How is this game? I quit around the vanilla game and never tried out the expansions

How is this game? I quit around the vanilla game and never tried out the expansions.

Should I roll a Salad or Charr? Don't care about class and I am switching to Tengu if they finally come out

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The expansions saved the game, they're all great.
Play whatever you like, I like Charts better myself but you can make some very cool Sylvaris too that look great when they start glowing at night

Controls, combat and mounts are satisfying as fuck. Love raptoring up for the .3s it takes to jump a gap, or hopping on the griffon just to dive off a cliff (because fuck how slow gliders are)
My first raid clears are still some of my favorite memories in gaming

Have fun bro

Is End of Dragons really as good as people say it is?

Does this game have an RP community? I like to play pretend with other nerds.

Best MMO in the market hands down, last expac fixed everything i hated about it
No Tengu, and you prob should wait for the steam launch, maybe then you will get a triple expac deal?

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I forgot it came out, I stopped with Path of Fire so I wouldn't know. But it's probably great, each expansion came with some really cool content so I'd expect no less from EoD

HoT > EoD > PoF
Even though PoF gave us the best mounts in any MMO, HoT was juuuust hard enough that beating it felt satisfying.
End of Dragons is absolutely gorgeous, the story is ok-tier but it doesn't bring much to the table in terms of gameplay.

game is pretty fun, and its mostly horizontal progression so theres no power treadmill to keep up with. take a break whenever and come back years later without needing to catch up with anything
deadeye best spec


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the story is extremely pozzed but gets moderately better. still fun anyways.

Is Dragonhunter still fun?

>but gets moderately better.
no it doesn't wtf?

Never rage about gameplay and only about trivial outrage stuff. Never change literal ass faggot.

>when firebrand exists
its like you hate quickness or something.
im no pvp player but i heard dragonhunter is good there, if its good then its fun right?

I just don't like the tome playstyle

holy fucking shill thread batman


i didnt either at first, but you rarely touch the tomes with a power build.
its all about circling through your mantras to keep quickness up, then you can pop f2 or f3 tomes for support or tanking but i think its optional for casual play

Its even better than that, its just its real killer features are all under the hood and very systematic that changed the game on a fundamental level

In EU there is lots of em, dunno about NA

you're the one on meds pretending anyone here plays or even likes this game

>its real killer features are all under the hood and very systematic that changed the game on a fundamental level
got any examples? i reinstalled a month or so ago right after launch and didn't really pay attention, and just logged out about 30 minutes after

Don't enter threads of games you have ni interest in. Literally tranny behaviour.

gw2 gameplay is trivial incarnate, keep shilling marketer

I enjoyed doing fractal CMs and raids during path of fire, is there any challenging content in end of dragons? I stopped following it after they announced that they were only releasing strike missions since strikes have always sucked

>inb4 'playing gw2 for hard pve content lmao go play a real mmo'

yeah im retarded I know

its shit compared to the first one

it stays pozzed but the dykes at least fuck off. everything after HoT was at least serviceable to my memory

Going back to gw1 style enemies that use player skills, teaching open world players what these skills so when they jump in pvp they got some idea of whats going on, or how the reward system is now split between 2 type of player, the solo farmer who joins farming maps like RIBA and chill to get his gold, and the social player whos rewarded mainly in account bound currencies that can be sold only through trading guilds "buying gifts", and how the 2 reward schemes of these 2 type of players is linking up to not only favor the social player but also slowly make solo farmers into social players themselves, not to mention with alliance dropping soon (foruth beta this month or next month) the reward system there too will be changed and wvw will turn the skew this rewarding social play even stronger.

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It's gotta be the worst MMO out there. Everyone who plays it is like a weird degen but not outed enough to actually play FFXI4.

It has no progression and once you hit 80 there is nothing to do. If that sounds good to you (its not), play it. (no one plays it)

Yeah nah fuck off

>once you hit 80 there is nothing to do.
sounds like you lack any sort of creativity and cant come up with your own goals

Its good the likes of you don't play it, fuck off to wow and don't comeback or you will ruin our game

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It's bad.
Combat is okay, but doesn't get to shine outside of PvP, which almost nobody plays.
Most of the world feels dead and artificial, the maps added between expansions are the worst offenders, any map added in the Living World is soulless FOTM.
Story is most of PvE content updates and even if there weren't trannies, which there objectively are, it would still be bad start to finish.
Generally unfathomably pozzed devs and game if you care about that. The last good person in the company was it's CEO, quite ironically, and he's ling since fucked off.
No challenge in any content besides raids, of which there is a small handful with an abysmal update schedule.
Community is reddit incarnate.
Some good aspects - no gear treadmill, good mounts, once again serviceable combat, decent-ish fashion with both slutwear and actual armor, the ability to farm gold and buy anything in the cash shop as ling as you aren't F2P... That's about all I remember. I wouldn't recommend it, would love to see it burn to be honest.

The EoD strikes are another name for raids. The new aetherblade CM is pure hell.

fuck man, still hard has fuck to pick between going full salad or not

>No challenge in any content besides raids
>He didn't see the casuals cry and literally melt and raid the game forums over how hard Soo-wan is, which btw till now devs refuse to nerf and would rather reduce its randomness and dps downtime instead of nerfing her health or dmg
>what is fractals T4 CMs, Strikes, Strike CMs
Its clear you didn't touch the game in a long ass time.

