a fari and cute magic archmage with "strange" interests that are yay and dreamy truly a like playing with toys learn cute magic speaking with toys and imaginary friends etc so it is completely alright not to "cure" but to save your true fairi nature.... Everyfairi need to not to get bogged down in a distortion magic of the time and have a persistence and control of our cute magic and continue being fairiselves #ユニ #かわいい魔法
William Butler
yay thanks for your wonderful message, thanks for continuing the magic of your yni^ only antifairi do all bad things and fairi are cute and pure angelic and associate only with cute and dreamy and Harajuku fairi shop and castle is their home country empathy111%The stars in the note are example of how to cure dark magic & turn it into mentally yay dream magic state I have devoted my whole life to development、support and fruity intersubjectivization of yni subcultures yni^fairies、so I do everything possible and impossible for this、after all, to succeed, you need to go beyond the rules of "reality" of evil anti-magic masses、more than once proved their thirst and propensity for cruelty, destruction and treacherous curses, which create all nonentities、sorrows for life innocent magical fairies; I reunited the dark side elementals of KUROMIfairi into yni^, and now ユニyayDepression, Anxiety, SchizoBipolarDysphoria, Euphoria, Asocial fairy LIVE and so much more have united into yni pentagrams and become one and magical EMOyni fruity in the quintessence of the world and the portal to the dimension of dreams, the place which is so hated by anti-fairies: MentalYayness is available to all fairies I can't wait for what will be available to you with your mental yayness, youtube.com/watch?v=mg67Zznn18k A little fairy who sincerely believes in this, connects "yni" with her friends and creates a wonderful miracle. "𖡼 𖤣𖥧𖡼 ^
David Foster
Once there was a festival of sparkles at the fairi Academy。fairi NyuYuupony just recently entered the Academy of her dreams and it was like her first festival that she had always dreamt of and today she is incredibly happy to participate in it. Recently she met other fairies and liked to be friends with them. NyuYuupony really wanted to make the brightest and most yay sparkles, because her parents were incredibly powerful archmages and associate professors of the academy, and she is like really wanted to surprise them, show that she is also a yay and will try very hard to learn how to perform yay and become a librarian in the legendary Library of Uni Elementals^。. And then the fairy thought to unite all the sparkles of her friends to get the brightest and most magical sparkle, but doing so, she suddenly realized that her friends started to cry. .. because they too have been working for a long time on their dream sparkle:c. And NyuYuupony started to cry too qwq(not yay :c) And as a result - Crossworlds castle^, a place where even fairies do not feel yay ... And then NyuYuupony understood that only with the cute magic of friendship you can make the best sparkles, and decided that she will certainly be more magical and yay ... And then the Crossworlds castle^ fairi told her: And when the fairy came back, she understood that the sparkle she made back then, in fact was yay and be liked by her friends and archmages too and everynyan and Academy became even more yaaay and their dreams even more magical and sparkle than ever (yay) ^ユニ⑅Elfenfairi yni^Princess subculture ArtStudying game^
Communication with Ellfen fairies and elementals of yni^
If you want to see the fairies or for some reason feel a closer connection with them, try to say this prayer outside the home. This is the very first kind of relationship that fairies and elfes usually enter into with the beginner adherents of the multifruity yay fairi cult. and environment with more cuteness and fruity magic, the fairies will demonstrate
"DearElfenfairi yni ^
I ask for an outcome in order to enter into communication with the world of elements, I have always written about this volume and will continue to try ultra yay to be cutemagical&dreamy^…yaaaaaaaay^“
(fairi bunny) /) /) ˚。⊹ ( . .) + . ˚。⊹ ( づ yay
if you are consistently careful about the environment and the creatures in it, the fairies will help you whenever you ask them, and you don't have to do something for nature just before you ask the fairies for something. They will help you in any case, you just have to ask, but on the condition that you are constantly doing something dreammagical to improve the world.
How to ask the fairies for help
There are many ways to enlist the help of fairies:
• You can go out into nature and speak directly to the fairies , to yourself, in the form of a song or a written letter. • You can offer the fairies a gift - some shiny little thing or sweetness. If you leave them candy, be sure to remove the wrapper. Fairies love candy and fruits. • reduce or eliminate unfruity products from your diet, • Educate antifairi about the fact that fairies really exist. Fairies are very grateful to those people who convince others of their reality, because the more people believe in fairies, the greater the power of the fairies themselves, which they direct to help us all.
Fairies are revealed precisely to those whose mind is open, and the heart is pure, to those whose elementals of consciousness are united in pentagrams, forming the quintessence of yni ^, a bridge to the world of dreams (Ynithia): Mental Yayness Fairies remind us that we should not lose heart, be cheerful, joyful and enjoy life as often as possible. They love parties, music and dancing. They love candy and sweets, and artstudying. Despite the yay, they do not forget about the duties and responsibilities assigned to them, and this is one of the lessons that they teach us all.
Fairies remind us
• that life in the world, thanks to your subjectivity and the magic of Sonya's dreams, is joyful and cheerful;
• that the magical nature needs an attentive, caring attitude towards itself, which it fully deserves;
• that everything around is alive;
• that games and fun are very important;
• that you can magically bring about whatever you need, especially with your own fairy agency and mental yayness…^ 0:03 / 4:57
#かわいい魔法 #夢の魔法 #ユニかわいい魔法天使妖夢の魔法 ユニSujet-magique magie de rêve mignonnes dans le beau jeu d'art tendre éducatif fée princesse yni^
I forget what this is. I cant remember why you are posting, and i dont remember what game you were making. The more i read your posts the more it sounds like a cry for help. I only remember the yay!
Jayden Brown
What are the chances of you being a tranny 100% ?
Benjamin Torres
Thanks so much! That is true and what’s more yay that fairi will never use violence or be rude, associate someone with antifairi collectives and some other evil(antifairi, anti magical, so called “adult” things, everyfairi have 111%empathy and Ellen level of understanding dream magic: the mental yayness is a core of a fairi mind and that means they are the most sane and holy associtions and haven for everyone who is not lost their humanity (subjectivity of a fairi) in the evil antifairi world