Who plays these types of games and why?

Who plays these types of games and why?
I don't understand the appeal and I want a genuine explanation.

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cool kids, unlike you lmoa

weak ass faggots that got bullied in school play them, and they still cling onto their pre-teen esc emo culture that got rebranded into whatever the fuck this is in the 2020s

Remember Poochie from the Simpsons?
This is that, but for the prozac-addled brains of TikTok generation

any game that has a nigger or woman protagonist I skip
I'm just not gonna play it... ugh, I know! sorry! but like.. I'm just not going to play as a nigger/woman! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA

GTA SA is good though


Duuuuuude hacking is mysterious and coool WOOOAH! Oh and OBVIOUSLY a 90 pound woman with bright clothes can uphold a hardened criminal gang war. This is the CURRENT YEAR!

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Wacky ironic "nerd".

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This isn't even nerd culture. This is in every possible way, a mental disorder or severe insecurity.
>requiring outlandish altercations to the body and face
>loud and obnoxious in both cutscenes and personality
If I wanted to see someone with severe daddy issues and an obsession to garner the attention of others I'd go back in time to date girls in my 10th grade.

mfw everyone calls nigger Spiderman his actual name instead of Spiderman

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They aren't, actually. No more than any other GTA protagonist. They are competing with spics and other blacks for territory and influence, the ballas, vagos, Smoke and traitors Ryder and Big Smoke. The relationship with the LSPD is impersonal besides a unit in which 3 people are shown, one of which is black with the other one being hispanic.
Does this ever happen? They are just more sympathetic than crack peddlers. GTA SA doesn't try to present an SJW-curated version of blacks that can do no wrong.

>GTA SA doesn't try to present an SJW-curated version of blacks that can do no wrong.
cool, and I'm not obliged to like/sympathize with the characters/the narrative

what the fuck are those teeth? shit looks terrible

They're just keeping up with pop culture

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Watch Dogs 2 is actually pretty good.

yeah but those straight up don't look like teeth in the game, it looks awful

Reddit is down the hall to the left

Hey now, Watch Dogs 2 was actually really good.

refer to

Saints Row 1 capitalized on the lack of next-gen gta.
Saints Row 2 capitalized on the lack of a co-op gta.

I had a couple of hours of fun in watch dogs 2 messing around in the open world and using the forklifts to lift up other forklifts to lift up vehicles onto the roofs of buildings and silly shit like that but the actual campaign and story were abysmal

>Who plays these types of games and why?

i do. i like large sandboxes.

You don't have to. Who cares about story in vidya?

what games does OP even play?

I like checkbox open world games, not those specifically and not all the time. I played Far Cry 6 and that’ll probably be the only one this year.

What do either of these games offer in Sandbox departments that you can't get from every other Sandbox?

This. OP is a faggot

WD2 has a unique hacking system that isn't present in every other sandbox. SR isn't out yet but everything before 3 was soul

Dishonored, Manhunt, GTA4, Dead Space, Prototype, Splatterhouse, Metro Exodus, and Area 51 for the PS2.

Lol a fucking moviegame

That gimmick itself was already burnt out in the 1st game, and I never played the 2nd because every character in the 2nd looks like a Hot Topic drag queen. If that's really all there is then hot damn that's sad


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I skipped WD2 but played 1 and am playing Legion. I find them more fun to fuck round in than modern GTA's

>discussing games you never played

You shouldn't sympathize with any GTA character

Same. I have no interest in playing blacks or black women either.

>creates a thread asking about their appeal to possibly play
I don't understand what you're getting at

I could never get into GTA4 and I don't know why

6ix9ine hasnt been pop culture in years. all the kids listen to yeat now

The game is a concrete wasteland and doesn't have Staten Island

I like its gross and smuggy atmosphere, surrounded by thick accents in some washed up piece of shit city helps too. The game doesn't want the player to feel welcomed in the slightest which I dig

I played Watch Dogs 2 because everyone said "it's better than the first". It's exactly the same shit with characters who are annoying in a different way

It has no atmosphere. 3 is better at everything you described.

Think that might be it, only game I sort of liked set in NYC was the Division and I think that was more due to the snowy atmosphere

Yeah, the gameplay. Go dilate already.

Play Max Payne

Exactly what I thought then. Colorful characters in any sort of crime genre need to be restricted to like Batman or some capeshit tier fantasy world

The Division is a shooter, not a wide open sandbox set in a boring city. Action and level design are supposed to be the main draw, not just exploration. It heavily restricts that.

You're the one here defending a millennial tranny power fantasy game

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They barely get any players and usually bankrupt the company

Didn't care about, don't remember the story, had fun. Something the leftist mind for some reason can't comprehend.

Holy fucking shit

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You discord raiders really think you're fooling anybody


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Might as well just admit it if you're gonna be making posts like that

Dude, the fact you're still responding moments before this thread dies off only proves to me you're trying to cope with the idea nobody likes your little Tiktok GTA.

I don't even think tiktok was popular when WD2 was released

Think you responded to the wrong post, that or you're retarded

normie. idiots.
morons who don't get that they are brainwashed into commie bs by jews - the same normies that then become crazy commie students, liberals, uninformed npcs, all the bs society has been stuffed with by kikes

you're welcome.

theoretically, all companies that push this marxist garbage should be disbanded, those responsible jailed and the kikes expelled. only then you can save your country from the kike mind virus.

but muttmerica is a lost cause so it is now on its last dying legs before getting nuked.

the end.

imagine being so sick in the head and lonely that you get the ability to shoehorn politics into every single thread from vidya to porn

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