what year did TF2 die?
What year did TF2 die?
after the last major content update
still healthy on life support
If you want to be real, 2016 or 2017
I still play the game every day and love it and as long as there are others like me I doubt it'll truly die for a long time
It died when they added a bunch of stupid ass items and community content. The first few updates were good, like the scout update and the pyro update. Then they stopped giving a shit and just said fuck it
2011 when it became f2p
It was still healthy before the bots
It had been declining for years, but Meet your Match was the point that it truly died.
A year after the inferno update for normal people
MyM if you're autistic about matchmaking you should be
F2P update if you're just straight up autistic
Mannconomy update if you're retarded because you don't like hats at all, chad if you blame this update for the beginning of the perversion of the art style.
I played it on and off until the jungle inferno update, what were they thinking
Are autists still botting the game?
>still waiting for the comic to end
Halloween 2011 was the last good update.
Whatever year hats happened.
2016 Meet Your Match, every other answer is dunning-krugers masquerading as contrarians.
Valve have too much invested in the matchmaking apparatus, they'll never throw it in the bin where it belongs.
Just reintroduce quickplay to exist in parallel with matchmaking, easiest fix of my life.
Today just now in your thread
Meet Your Match obviously, but Scream Fortress 2014 was the last update of TF2's prime, and Gun Mettle was the beginning of the end with how it brought over CSGO content.
Yeah. Who is even doing that shit and why?
when it went f2p
2018 is when the tf2 skeleton crew abandoned ship to go work on HLA but they gave us the blue moon update before turning the lights off.
When peach ruined the best server.
Fuck peach
Just today I played with an engineer that didn't put build a teleporter. I checked his account because he's obviously new. He had over a thousand hours. How do you play that long and not know the first thing an engineer builds is a teleporter?
gun mettle
Looking at this makes me realize that mannpower has no achievements nor voicelines specific to the mode.
after 2009
And yet it's the only thing in the game that has gotten balance patches since Blue Moon.
I stopped playing in 2011 because I was frustrated with bad F2P players. I gave the game another shot the next year and it felt completely different because of all the updates.
When they nerfed the base heavy for some fucking reason 6 years after the game was out.
>Who is even doing that shit
>and why?
because they can
How did they nerf him?
Valve matchmaking killed the game and sucked all the fun out of it.
meet your match update. strangely coincidential it dropped when overwatch came out. turned it into some wannabe esport it had no business being
it started declining after 2013, 2016 was the final nail in the coffin that the game was never going to recover and the bots are the sprinkles on top of the shit sunday we're enjoying
Looks like 2011/12 when they started passing off pointless shit as an update
The true answer.
when they nerfed all my favorite guns around 2013 or so
but for real?
gun mettle
You have to be firing for 1 second before you get full damage and accuracy.
It was to nerf being able to jump a corner fully revved and just shred someone, but afaik no one really complained about that except for literal shitters and everyone agrees that its a terrible change, but heavy is so unplayed that the complaints never got loud enough for valve to revert it.
>Mann vs. Machine was a decade ago
>hyped up for the medic trailer
>it's fucking glorious
>finna fire up Fort-
once you open the gates you don't close them, it was the beginning of the end
Its doing better than overwatch, doesn't mean its doing good, but its a centurion standing alone in a graveyard.
2015 Gunmettle built the coffin
2016 Meet your Match hammered in the nails
realistically what can happen to save this game? or is it simply destined to die a slow painful death at this point?
When I stopped playing it. So somewhere around 2007
I stopped playing shortly after The Mann-Conomy update, so for me it died about 12 years ago.
Meet your match, everything after is just beating the dead horse
Nothing really, the community will be ecstatic about a real content update for the first year, but then it'll devolve into complaining about how the updates aren't good enough again. The shitposts about no new guns for years were funny at the time but now just seem like we were being spoiled brats not realizing how lucky it was that we were getting anything.
Not to mention at this point no matter what dev you give it too, it'll be updated into a modern game with shit like battle passes, super aggressive filters, and more competitive oriented balancing.
>MVM was 10 years ago
Jesus fuck. Was it ever not janky?
the only way I see out of it is a monkey paw tier bullshit where somehow it goes viral and an infinite horde of zoomers catch up on to it to the point Valve can't ignore the money making possibily and gives it and update, and remember, not only zoomers but also most likely 's final thought. It's the shits.
I'd crossplay it with ps3/4 and 5 to milk the console fags too desu
A bit before the medic update
Whe I stopped playing.
The year of when Gun Mettle was a thing, then when Meet Your Match came along.
Competitive updates.
>remove bots and cheaters, the only actual hard part
>remove Casual Mode and bring back quickplay
>modernize the server browser(not remove features, just make it more intuitive to use for the modern day retarded youth)
Valve has made a lot of mistakes over the years, some unfixable like hats and weapon skins, but doing this will atleast make the game actually playable
Only true post in this thread.
but user, the gun mettle update was already a proto-battle pass.
>remembering buying Orange Box
>discover garry's mod
and it was all downhill from there
Hats were the beginning of the end and Mannconomy was the final nail in the coffin.
If we're not baiting? It started going down with the quickplay system (at least it still gave you the choice to get randomly funneled into community servers), and the deed was sealed with Meet your Match. Once that dropped, TF2 was as good as dead.
>There is no mod that adds everything up to the Engineer update
>Classic has a specific idea for it
>Closest mod was Vanilla but they decided to do w/e and theres no sight or hair of that one
Shit man, I just want that very specific update range as a playable mod...