Why did this sell worse on Switch compared to PS4?

Why did this sell worse on Switch compared to PS4?

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Switch has other games to play



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It's really boring, which is sad because it's a really well-made game.

It's the only good vanilla ware game but also the best game atlus has ever released.

>Switch version has only been our for a week and a half
>PS4 version has been out for three years
I dunno, user, you tell me

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PS4 first week sales were disappointing, but sales remained consistent after word of mouth. Considering the market share of the Switch and everyone knowing of the game now yeah it's a flop

We have absolutely no clue how the game is selling. What are you even talking about?

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We have a famitsu thread
Becouse it's a 3 year old game lol.

Not a toddler game.

I love it and I'm almost done. best story from probably any video game. shitty RTS sections with a low level of discernment in enemy units. could have been cool to incorporate upgrades with story progression, but it really does feel like two games mashed together. I like how you unlock mystery files and it's cool reading the info they write there. kind of reminds me of how pikmin has a gallery for your treasures along with little blurbs. if they went with just the detective part of the game it might've been well received but it is a cool idea and it at least makes sense story-wise as to why you have to fight in those RTS sections.

>It's the only good vanilla ware game

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But that game sold way better than expected. On the Wii during its driest period no less. Or maybe because it came out in at a time with barely any good games to compete with.

Because anyone who actually wanted to play it already did.

I'm sorry but if you consider yourself a "real gamer" you don't only have a PC or a console, you have whatever the fuck you want to play what you want

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I only have a switch and 2013 gaming laptop user.


So you're a real gamer. I usually shitpost about gaming laptops but you have two platforms capable of playing games so that didnt apply to you.

Because despite being some of the most coveted games vanillaware makes fucking garbage and have gone on public tangents about hating vidya, how games are art, and hate pc gaymin

They should have released it on Switch to begin with. That would have been the time to make a real marketing push and it probably would have appealed to the Switch audience more. Instead it feels like it was nearly stealth dropped. Shit, I loved the game but only just ordered it for Switch today.

>and have gone on public tangents about hating vidya
And I bet you can totally back that up with a source.

I missed the boat with Muramasa, what's the best way to play it in the current year?

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Full price was a dumb move. Waiting for a sale.

Vita. But then you'd have to own a Vita. Gameplaywise, the Wii game is amazing as always. But it has one of the worst translations to ever exist and 480i graphics. And the Vita is only 520p.

People have been asking for a full 1080p remaster for a long time. But George doesn't care about doing remasters. The Odin Sphere remaster and the PS5 port of Dragon's Crown were done by a secondary group (the people who made Grand Knights History, a PSP game that never got localized). Maybe they'll do Muramasa next. But there's no announcement or even a hint about it. Only thing we've heard is George publically laughing at the idea of making a Muramasa 2. Specifically saying he put in the Wild West ending to try and mock the idea of doing a sequel. Yet that ending is the exact reason people are asking for a sequel.

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>how dare they ask for full price for a game!
You're the reason small developers fail. You probably rush out and buy the next Elder Scrolls and GTA at full price, but not the games that actually need it.

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>But George doesn't care about doing remasters.


free money

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>People have been asking for a full 1080p remaster for a long time. But George doesn't care about doing remasters.
Part of it is that they're a small team and they're probably trying to go full steam ahead on the next game. I also assume the publishers hold the rights to most of their games so Vanillaware doesn't actually have a say?

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George specifically said it's because he wants to move onto making the next game. So that's why the secondary team does the remasters and ports.

No I can't but if someone wants to go looking for an obscure as fuck interview with literal who's from 2011 where the tldr of what they said was PC is soulless shit and enables piracy and that they personally blamed the PC community for their shit selling poorly on the psp and wii be my guest. I literally don't care but that doesn't change the fact a lot of people pretend to care about their shitty games through osmosis and there is a reason none of their garbage is on PC in the first place.

Was pretty weird seeing praise for the switch sales when the opening week ps4 sales were considered dissapointing.

Both of them sold out in stores here in Australia way too fast.

Would this game benefit from a bigger screen? cause then I'd get ps4 over switch

Who gives a fuck. They probably had like 5 copies.

I wanted to play it but someone in one of these threads spoiled like 5 major plot twists to spite people who didn't play it on ps4 and that kinda sucked

>desire to play faggy animu game
>acts shocked over plot twists in faggy animu game
Have you never seen anime before because nothing in this game or any other for that matter is original

>snoys spoil a story-centric game because of seethe
Snoys are pathetic
They should be glad more people get to enjoy a game that they were able to enjoy earlier

To be fair what the fuck were you doing in a thread about a game you havent played yet still have an interest in?

how many copies did it sell on PS4 this year?

Bread girl

>goes into threads about games he hasn't play
>REEEEEEEE I got spoiled

I only played the prologue but I don't think I've ever been so bored by any game ever in my life. do the walking around parts get any more interesting? literally all you do so far is just talk to people

>comes to Yea Forums
>expects to not get spoiled
Absolute baka

Not really shocked, just kinda bummed out that a game I waited on long enough to hear about possible ports so I could buy some time, have kinda been ruined a bit.

Heard people talk about how fantastic it is and it would've been nice.
I guess user got what he wanted, whatever it was.

>I don't have any source but trust me bro. I really hate Vanillaware so I'm a reliable, unbais source

U mean. He's a fag definitely but so are you for letting spoilers ruin your fun no matter how generic they might be but that's the risk when you come to a shit hole like this

Because it's a year old port of the game which has no replay value vs when it was a brand new release

In America, they didn't even stock the game in a store unless you pre ordered it. Same thing happened with Muramasa when it came out. Then magically a year later, every gamestop had 10 copies. Once the game proved to sell well. That's just how it goes with small titles.

Had a long rough day at work, forgot about the port and was pleasently surprised, saw the thread wondering if it's a good port/runs well. One of the first replies specifically tries to make it easy to glance over.

It's whatever. I probably won't ever play it now so, cool.

I just don't come here that much anymore so for once I let my guard down and forgot there's no point in expecting a niche fanbase on Yea Forums to welcome the idea of others supporting on anything but their favorite console

Funny, I just got it in the mail today. Looking forward to playing it.

Nah, nice try tho

>tranny shit
>big twists spoiled long ago
>boring VN "gameplay"
It was never going to sell well

why is this not on PC? VN is the PC genre.

>Switch version is a 3-years old late port of the game
>managed to sell about 70% of what the initial PS4 release achieved in its first week
>full-priced no less
that's pretty impressive by japanese port standards, you disingenuous nigger

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this came out on switch??

YWNBAW. Kill yourself.


Switch is not a weeb platform. Top selling games are always family friendly kids games like Kirby.

imagine if your opinion meant anything holy shit

loving it, at 47% so far.

I stayed the fuck away from Yea Forums while I was playing, you'd have to be dumb otherwise. Anyways, even if you know it's all a simulation and time travel is fake, the story is still worth experiencing because those aren't even big spoiler revelations.

Because a large portion of the audience that wanted to play this game already played it on PS4 2.5 years ago.
So whoever is playing it now is new people. Reasonably speaking, let's assume a vast majority of the VN audience already had a PS4 for the past 9 years or so.
That means whoever is picking up the game now is basically completely new people who aren't the normal hardcore VN audience.

I feel Strong is the intended experience. Normal is too easy.

combat is boring

>Switch is not a weeb platform.

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