We all lose
>console wars are over because Nintendo wins by not playing
What's wrong with ads? You already buy McDonald's anyway
Oh Boy!
So I need AD's about something I already use?
Ad me about something NEW or some shit!
But you bitch ass better not spoil me with some Spiderman Being PETER FUCKING PARKER TRIPPLET Like they did before the movie was avaiable in Scandinavia Theater!!!
>f2p game ads give ingame premium currency option to disable
There fix it for you fuck off
If Nintendo joins in, then I am done with consoles forever. Fuck this shit.
Xbox already spams your whole home screen with ads
And you will continue to buy their consoles anyway. They can only do this because gamers allow them to.
Zoomers might, but I won't. I'm done with Sony. Never had Xbox.
Oh, so NOW you complain about ads in vidya. SFV has been doing this for years.
It’s so fucking insane that every windows pc comes with like 5 gb of bloatware an ads preinstalled, maybe it makes Microsoft decent money and they want to expand this on consoles as well
Console wars have no soul or is fun at all anymore.
2013 was truly peak. Memes where good and it was at its most intense on these boards.
I used to be a Sony faggot. Ps4 broke one day and i just said fuck I will try PC. Best decision I made It's not perfect it has its cons and annoying things but i got my comfy set up.
Move on and grow up from the console wars doesn't even matter anyway nintendo's gonna win in the end. Shit They won the ps3 gen and are basically winning now so I don't even understand why Sony fags and sex fags are even fighting about?
Hasn't that already been a thing for a while in sports games? I feel like sports game fans are the stupidest, most exploitable people out there. They get away with putting actual gambling in their games and everyone still lines up for the next game every year.
You think our rulers would allow videogames to become the primary entertainment medium without infesting them with ads first?
that futurama joke where corporations beam advertisements directly into your brain while you sleep doesnt seem too far from reality now huh, how long until that happens, 20 years?
Does Nintendo even have any free to Play games? I honestly don't know any. Did they port Fortnite?
>sports game fans are the stupidest, most exploitable people out there.
That's any sports fans
These articles are also part of the lube to get you ready for ‘em.
>be subhuman
>play on a subhuman platform
>thinking you have a right to complain when you swore eternal loyalty to a corporation
xbots and sonysubhumans will gladly take advertisements up their asses, they were born to be corporate slaves
Aren't ads just an excuse to waste money on something that doesn't do anything, like how can you be sure that any money generated actually came because someone saw an ad
Microsoft owns most AAA game development
FUCK!!! I was thinking about getting a SeX but now I won't.
Advertising is useful in theory, but in reality 99% of advertising is bullshit jobs.
do people here play video games
It's owari da.
Ads usually have tracking in them, for example if you click on a google ad or a facebook ad, the marketing team sees most of your steps through your browser from the moment you arrived at their site. I think if they put “ads” in games where you have a logitech banner somewhere it is more akin to Sponsoring like sport events, which the return of advertising is “i dunno look here” like back in the television ad days
>corporate slaves
>buys another $4,000 GPU
>PC, Piracy and Linux
will be the only way out. Win11 will no doubt feature the same "experience" of consolified gaming.
Just makes me wanna pirate shit more. No console only game is worth half a fuck anyway
piratechads keep on fucking winning
why should i care
>people moved to cable because it had better shows and no ads
>they added ads and the shows got worse
>people moved to streaming because it had better shows and no ads
>they added ads and the shows got worse
why do they do it bros?
think of a more targeted program like "tendies on sale for $2.95 at 7-11"
Of course the technology has existed for a long time but only now do we have publishers unified in pursuing it.
>that pathetic damage control
I dont understand havent they already been doing this? I remember Alan wake has shameless advertising and so does FF. Fucking cup noodles
Windows is already filled with preinstalled shit like 5 different anti virus programs with 30 free test days, the whole gameloft library and spotifty, grovemusic and amazon music, theyre not better in that regard
Because they hate you.
>he doesn't block ads on his router
Do companies even want to make video games any more? Hasn't microtransaction and mandatory online already mostly killed the AAA single player game?
Not only do you have to pay to use your own internet on consoles but now you'll be forced to watch in game ads
Jar Jar is the key to all this
the corporate rate race is only filled with making as much money in short time as possible to impress the superiors because at the end of the day the only “KPI” that matters to corporate is money. Thus they ruin it all with decisions like this
Yeah pretty much. Activision and EA have only made like 1 or 2 AAA single player games in the past 5 or so years
Bought a Sega Genesis and GameCube with flash cart and gcloader for this very fucking reason. Gayming is dead.
Western companies look at gacha revenue with envy
Considering what comes out the ass end of most dev cycles, do you think these people are actually in it for the games?
Does anyone really care? Games like GTA and Fallout have had ads in them since forever. Is it really any different if the ads are for real products?
