Play LotRo

Play LotRo

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I've done every quest, area and dungeon in the base game and moria at least 10 times already and the game falls off hard after moria
The only thing that remains are the good memories

I'm gonna start building a lvl 50 red Warden and hope I can solo content for when my friends are offline
I already had a lvl 51 blue hunter but I lost the build guide i was following years ago so I'm completely lost
Which one should I focus on more?

i think i'll just listen to the soundtrack and use my imagination.

Boutta roll up a Dwarf Minstrel.

Got memed into playing after the last threads shilling it.
Hit level 10 on my champion. Will I be ruining the experience for myself if I use the free boost?

Can I explore the mines of moria? Are they labyrinthine and sprawling? It's all I've ever wanted since watching the film.

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Some user mentioned that if you level normally up until 20 without dying, you get titles every 5 levels. If you boost you don't get them.
>Will I be ruining the experience for myself if I use the free boost?
Most quests, from what I've seen by leveling from 1 to 51, are essentially the same, and you can do the main quest line at any moment so I'd say you're not missing out much.
If anything you get to play on the comfier areas with the better gear even faster than at any other time.
Please play on Gladden with me anons, the chat is full of geriatrics and mexicans.

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I remember remaking my character 4 times because I wanted some title you get if you didn't die until level 25 or something. Great game, very charming. I liked the option to not wear shoes as a hobbit.

yes to both
Moria is very cool in Lotro

For me, it's Forochel

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Sure, but only after we get authentic vanilla servers like wow did

So Minstrel is a pure healer or can I be more like a buffer-dpser?

Played it over 10 years ago. Was pretty comfy for a while, but impossible to play for free without extreme amounts of grinding for unlocking quest packs.
What kind of shit are they offering for new players now?

Do you still need to farm Lotro coins to get a permit to buy a mount? To get more than a 2 gold limit? To get all 5 passive skill slots? If you dont maybe i'll pick it up again

Everything except the latest expansions/ content for free I believe

Literally every expansion except for the last 3, no gold cap, like 2 or 3 free mounts which are on the faster and tougher end, free riding skill, all races free except stout dwarves, all classes free except brawler. Boosts to lvl 50, 105 and 120

Since there is a level boost I assume the only content worth a shit is the endgame stuff.
Is it any good?

fucking wrong

Some people say the highlight of this game are Angmar and Moria, which are both at around lvl 50, then Rohan and Gondor are eh, but I'm not sure about the post-Mordor content. Gundabad might be another good expansion but not as good as Moria.

The people in my server are all 40-60 year olds still running on 20 year old humor, this is both adorable and awful.

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The boost seems nice, but I don't think I can bring myself to play a timesink game again.
I'd rather read a book or something. Free time is a luxury for a 30+yo boomer.

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Don't worry bro, I get that.

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Is that Oblivion

I'm a simple man, I collect resources and process them, then sell them in the World Chat
Gotta keep the economy alive in this game :)

How cucked are professions on f2p? Can i solo dungeons and story?

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I rolled up a new warden last night on arkenstone

Minstrel can dps just fine

same era, similar kind of look


>Play Noldorin elf.
>Don't instantly kill everything.

How's Captain nowadays, I've not played since Moria

doing a valuable service

What server do I play on.

how's brawler? some people were saying it's trash and others were saying it's good now

Lothlorien is pretty alright, but yeah it falls off hard. Rohan in particular was a disappointment, they made the rolling fields in Bree so fun but in Rohan they are soulless. Belfalas and Dol Amroth where pretty fucking cool though.

Chance Thomas is a gift for the world, I got the 10 year anniversary soundtrack signed by him and I will treasure it till the end of time.

Same as Yea Forums then, only that with 13-years old humor

Nobody sensible should play LotRO. It was my main MMO for years, from release all the way to Helm's Deep, and then they fucking nose-dived the game. It had been getting steadily worse since Mirkwood/Isengard, but holy fuck how can devs do something as bad as Helm's Deep and expect anyone with a brain to stay?

I went back to see what had happened when they released the Three Peaks and it only ended up worse. What kind of a fucking shill are you, OP?

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You can but it's more like a theme park and less like the film. Lots of poorly repeated textures, maps don't really work, and there's one area in there that's literally bright purple and looks more like some shitty sci-fi alien world than a deep cavern. A lot of people always hated having to get through Moria (and I sympathise, even though I liked the Moria instances/raids) and would end up chilling in Lothlorien for weeks after because of it.

Yes, you do. Trying to play LotRO as F2P is intentionally a hellish experience to try to force people into spending money. I've got a Lifetime account so I'm VIP forever for no extra fee, but even I would have to pay for a lot of shit since it went all out pay to win. They even started removing in-game services and making them store-only at extortionate rates to stop VIPs from being able to save up their monthly 500 points.

