Why do the environments in 3 look so soulless?
Xenoblade 3
the area on the top is in the game
source: trust me bro
we've barely seen anything of the world, if you weren't a disingenuous turbo nigger you'd have compared the xeno 3 area with gormott instead of a mid game map
It's very autistic of me but I like how this game is set on an actual world instead of on a titan or dead god dude. Reminds me of X even if it isn't open world
Everything about 3 looks soulless and straight up worse. The character designs, monster designs and their models look worse. Purple frog in the trailer stood out very badly. The """""mechs"""""" people merge into look stupid with a horrible horrible choice in color scheme.
Story reeks of trying too hard to be sad as well. Like the last 10 minutes of Xenoblade 2, that garbage drama boo hoo Pyra has to stay and die (when she can access Aion remotely so it makes no sense)
cover art
What are you talking about? Bottom pic is pure fucking soul
Why was 2 so souless compared to 1?
That's not a area.
Shut the fuck up you buttblasted coomer waifufag nigger. It looks leaps and bounds better than the cringefest downgrade in artstyle story and characters that was XBC2.
Just the level of intelligence I would expect from someone who thinks Xenoblade 3 looks good.
It's fucking Uraya you imbecile
It doesn't. 3 will be a good game, unlike 2.
fpbp user speaks the truth
>It's fucking Uraya
So fucking what you inbred retard? So what? It's literally a fucking destroyed mountain in the cover not a exportable area that looks like it does in the OP. Fuck off.
WHEN has a Xenoblade area in the cover art not been explorable?
U mad
God I hope so. Thankfully the combat already looks better than the shit that was XB2.
>and that they need to accept having things taken from them unfairly simply for their skin color?
That doesn't happen schizophonic. I didn't mean for this "discussion" to trigger a episode, take your meds and go to bed.
I think Xenoblade 2 was fine, but holy shit, Pyra, Mythra and Rex were all terrible. Everyone else was at least ok, if not forgettable.
why did you bring that here?
The whole point of the game is to go to "the land pierced by a great sword", meaning Uraya, genius
Because falseflaggers on a discord server are shitting up Xeno threads as much as they can
It's his ideology to poison every aspect of society with his filth.
xenoblade 2 was amazing I love pyra and rex its my favorite game ever
All the distant detail has been culled in bottom pic because Switch doesn't have the processing power for distant LODs in a shot of that scale.
That shot of Uraya conveniently frames the foliage drawn close to the player as well as catching the super striking distant views, and Uraya is by far the most visually striking area of the game. I don't think they showed it off in pre release, and stepping out into the area was definitely meant to be a big breathtaking moment.
Monolithsoft are great, stop doomposting like a faggot, they love creating gorgeous environments, I really doubt 3 will be any different.
God I can't wait for it come out so secondaries will fuck off.
It's literally just a fucking mountain you dipship and there's nothing to support that it'll even look as it did in 2 even if you could explore it. And there's nothing to support we'll be able to go inside it because it's fucking destroyed. Again, fuck off.
>let's make a character that is one color
What were they thinking?
fuck off
1 and X were better, and that's just Blade.
Xenoblade worlds are mostly just big open fields where you mindlessly run from point a to b.
Humanity will end up back to being spacefaring at the end of Xenoblade 3. There's really no where else to go with our current world now that you're smushing the first two games together.
Who cares?
he's the only cool looking character so what ever they were thinking worked
Easier to identify them in screen by their color
>who cares about discussing the actual game I wanna get mad over fapbait and graphics
Unironically kill yourself0mmpw
I strongly disagree regarding 1, X was amazing though before you get the skells at least
It's as Arglas said in 1, what actually lies beyond the Bionis and Mechonis?
I'm ready for this scenario.
You are not discussing the game. You haven't played it.
Maybe the threads are shit because the game isn't appealing.
I'm sorry, but Rex's design has more soul than Shulk.
>He says in a kneejerk reactionary troll thread about environments we've seen 5 secs of
I mean, there was an effort put in, but it still turned out shit.
>the game isn't appealing.
Only to 2coomers.
When I saw 5 seconds of XCX environments in the trailer I was excited. Not my fault X3 doesn't make me feel the same.
Rex's design only needs some tweaks to make it less awkward looking. Shulk's design is unsalvageable and says fucking nothing about his character.
>making lore speculation isn't discussing the game
Again, kill yourself.
>making lore speculation isn't discussing the game
That's right, it isn't. It's discussing your dumb thoughts.
The title screen of XC2 made me excited for the game, and it was my first xenoblade game.
>5 seconds of XCX environments in the trailer I was excited
My condolences for your shit taste.
Nah, XC2 suffers from too much saturation. All the autism preschool bright colours are way too grating on the eyes.
See, now I know you don't like this series are a shitbag troll.
>implying Rex is a better character than Shulk
Seems we got confirmation.
Why do you assume because someone doesn't like shitty games like X, they don't like the series?
I didn't want to word it that way, but I had no decent alternatives.
Also, I like how Rex uses his diver suit to fight in combat with his grappling hook. That's a very nice way to implement his more physical and brass nature.
>contemporary clothing
>stone medieval buildings
So fucking dumb.
He's just squeamish about killing an actual person. Even with that, he's still a better character
uhhhh user
Pozzed game
>tourist attraction
You are so fucking dumb.
nah man fuck off him stopping dunban was the shittiest thing he could possibly do
Xenoblade doesn't even have to bound by stuff in Xenoblade 1 or Xenoblade 2 anymore. Xenoblade 2 outright said their are infinite amount of universes that exist. If Takahashi wants too he can easily just go to another one and make something new or if he wants to just hand the series over to another person that may want to do that he can have them do it if he gets bored or very old to even bother making these games anymore.
Did somebody fuck up or what? Not that it wasn't painfully obvious but still.
Dunno but I like that Genshin is getting better at least. It's not as depressing seeing Japan sink lower and lower.
>If Takahashi wants too
lol Nintendo won't let Monolithsoft make anything else.
no u
Some intern is getting fired.
Maybe if Nintendo continues their internal investment trends Monolith will have enough staff to develop multiple projects at once eventually.
But he literally is.
The weirdest thing is that despite Rex being in a literal love story, he thinks about spirituality, other people, what kind of man he wants to be, and the people that wronged him without Mythra's input/influence.
Shulk's character on the other hand is way too focused on Fiora. And being the badass that literally holds his team of total unconfident weaklings. How he gets the final Monado upgrade and his powers back is also really fucking stupid.
lol no. They can make open worlds for Pokemon, Zelda,etc.
I can hate Rex without thinking Shulk is anything special.
Rex causally killed off blades and humans plenty of times in the story. He has a few exceptions, Morag, because he thought she was a respectable officer that had no malicious or evil intentions.
>causally killed off blades and humans plenty of times in the story
Shulk has plenty of character and development beyond Fiora.
I'm not arguing he's some great protagonists. I don't think he is. But he's far better than Rex.
He is, Rex actually kills people and has a character arc where he manages to let go of Pyra&Mythra at the end of his journey.
Shulk is a manchild who never grew out of Fiora even past the ending.
whats wrong with rex? and dont fucking mention the dub because you can play in japanese
What's worse is that Shulk didn't even do it because he feared that Mumkhar was actually severely brainwashed to be this monstruous tool against the people he once protected. No. It's because it's about FIORA.
Because 3D IS soulless? How have you not figured this out yet?