>imagine paying and going through all this trouble
in the end the one who has more money ends up getting a worse product, and the other one who called poor, gets the best, and for free
Kinda. That's more like a development sponsership and can sometimes actually add realism to a world. This is creating a dynamic system to sell ads in a variety of games and target certain groups more like a facebook ad. You'd be a fool if you don't think this stuff is going in menus and probably eventually outright interrupting gameplay.
When did it start to go downhill? Was it Fortnite and it's retarded popularization of seasonal battlepass? Rockstar sucking GTA V dry harder than Todd did with Skyrim? E-Sports and the competitive scene? Or all of the above?
They want to make video games sure but they wanna make live service abominations that siphon money out of your wallet as much as possible. Companies are no longer happy with making money anymore, they want ALL the money.
I would not care if it's F2P games and the ad fit into the environment or was on a loading screen only. Like the BF2142 ads back in the day were not terrible, still BS for a full price game of course
The problem is we all know damn well corp greed has no limit. So once ads get in it's going to quickly get out of control. Every PvP fame, every loading screen etc
Horse Armor was the beginning.
I feel the same with racing game but I still hate it
>this just in: any gaming company that doesn't put ads in games has a brand new user base
I will never play a game with an ad in it, any console that does this I will go to it's competitor in an instant and I know millions feel exactly like I do on this matter. Video games are one of the last few places to avoid retarded globohomo shit (yes good games still exist), I'll stick to only old games if I absolutely have to. No way in hell am I playing games with ads in it, I'd go to war first
I think Cyberpunk was the last one. Too bad CDPR failed to live up to all their Witcher hype.
No. Expansion packs were the beginning.
What if they're placed into the world believably? Is that better or worse?
They both want to be the priority platform for F2P games for that sweet sweet revenue.
Holy shit is this going to blow up in their faces kek, I can't wait to see whatever dumb fuck company that tries this stock drop like a rock when this gets coverage. What a fucking embarrassment
ads pay them more money, money is everything to most of these soulless fucks.
>thinking games will take the form of software released for expensive console hardware for very much longer
Nope, enjoy your cloud gaming service with constant annoying ads at the free tier and slightly less ads for the premium subscription tier. Each game will feature additional ads and of course separate in-game microtransaction systems.
Pirates will have to limit themselves to playing old games and emulators because there is nothing for them to pirate.
Lol this even OP's picture is still less sad than pretending Nintendo is a legitimate contender and not just a soi reddit "alt-console" that makes you pay $70 for cardboard boxes to rent ROMs on. lol. Simply put Sony wins just by the entire rest of the industry forfeiting to them.
dont forget to drink your monster (tm) energy drink in death stranding!
>Expansion packs were the beginning.
I liked Age of Mythology: Titans and the expansions for the original Sims.
Expansion packs actually were well made before they were called DLC.
>Do companies even want to make video games any more?
in the west? no, nobody in the west outside of maybe a few kickstarter projects want to do anything interesting. idea is dead and shit like cyberpunk proves that its dead, gone, and buried
The day Netflix has ads and I'm giving them money is the day I cancel it. I'm only still subscribed because I share it with family. The hell is the point of paying for a subscription if I have to watch ads?
>Thought this was a shitpost image
>It's real
I hate everything.
>What if they're placed into the world believably? Is that better or worse?
If it interrupts the gameplay in anyway (eg you're playing and the game stops to play the commercial or whatever) that is a deal breaker. If it's something you can do optionally in game or part of the game (eg you're walking through a city and see a banner for whatever) that is better. I understand ads can make these companies lots of money but if no one wants to buy their consoles or they get a shit reputation it will backfire long term
Maybe you do
I quit with fastfood ever since the lines started taking 10-15 minutes to get through, defeating the entire purpose. Chickfila here is almost a half hour commitment.
>hasn't seen the "say mcdonaldsto resume the show" patent
Sure but they were still the beginning, even if modern DLC and various other money extraction schemes are a corruption of it.
Bitch I can’t even find a “current gen” console in stores. It’s fucking over.
Just stand up and say McDonald's user. The commercial will end.
I think once this happens I'll never game again or just pirate all the old games every once in a while.
Who fucking knows, shit is going downhill.
Should I just become a full time weeb before they ruin anime/manga too? I only watch every once in a blue moon.
Games are already worth so little to me that I only buy them for
I will pirate, jailbreak, homebrew and torrent everything at every single chance I get.
I will always adblock, DNS block, pi hole or flat out cancel any advertisement I see. If I cannot do that, I will not use that platform
I will buy second hand, fix at home, DIY everything I can.
I will never pay for a single subscription service, ever.
I will never buy a game at launch.
I will always stay out of the retard zone
The problem is no one like them in the real world either. It does as a bit of realism to have logos etc all over sports games, just like real sports. Yet even then outside of the superbowl ads no one is like yaaaa the boxing ring or race track has ads.
The only exception us maybe motor sports like NASCAR where certain branded car become iconic.
Modern consoles are already "you'll own nothing" once they switch off the authentication servers and become nothing more then ewaste.