Heated Gaming Moment
>get kicked from a server within 10 seconds of using chat
Make an Achievement
But Did You Really Beat It?
>Complete the game on Normal difficulty.
>speak in a voice chat for over 2 minutes
Holy shit an actual good thread on Yea Forums. Am I dreaming?
Where Do You Think We Are?
>Post a video games thread on Yea Forums
>mention transexual people within 10 seconds of using the chat
Great job!
>Beat the game on very easy mode
Way to go!
>Beat the game on easy mode
Bad ass gamer
>Beat the game on normal
There are no achievements for beating the game on hard/very hard.
All those listed achievements are only acquired if you play through the whole game on that single difficulty.
Cope and Seethe
>Die on "Journalist" difficulty
Formerly Chucks
>Convert an enemy storefront to your operation
Incredible Restraint
>Go 10 posts without mentioning transexuals
all 3 grant 0 gamerscore or other system equivalent and are set to show that 100% of players have it. another set identical in name are all unlocked simultaneously for beating the game on the highest difficulty. these ones have a unique description, actual gaymerscore and show the real global achievement stats for them.
Deja vu 2 u
>kill an enemy in the same location and with the same weapon from a previous round or death.
Good catch
>Bait into getting banned after killing him 3 times in a row
It Was a Simpler Time
kill an opponent by using explosives to launch a movable object no larger than a traffic cone directly into them at high speed.
Dragon Layer
>Swoon a dragon and gain access to her nest.
You're going to really need a speech charisma build for this.
Legal Aimbot
>crossplay with a PC player and kill them using aim assist
Stand Up Comedian
>Speak over the PA System for over 60 seconds straight
Day of the Rake
>kill 100 players from Canada
Is Coffee Good for You?
>make the same thread 100 times
They Do It For Free
>Get kicked within 15 seconds of killing a server moderator
High Quality Bait
>Have your thread reach bump limit within 3 hours with the OP being your only post
>Kill a player from North Korea
Remember, You're Here Forever
>make your first post
Hidden Achievement
>missable item in the dead center of the story
Fabric Connoisseur
>Take a screenshot of the underwear of every female character in the game.
It's Free, You Know
>Uninstall the game
But Not That One
>exit the game when the "Press Any Button To Begin" text shows up
Dark Arts
>Kill an enemy with the power of Ni**ER
>Make Someone Laugh
Supreme Schizo
>Have your thread reach bump limit with you being the only poster
More Human Than You
>kill a rat while hallow
You Did This To Yourself
>Have an aneurysm while ranting about the right way to play a game
You didn't unlock it
>Use an achievement unlocker to unlock this achievement
Heh. Nothing Personal, Kid
>Equip a katana
Y-you too...
>Exit the post-match screen without replying to a "GG EZ" chat message from the enemy team.
>Hard Counter
>Type "NIGGER" in chat after getting killed by a demoman
How did Vavle get away with this?
Cue Existential Crisis
>Unlock all other achievements for the game
>Finish the game without having sex
Enjoy the Demo
>Start up a pirated version of the game
Enjoyed the Demo
>Load a save file from a pirated version of the game in a legit version
>Close the game after shooting the first person you see
I'll Save This For Later
>Finish the game without using consumables
What Is Your Profession?
>Finish the game without crafting
Why Don't You Take a Seat?
>Play the game while having Discord open
Door Stuck
>get stuck in the walls of a game and need to restart or load an old save to get out of it.
>Send the lead developer at least 1GB of loli porn
>0.01% achievement rate
No need to thank me. Fuck completionists.
The Big Guy
>Shoot a player and make their corpse fall out of a moving airplane.
Pillow Talk
>derail a coom thread with actual conversation
I'll Just Eat Ramen
>Buy something from the cash shop
Professional Journalism
>Complete the game on the easiest difficulty with all assists active
>Dominate a player with autism to get it yourself
The Bigger They Are
>Kill your first giant
The Sign Is a Subtle Joke
>purchase a business previously owned by another player
Hey Look At Me
>Link your Twitch account and stream
Can't beat the cock
>Rape a player
Attentively Deficient
>Leave the game window unfocused for 10 or more minutes
Ice to meet you!
>Defeat an ice boss
Strong Personality
>Get blocked by 10 people
Heating up
>Defeat the Fire King
By Any Means Necessary
>Rescue the princess using a method that caters to one of your fetishes.
I got a bone to pick with you!
>Defeat the Skeleton Lord
Seeing other people
>Fail to rescue the princess 5 times
Prove Yourself
>Win the battle without using any potions
>Unlock 69% worth of total achievements
The Station Nightclub Fire
>Go into a minority filled nightclub and kill all the minority NPCs
>This achievement comes with an easy, automatic platinum PS trophy as well
You Are The Demons
>Log in to Reddit or Twitter
Put them down
>Kill a player using an animal skin
Heckin Valid
>Enter a restroom for the opposite sex
Acheatment Unlocked
>Get 100% of achievements
It would be impossible to get without Steam unlocker or something since it only triggers once 100% of achievements have been unlocked
How Are You This Bad
>Complete the game using the easiest difficulty while using cheats
Specially Educated
>Spend more than an hour in a tutorial.
Beast Trainer
>Get a non-human companion to max strength