What are the best video games made in Ireland ?

What are the best video games made in Ireland ?

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The ones I want to make after I move there.


every irish person i've met is a literal bumbling retard

whens it coming out?

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why would you move there? is it cheap or something?

None. They all move to the UK,

Has Ireland made any games? Either way I like them because Guinness is good, and I generally like their culture (ignoring the car bombs, civil wars, and modern-day schizo tier devotion to random political factions.)

Catholic priest stimulator

VVVVVV was made by an Irish

Speed freaks on PS1 is the only game I can ever remember for being irish for some reason.

car bombing simulator

Irish terrorism was 100% justified

Confirmed looney brit. Get fucked.

Fuck, answered the wrong person

I’m torn, you’re wrong and a retard, but if you believe this you’ll stay out so……

Yep it’s awful we’re all awful never come here :)

Yes, I like how the west loves bitching about China and their conflict with Taiwan county. But intentionally ignore their own problems.
I'm not Irish, but I would pay a lot of money just to watch brits bathing in their own blood by the hands of Irish people.

Ireland is a depressing shithole with heavy tax, unaffordable housing, barely any jobs, barely any good weather so you're always depressed, the political parties are all the same except two other communist ones (one commie party is the largest in Ireland) and the only social activites are drinking, clubbing, drinking, drinking and more drinking. There's a massive reason tons of Irish migrate to Spain, Portugual or France. You don't want to come here, trust me. I've been saving for the last 7 years to leave and the only reason I'm still here is because Covid delayed me.

You in the republic? I've heard better things about moving to N.I.

Silent Bomber
'Splosion Man
Bombing Islands

Yeah, born in Dublin, also lived in Antrim (NI), Wicklow, Cork and now live in Galway. Northern Ireland is an even bigger shithole (although still better than Scotland and England) and there's considerably more...let's just say high-risk immigrants...

If you really really want to move to the British Isles, I'd suggest Wales but even then I'd suggest focusing on another part of Europe or the world.

shity weather is based tho. fuck the sun. always gives me joy hearing locals moan about weather

>(although still better than Scotland and England)

Scotland is now a Musloid-infested colony where they try to usurp the ethnic-middle class Scottish with extreme tax and we already know the state of England.
Trust me, you wouldn't say that if you lived your whole life here.

Also check picrel if you think I'm a Britnigger larping as always.

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Unironically true on all accounts.
Shame because such a beautiful country and culture with the folktales, music, etc. I'll always be Irish but I'm not going back other than to visit family

>says England is a shithole
>suggests Wales is better

Wales is literally stuck in the 1980s with massive unemployment, a heroin epidemic and absolutely no money.

I'm surprised they haven't replaced the dragon on the welsh flag with a used needle.

>claims to be Irish
>uses the term "British Isles"
Lad what the fuck are you doing

>I'll always be Irish
you will never be Irish yank

Irish passports are handed out to every yank and bongoloid with 1/364th Irish ancestry, this proves nothing

I was born in Ireland, have lived in Ireland my entire life up until last year and have an Irish passport you fucking knacker

>Shame because such a beautiful country and culture with the folktales, music, etc

Ironically most of what you know about Ireland actually just stems from America. I guess Irish folk music is real but when it comes to the culture, tales and accents, it's mostly just from second-generation Irish that migrated to Britain or America. Hell even the origin of the Leprachaun is American, the original creature was just a man-eating faerie that made children do riddles for their freedom but then it got turned into this weird green rainbow dwarf bollocks. Our language is dead, our culture is also dead and the crime is the same as England with tons of black roadmen patrolling the cities with hatchets and unarmed meme Gardaí/police who arrest the victim and only give the attacked 4 months in jail for a stabbing and 20 years at most for murder.

Not entirely true but I see what you're saying. Some remaining folklore stems from hundreds or years ago before the yanks even existed. I also just like the aspect of when I went to to see my Nan as a kid and hearing tales or the banshee out the yard. It's nice that's there

>Wales is literally stuck in the 1980s
Precisely the point, at least it's not a nigger ridden shithole although you do have the occasional ram-shaggers.
What else do you want me to call it? The Emerald Archipelago???
I never denied this.
Based although I don't think he was American.
Totally going to lie on an anomymous message forum for absolutely no benefit.

potato farmer simulator

Half the ancient boomers still believe in fairies

Came in here to post this. We're not that prolific when it comes to games. Although there was an Activision Blizzard office in Dublin I remember walking past daily, probably just for tax reasons.

