How are you future gamedev's doing tonight, Yea Forums? Please tell me you made some progress today...

How are you future gamedev's doing tonight, Yea Forums? Please tell me you made some progress today. That game needs to come out eventually, after all.

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Been focusing on materials recently, specifically in this pic the ceiling and the theatre curtain.

Attached: ScreenShot00009.png (1936x1056, 2.22M)

i progressed by masturbating to my own female characters of different ages and body shapes and thus testing the quality of them.
they all passed the test.

What kind of game is it?
Very good, user. Knowing your demo, intimately, is key to selling your game after you release.

I want to make a 2.5D metroidvania-ish / hack n' slash. Something like Muramasa mixed with Dust an Elysian Tail.
The Game would feature four girls: a sword-user burger, a naginata-using nip, a boxing mexican and a nazi whipper. They'd have different environmental skills like in console Harry Potter 3
Should I go with Unity or UE4 / 5 / whatever?

>What kind of game is it?
Horror ice skating. Survive for 2 minutes as a killer chases you but you also have to perform tricks to earn enough points to proceed to the next level.

user, i bet there are more people just wanting to make tricks over ice in free mode than do it while chased by a monster.

Why are there no tutorials for RPGMaker VX?
It's all for VX Ace!

Depending on level, the killer only gets sent out if you make a mistake (Bumping into obstacle bar ect.)

Isnt VX Ace basically VX on steroids

I'm doing fine ol' sport.

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I made a system so the player has a noise level that can be used by monsters in my game that exclusively use hearing as a sense. It decays over time if the player remains (relatively) silent.

Do you guys use assets made by others for your game?

Yes but I don't wanna pay like 70 dollars for VX Ace when I got VX for Free

Does anyone know when a stable version of Godot 4.0 is supposed to come out?

i've got pretty much a skeleton of a game; I think
just need to implement stats like health and actually do a bit of level design

Attached: featz.webm (900x494, 2.39M)

I meant like, shouldn't the Ace tutorials work for VX?

Rigging is hell and i wish for death

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If 0 I start working on the game I abandoned 2 years ago

>platformer where you just jump

no silly that was my last game
I actually plan on there being puzzles and combat and stuff in this one, but it's (probably) going to be basic as heck

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Yes. At least for placeholders.
seems weird, but I guess that works.

>insert and reshape a plane object into a racing stripe
>raise it by the smallest possible measurement on top of another object because I'm too retarded for mesh editing
I don't know why I even try.

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>seems weird, but I guess that works.
I just didn't want to do another generic haunted house walking sim.

i swear ue is the most overrated overhyped shit ever
just google it once and youtube will overwhelm you with channels shilling it

Give me ideas for a video game. Please.

Animal Crossing, but with sex

You're a tiny fish and you become a bigger fish the more you eat

Fetish version: You're a petite woman and she becomes a giantess the more she eats

a game where you play as a black dude and beat the shit out of maga nazi chuds, every level completed rewards you a hot white lady to make love with
the final boss is the orange man himself

Game set during the Salem Witch Trials where you play as a woman who has been accused by villagers of being a witch, and they are rabid to burn you at the stake.

You manage to get away and have to escape the area. Twist is you really are a witch and can do minor magic shit to help you get away.

i want to make something in godot but i get super overwhelmed every time i try. is a pong remake a good place to start? i have a decent understanding of programming fundamentals. also i loved scratch when i was a kid. cant believe i never wondered what the next step was.

Attached: scratch-cat.png (640x480, 149.53K)

It'd be a good idea to help you figure out the interface of the program. Baby steps.

Is here the guy present from yesterday ( anti cheat programming)?

I'm following a unity tutorial series and I'm getting progressively more lost on scripting as it gets more complicated. I feel like I need to do some basic games utilizing what I've learned so far in order to memorize it. Besides that my lack of will power may be hindering me too. But I suppose that's progress.

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>using a prebaked game engine
you didn't develop the game

There was no game before. There is a game now.


A sword fighting game but you have total control over the direction and speed of your swing unlike every other game where you just do “pre-made” attacks

if your game takes control away from me for more than 3 seconds I will uninstall

it's alright, it's no Vampire Survivors though.

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Is godot still a piece of shit?

you'll get a memo when it stops being shit. Just stay the course in the meantime.

>testing game on switch
>run into softlock
>no idea how to replicate it, and didn't have debug features on

Time to off myself.

I've been nodeving for far too long and been thinking I should get back on the saddle. Autobattlers are still popular right? Aside from asset creation my weakness is in creating action gameplay so I figured that an autobattler would let me focus on the systems and development could be done with really simple placeholder assets and animations.

Buying assets is standard practice in game dev.

Just use Unity and get to work. The time you waste on waiting Godot never becoming usable is time you should be spending on gamedev.

Had fun but not really wanting to progress much more

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Seems like a nice tech demo but is there a game in there. There's no shame in dropping a project if it doesn't seem to go anywhere.

what software should i use for recording clips of unity game window ?

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obs is good

I need someone who isn't retarded like me to teach me how to do lighting like Arc Sys games.

There are plenty of tutorials on YouTube.
Also, it's not something retards can do without a lot of effort.
Accept it. Downgrade your expectations or upgrade your brain.

>t. never played Ski Free

Sometimes I spend so much time making the game not look like RPG Maker, that I might as well be using a different engine DESU. But at least it doesn't look much like a shit rpg maker game anymore.

>Downgrade your expectations or upgrade your brain.

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Are you using unreal engine?

I will use whichever engine works.

>actually enjoy the coding part and getting all of the basic movement and actions working properly
>mind goes completely blank when trying to design an actual level
I guess I'm not as creative as I thought I was

I'm convinced everyone does this, it's why all those models coincidentally have holes that fit exactly where the nipples would be and nothing where the pelvis is.
They all start F U L L Y M O D E L E D.

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That's fine it's my first game.

Attached: ded.webm (480x320, 183.31K)

Start with something you see IRL and try to modify it to accomodate your gameplay mechanics.

It would be a traversal mechanic for an adventure game. The core would be mostly visually interesting places and giving the freedom to navigate them, like a long journey with gameplay focused on making the player more aware of what paths he can "create" by looking carefully at the environment. I guess not that far off the core of Death Stranding in a way, at least on the kind of player involvement with the journey.

Is this VR? If not make it VR.

Nothing wrong with iterating off someone else.

Someone here who have knowledge about Cheats / Anti-Cheats?