Honestly, I can only assume that OP is one of those asshat whales that are keeping this joke of a game "alive", but is desperate for more than the 100 players it has left.

If you insist on playing this trash, then pick a Rune-keeper. I had one and by the end-game I was able to go back to the Rift and solo the Balrog in a couple of seconds without even removing his health regen buff.

Not him but what if I want to solo as much content as I can and just casually explore Middle Earth? Is playing F2P still worth it?

Exactly this, but they couldn't be bothered (or their devs weren't actually competent enough to be able to) so they made those "Legendary" servers. I played a Bear on Anor and at L50 I was soloing all the content except the Balrog in the Rift, just with how broken the scaling was. They hadn't bothered to check or test it, they just rolled out the current servers but with a fake level cap added.

It's free, so technically it's worth it. But the point of the game being F2P is to frustrate you and trick you into spending money on it. "Oh it's only a few quid to get these quality of life improvements, I'll just get these", except you end up doing it multiple times and by the time you realise you've spent a load in microtransactions. Then you get bored of the repetitive content passed L60 and stop playing... exactly the revolving door policy that LotRO now wants.

But if you've got the fortitude to resist that scam, then yeah I guess you could casually explore a bit.

I just want to explore the world of Lord of the Rings, bros. I always thought LotRO was a good game, but now you're telling me it's shit?

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uhhhhhhh... ahhhhhh...

Yep, Warner Brother's killed it. We fucking knew it as well, the moment it went F2P back in 2010. Their greed overwhelmed their passion for the game, devs started getting fired, cheaper interns started getting used instead, players got nickel and dimed, and the P2W elements they promised us wouldn't exist just became blatant. They won't even fix their shitty laggy servers because it would cost them and they know the current players won't leave regardless.

Even worse, they actually went back and fucked with older regions and ruined the experience and flow it used to have. The game as it was during Shadows of Angmar just doesn't exist any more. And it fucking hurts me that it's like this, because it used to be my favourite game.

Ah, man, really sorry to hear about that.
I was planning to get into LotR some time in the near future, but I probably won't know.

I am downloading it right now, I hope it's good

Rohan was god awful. Mounted combat is unnecessary and unfun, at least for hunter. So you basically end up having to ride across the map, get off your mount, kill all the mounted fucks running around you, get back on your horse, travel to the other side of the map, kill more things, rinse, repeat. My main is still in the level 70's cause I just can't bring myself to finish it.

The only one I bought repeatedly was riding, which is kinda bullshit it's a cash item but it's really not that hard to grind enough tasks. I never had my rental mount run out before I had enough to buy the riding skill.

>I hope it's good
I really wish it was.

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It's a game I have more fun thinking about and looking at than actually playing.

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Private servers when?

Probably never, because they'd have to release the coding for it. They can barely pick it apart themselves with how many devs they've cycled through, I bet it's an absolute embarrassment to see.

Finally someone intelligent in these threads. I don't get these fucking retards. I can't understand how anyone still plays this shit. The company is incompetent, the devs fuck shit up every patch, more attention is paid to festivals and cosmetics than end game content, you get one raid for a year, the PvP is ignored, and all you do is grind retarded ass LIs. MMOs are shit but LotRO is especially shit.

>more attention is paid to festivals
Still going into bilbo's haunted hole on halloween? Or putting on plays in christmas land?

Nice to see another non-shill around. I'd add as well that they ignored PvP only after they monetised Creep skills/appearances, added a bird on a rock, moved the OPs and EC/OC for no reason, then made a shitty extra map that nobody uses. Then recently they added end-game armour and jewels at GV, but then fucked everyone over by making it PvP only. I sort of wish they had left it alone entirely by comparison.

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Nothing's changed. Make sure to go to the Party Tree to do the same chores as every festival before.

>try it out again a few years back
>go in pvmp
>nothing like what it was during prime
shit fucking sucks

They added a new corn maze or some shit to the Fall festival with more fat fucking hobbits but the Yule festival has yet to be touched after 12 years.

Does it play the enya song?

how do you grief in this game?

No. It isn't allowed to use anything from the films, which is why nothing looks like the films.

You go to an RP server and jump about on tables in the Prancing Pony or just spam an instrument around a band.

Go to a festival for Rpers and run around spamming shit.

Man I still have a boxed copy of lotro somewhere around here. I bought this game to try out my new 8800 ultra at the time while I waited for crysis.
It looked really good at the time.

Dead game.

Yep, the wikis aren't being maintained and the biggest unofficial forum died a while ago. The only ones left are whales with more money than sense or self-respect.


get off the vent or I’ll have you bent