When the developer is based

>When the developer is based

Attached: domina.png (912x591, 329.63K)

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Hide the word "nigger" somewhere deep in the game's files

it is a pretty good game but im bad at it because these unwashed slaves get killed every time

I played this guy's game when it first released. Hearing about it again lately and reading the latest patch notes' comments gave me a good laugh.

Link to the comments? What a fucking madman.

This game is fun. I enjoy building up gladiators, and the music is pretty slappin' too.


>deleting the negative comments
Based in a way, but lame.

>cut parts of the game and re-release it as paid DLC
>go on schizo rants in the patch notes
>rightoids scream BASED and give you money anyway

Ultra based

You can just say nigger in developer notes

Why can't you thumb it up? Cause it's too new or some other reason?

>right-wingers are the only ones who dislike troons
Most women hate them at this point.

I am confused I thought Yea Forums hated when games were political and talked about trannies

Hey dev. How much did you pay sseth to shill your game? Also congratz on the succesful shill campaign here, I guess at least like five people have now bought DOMINA thanks to it.

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I only hate games that disagree with me

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Feminists hate trannies. Trannies are incel adjacent.

We do, but at this point leftist shit is injected all over so we may as well have some to counter that garbage.

>Dev continues to shill his game on Yea Forums by posting "based" patch notes


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Patrick crusiuse was a democrat.

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Why are chuds so stereotypical and devoid of their own political ideas? In addition to hating trannies, they ALWAYS also have to be anti-vaxxers and support Russia, they can only parrot what others say. The horseshoe theory is real

>Patrick crusiuse was a democrat.

Attached: chud10.jpg (424x746, 75.93K)

>they can only parrot what others say. The horseshoe theory is real
The irony is palpable.

>>they can only parrot what others say. The horseshoe theory is real
>The irony is palpable.

Attached: chud256.jpg (1024x882, 144.98K)

Sounds based. It's exactly what liberal globohomo corporations do 24/7, brushing off any disdain for their lunatic agenda as hate speech.

ummm sweety, the vaccines kill millions, look at that tweet about a vaxxed person dying (I spend most of my day on twitter to find stuff like this)

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I’m so tired of all of this, from both sides. It feels like kid shit.

>Sounds based. It's exactly what liberal globohomo corporations do 24/7, brushing off any disdain for their lunatic agenda as hate speech.

Attached: chud65.jpg (900x900, 113.8K)

Uhhh trannybros... I just realized I took all my SSRI's during an overdose last night... how will I cope with chud harassment without my meds??? Will I ever be a woman???


that's the most predictable reply there could have been

Sure is samefag in here

why are americans like this

>Rightoid uses same stale copypasta
Science literally says that gender is fluid and that transwomen are literally women. Fuck off with your garbage

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the person who made this is going to troon out in a few years

we have the best jeans!

Buy rope

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yeah man people hate cheap fuel that's why they voted for Biden!

Trannies and chuds are two sides of the same coin, normal people don't think about trannies because they never met any and don't have gender dysphoria


We already have an X chromosome. Getting the other X shouldn't be too hard.

>developer's face when

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They are ANGRY!

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You're upset because conservatives finally got fed up with your bullshit tactics and started playing at your level of gaslighting, deception and projecting? Good. Imo Western neoliberals deserve zero mercy. Also cope, I live in a Christian, conservative European country where normal, sane people have more empathy and goodwill than your disfigured, virtue signalling American goblins like the one in your photo. Kys scum.

centrist cucks will get the rope as well

>>developer's face when

Attached: chud46.png (918x640, 127.99K)

This is why the right keeps winning. Ffs, make things more concise and punchy. Propaganda is about soundbites, slogans, things that ring in the memory.
Before you start mouthing off about "lmao imagine being too much of a brainlet to parse through a bunch of text", this again is exactly what the problem is. Propaganda isn't meant to be for smart people who take time to inform themselves on things. This is why the left wing intelligentsia is forever incapable of winning over the working class demographic, the demographic that should be its core.

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>tell people you'll kill them
>heh that'll get him to agree with my side
Truly big brains

/qa/ lost
Trump lost

Attached: 8212 - 2soyjaks alternate arm clothes glasses hair hand handsome holding_object mirror smile smug soyjak tshirt variant chudjak.png (1224x1052, 23.75K)

i played this game a couple years ago and had fun with it. the soundtrack is also god tier.

But I won

ok but how's the gamelay?

holy cope batman, in what world is the right winning
Leftoids unpersoned the president of the united states

back to discord with you!

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My mom is a sweet normalfag lady and even she says you faggots are fucked in the head. Go kys.

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Lmao this dev.
I respect that he speaks without fear.
Its funny how mad some people get over a few words.

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What the fuck is wrong with you? Mods

I don't give a fuck about trannies, quit posting about them NIGGER

Now this is how you shill your game on Yea Forums

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Roses are red, violets are blue, I can't change what I was born as, and neither can you.

The left can't meme is eternal immutable truth.


Ok I'm saving this lmao

This sentence reads like a word jumble which is what I would expect from someone who gives a fuck about trannies.


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Meanwhile states are banning abortion, fascism and right wing ideology is increasing among young people (it should be the other way around), brexit in the UK etc.
You don't seem to realize this because you're probably quite young, but racism is a lot worse than it was a decade plus ago. Racism back then was casual, afterthought racism. Yes it was there, but now racism is a way of life for right wingers. I mean fuck, look at this place. Racism used to be for lulz, now it's literally the core of these people's identity. Far right extremism is a counter culture movement among young people, and it keeps gaining traction. I mean, in general people have become far more authoritarian, I imagine things are only going to get worse.

this man is going to be found dead by suicide to 3 gunshots to the back of the head. no one so based will be allowed to live

I can't find this game on Steam.
Am I retarded?

Why does /pol/ love trannies so much?

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Wait is this real? Story?

average rightoid

>no why are you upset at trannies grooming children

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banned in china

>do i fit in yet?

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