I might go back and try FB then. I have no interest in the new Guardian spec.

i went salad once, not too shabby

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>Its clear you didn't touch the game in a long ass time.
Yes. And am never going to again.
Don't care what the casuals are crying about. You cried about the soul eater boss in the Underworld where the main character gets killed. He wasn't hard, it's a safe assumption that whatever faggot you're talking about isn't either.
>Fractal CMs
Did the CM for the nightmare fractal once with complete randos, haven't stepped foot into them since. Trivial as well. I've seen them get some updates, but the content was just about as barren as raids.
>Anything strikes
You are honest to god a shitter and don't deserve my attention, so you're very much welcome for being gifted with it.

>the ability to farm gold and buy anything in the cash shop
I would like to add that the ratio of store currency to gold is pretty dogshit. It'll take some decent grinding to get stuff without paying. I don't know if End of Dragons added a new insane gold farm though, so maybe it's not so bad.

No, the game doesn't need any more furries. Fuck off.

Nobody is going to care how balance is dictated by anets love of Guardian and Engineer, it will just come off as generic moaning about balance in mmos until you actually play it. That picture is fine as a quick sum up of how bad the writing has got.

Yeah, if you're not a natural stock market brocker - you're gonna earn pennies per hour ingame through torturously repetetive meta grinds. At least that's how it was a years ago when I still played. It's just a thing I personally appreciate because I'd rather clean out my storage of loose change and buy that new pair of boots in the cash shop than become a dedicated paypig paying a high quality indiegame worth of dollarydoos for a single mount skin.

EoD Strikes are even more challenging and engaging than raids, and a single EoD strike has more mechanics than an entire HoT raid wing, i'd really love to see you clear harvest temple on your first try, tough boy

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Based Colin simultaneously sabotaging New World and saving GW2

Your misery is self inflicted, The real money is in trading guild or guilds with ties to trading guilds, and the real hard currency of gw2 is spirit shards and recently imperial favor, all things that drop from literally doing anything ever, farming is less money than doing a jumping puzzle + running a dungeon or 2 for fun, you use these currencies for gift trading and thats how real gold is made.

Had I 9 clones of myself and had you provided a financial incentive to that bet - I'd've gladly taken you up on that offer. As it stands - sticking it to a GW2 tranny is just about the worst way of spending my time, getting ahead of things like watching paint dry and committing suicide.

Buff bladesworn PvP damage, then I will return.
>no no no dragon trigger is a mixup you can't
Don't fucking care. Buff warrior.
Shut up. Buff warrior.

>Your misery is self-inflicted
Implying I actually ever did that shit. Like I said, I just sell off loose change from my vaults, with an occasional legendary weapon because my PvP habits tend to mount clovers that I can't otherwise liquify.

They only made it decent recently

You kind of intruiged me a bit, though. What's the shard per gold ratio right now? I might consider logging back in so I can liquify my shards and offload the gold to an acquintance of mine that still plays this thing.

Its good enough to have blizzard copy their mount mechanics and mount mastery system. The animations may be exactly the same as well. Its astonishingly obvious too, not even close to being a vague copy.

but dont play it, the community would be so much worse with you faggots. I've been in enough Yea Forums guilds to know.

Your community could not be any worse and you should go back to it.

Most of the dev staff only started recently.

Yeah ofc you would have totally flexed your epi scourge gameplay on us and put us to shame, thank you for being so considerate and not put us in shame. we dodged this one lads phew

a spirit shard is around the 1.2 gold
an imperial favor is around 3.7 gold

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Warrior is gay, not surprised you want him buff.

Tengu > Charr > Sylari > Asura >>>> Humans > Norn

No I mean Scrapper revamp

ever since they made megaservers, rp servers died. now if you want rp you either need to join one of the mega guilds or use the WARP addon

I know it's gay, that's why I play as Big McLargehuge the norn warrior wearing gladiator chest and pit fighter skirt.

Buff warrior.

>switching to Tengu if they finally come out
lmao, there will never ever be any new race because anet is too lazy

Dunno why people keep saying tranny this tranny that. The actual trannies left post first expac. My only problem really is the girlboss shit the game has but otherwise the best characters are all male.

Are rangers actually rangers now? Back when I played you were shit on pretty hard if you attempted to play the ranged class as a ranged class. Everyone wanted you to go sword/axe.

There's been strong rumors Guild Wars 2 is going to shut down. I'd be careful.

>anet's love of engineer
Kek what
>vanilla engineer was shunned by devs and most players didn't even know what it was capable of
>Scrapper in HoT was only ever used in PvP as a revive machine and an annoying shit who extends fights forever until a teammate comes to help
>Holo was a dumbed down vanilla engi, now you can do in 5 buttons what you used to do in 40! And your kit swapping you love so much? Not anymore, have some cooldown on your new holo kit!
I dropped the game specifically because I thought my class went from shit but interesting to worse with every expansion

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>remains 3rd or 2nd place
>new world and lost ark are dying
Why should they shut down?

Sicem soulbeast is godtier on every game mode except large scale organized wvw due to projectile hate so you run melee instead.
The entire power meta of fractals rests on the shoulders of soulbeast

low effort bait.
the strong confirmation is that they're working on the next expansion

>remains 3rd or 2nd place
What do you mean by this? No one plays GW2 anymore.

>No one plays GW2 anymore

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It's already one of the most used classes since the whole Scrapper fix

Did I struck a nerve? I'm not trying to upset anyone lol. There was some ArenaNet drama going on not long ago that sounded like ArenaNet might close down GW2 and the game isn't as popular as it once was.

user hearing voices in your head is not a source

scrapper is op in wvw, literally the only thing that keeps zergs from melting from condies, holo is still god tier and good pick in pvp and good dps in instant pve, and mechanist is op in pvp as side noder and all pve modes and can deal 20k dps with one button autos + your mech.

Tera closed down. GW2 could be next.

Game's alright, I guess.

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Nice correlation there

I was already gone, but good to know they did something, I left in early PoF

salad rules