I think I want to play this.
WoW: Dragonflight
i don't
YOU are a furfag.
Fuuuuu you got potato chip oil on my controller
Will be shit.
I hope there will be some good porn of the dragons at least.
Is there a nice non-schizo text summary of the reveal somewhere? Ideally not mmo-champion but I guess I'll take if that's all there is.
that does not seem like proper gamer posture
>multi billion dollar company thinks this looks good
This is unironically uglier than that April fools draenei
i miss the times when he would post non-furry stuff
what I don't get about this is why they had to be dragon elves? why couldn't they have just had a dragon bloodline class that worked like death knight where any race can be it but they have dragon scales or some shit like how death knights have paler skin and blue eyes. all they'd need to do is have different textures and viola. sounds easier than making a whole new race model. normal dragons can transform into any race anyway.
I'm surprised they added something so low effort and ugly. Even mechagnomes were better than this
>what I don't get about this is why they had to be dragon elves
Because Alex.
Did we lost ogre bros?
This unironically looks worse than dragon models we had a decade ago in cataclysm. What the fuck happened. WoW was dogshit for years in every possible aspects EXCEPT for art design. Now we get garbage that looks like it was made by 12 y/o child whose dads work as interns at Blizzard. I had a look at screenshots from the 9.2 patch and some of those models and the art behind them look worse and more minimalistic than vanilla WoW. Explain.
>Even mechagnomes were better than this
Let's not get retarded. Mechagnomes have basically nocustomization options.
This a new race with transformation powers?
Just play Spyro
I'm sure the actual class will be fun, but the artists need to be executed.
They're forced to be in draconid form while in combat, so that raises a ton of questions:
>Why not just make a legit dragon race, like Wyrmkin or something? what's the point of the humanoid form at all?
>If you're forced into draconid form in combat, why limit Evoker to Dracthyr? Why not let people roll a Goblin/Tauren/Dark Iron Evoker if they're going to turn into a dragon anyways?
>The point of the Visage was to blend in with mortal societies, so being a scaly drag queen girlboss with horns and scales and glowing hair kinda defeats the point
>Also, what's the point of having a visage at all now that Dragons are widely known about and friendly to all mortals?
Blizzard also said they came up with Dracthyr because turning into a a legit dragon wouldn't make sense (it wouldn't, they're right), but why can't Evokers turn into a mount-sized Drake? Sure, they'd be small, but that would fit into the lore, like they're juvenile dragons, hence why they're a hero class and not demi-gods.
Kill all women
Kill all trans people
Kill all gay people
Is it going to be like worgen where you have to press a button every time you leave combat to go back to human form. I always hated that.
Honestly think that fighting in the visage form is going to be one of the key requests people will give the class/race.
Why even put so much effort towards making the form unique if its just a cosmetic that shows up while you are afk by the mailbox.
the point of the humanoid form is for erpers and for the asian market which hates beastial races
noone has a dragon fetish. i cant ERP those ugly things. will stick to catgirls
But japan seems to love anthros
>YOU are a furfag.
dragons have fur in 2022?
Honestly I think the dragon forms would have looked better if they made them more scaly and vicious looking. Arched backs, portruding scales. The tall posture and lanky arms makes them look like Spyro the Dragon characters.
>I-I'm not a furry, I'm a scalie!
Catgirls are based.
why work hard to make a badass masculine dragon when you can just reskin the worgen female rig and make a non-binary dragon and call it a day?
i just cant
other than a small amount of people, they just like sexy humans with animal ears, same with the rest of asia.
They don't even look good even from an anthro perspective. They looks like lanky twink as fucks from Second Life, female Au Ra from Final Fantasy XIV which are designed to be waifu characters look more masculine
They're "unisex", aka blizz is lazy and only did one model that has to work for both male and female without being too far in one direction.
Why not have the female dragons look badass as well? Like that'd certainly earn brownie points with the alphabet people and diversity crowd since it's not the typical waifu body type
yeah it's fucking bullshit, however, it's been uncovered and revealed on WoWhead that there is indeed two abdomen options, one thicker and one thinner.
So the community needs to keep the fire on their gay asses and force them to add more and more options to actually change the dragon body
that picture leans on the masculine side but if the thighs were a little bigger, then i think that would be enough to satisfy everyone
how do furries play without hands (they freeze them off)?
lmao twink scalies you'd think there was nowhere to go but up from vulpera but blizzard never fails to find a new low, absolute state of world of furlo
why do they all have the exact same face just different colours
Wasn't the whole point of Cataclysm that the Dragonflight will not act as guardians of Azeroth anymore and that its stewardship belong to mortals now since the Dragonflight no longer has any power?
The humanoid form is there because 60something% of all characters that exist are either human or blood elf, they know the "monster" races are some of the least played
Because just like with the Allied Races, they put in minimal effort so there is almost no customization. It also makes it easier for low power PCs to render and thus not get lower FPS from all the customization options some other online games get.
WoW art design always was the worst part.
Bro, the end of the 10 year saga happened in Shadowlands! Forget everything else that happened! NEW STORY ARC UNRELATED TO WARCRAFT 3!
you think you do, but you don’t
they dumped all their power, but it's been slowly recharging.
Remember when this was what was considered a bad WoW DLC?
Doesnt hurt to add a bit of muscle so they aren't twigs, but don't give them a fucking retard chin. Why do people like the retard chin? Mental illness?
They let mortals take the wheel and things did not improve in the slightest
>hire moral inquisitors and gender goblins
>everything they make is made to appeal to themselves first and anybody else second
Not big surprise.
Thanks for proving the point. Yeah, to be fair, it's characters and architecture that are utter irredeemable shit, while some landscapes are passable.
Honestly i'd kill for an expansion as good as cata now
They still have more customisation than the lame dragon form you'll spend most of your time in.
fippe bippie I don't either
I want to play as these.
Remind me why do these 'dragons' need a human form when they're already human sized and bipedal.
Just a lazy reskin of demon hunters but still looks kind of cool
Why are they drag queens
Fix your taste, really, don't embarass yourself.
I had no idea how spoiled I was...
You wanna play a bad ass beast race that fits the theme of the Horde? Sorry buddy. Have another elf human looking character or a cute furry
Because Blizzard know nobody except the most degenerate of furfags want to play monster races. Just look how every place discussing the expansion is asking for the ability to avoid going into dragon form automatically in fights.
because a bunch of fags and Tumblr women designed them with no deference to the community