I'm mosty just being pessimistic/sarcastic. But when it comes to the language it's dead unless you count 0.2% of the country speaking it an "alive language". Our culture is an atrocious mess not much different to the West coast of America or England though.

True, fuck imperialism
That said I don't like the socialist tendencies of the IRA and now sinn fuck or whatever they call themsevea

I'm Irish living in Scotland and this user is right, this place is an utter hellhole. I've also lived in England, it is 100% a dive.

Still wouldn't live in the north unless it was some sort of remote rural gaff though

>That said I don't like the socialist tendencies of the IRA
The socialist IRA was a different group called the PIRA which only had a small amount of people from the original group (although a lot of the original IRA leaders were commie or socialist). Sinn Fein despite them being boarderline communist and EU-cock suckers (along with the other parties) are the only capable group of running the country and will win next election but at least I'll have long left this kip by then.

>Scotland is now a Musloid-infested colony where they try to usurp the ethnic-middle class Scottish with extreme tax and we already know the state of England.
What the ever loving fuck are you talking about, what news channel did you learn that from
t. Scottish

this looks like one of those ai generated images

>t. Scottish
Honestly doubt you're Scottish if you're seriously questioning that. Have a good look at the utter state of the SNP nowadays if you're seriously clueless.

I live in Glasgow, theres a few more niggers but its hardly the musloid infestation he made it out to be.

>Sinn Fein
>...are the only capable group of running the country
actual responsibility would ruin them

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Literally noone

Not Irish but I don’t trust "nationalists" who aren’t anti-EU

Nationalism and Political Unions are two completely imcompatable things but yeah, Sinn Féin or Irish Nationalism in general never had anything to do with Nationalism since the 80s.

Nationalism and federalism are both cancer to freedom

>I'd suggest Wales
That's what I'm planning on.

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Switzerland is nationalist and it’s maybe the country with the most freedom in Europe

>complains about the weather
>wants to move to Wales, known for being exceptionally damp and cloudy

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You're all bitching so much at nothing. You live in a first world country where you can afford most things that you could want. There is no war going on and you're more free than anyone has ever been in the history of humanity.

I'm the Irish passport guy that was complaining about the weather, he's () the guy that wanted to move to Ireland thickshit.

bore da

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>You live in a first world country where you can afford most things that you could want.
I'd rather live in a third-world shithole with an interesting culture, good weather and unpozzed social climate than what you believe is good (wagecucking and consooooomerism until the day you die).

I challenge you to try to walk and live there without permission from the crown (or whatever equivalent modern nationalists use)

nothing stopping you from doing that, somalia beckons

None, Ireland is a miserable rock and hasn't produced anything of value in general.

>modern nationalists
Just because alt-right faggots have this weirdo fascist idea of Nationalism doesn't mean that's what Nationalism is.

It's a figure of speach you Muttmerican clown

God created Ireland for the sake of Joyce.

Fuck culture. Thanks to the internet and your own creativity you can experience whatever you want. Culture is also often used as a tool against individuals.
It's fine. Not as good as souther murica or yurop, but you're not living in the tundra like how the nords subject themselves to.
>social climate
Will always be shit due to most people being collectivist insects. Your brand of collectivism is just as bad as theirs.

Not him but do you even know what a figure of speech is? Because that sure as shit didn't read like one at all.

I have it on good account that nationalism is all about putting brylcreem in your hair and aping whatever larp the americans/brits are doing

I've seen people change goal posts but its rare to see someone pretend the goal posts weren't even there.

I'm a different user.

Noswaith dda

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>Fuck culture.
Great, go ahead and live in a boring uninspired collectivist shithole.
>It's fine.
I'm sure you're one of those bugmen that accepts everything you slightly dislike it by labelling it fine also.
>Your brand of collectivism is just as bad as theirs.
It's worse...much worse user......you're literally on Yea Forums for fucks sake,

Why yes, I was totally being realistic when I said I would live in a third-world country............the absolute state of Americans

Obsession with culture created individual-stifling collectivism.
>it's fine
We're talking about Britain weather right? It's habitable and comfy if you like rain and snow. Some people do. I'm more of a blistering carolina/florida heat kind of guy.
>it's worse
They're all the same. All prevent free men from being free.