What is your favorite romhack Yea Forums?

What is your favorite romhack Yea Forums?

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you just posted it.

Project M, all time GOAT of all time.

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>Based on Firered but adds Pokemon, moves and abilities up through Gen 7, including Mega Evolution
>Completely new story that isn't "romhack writing", not stupid edgy bullshit or 2deep4u type earthbound romhack navelgazing
>No fakemon, no cursing, feels exactly like a legitimate Pokemon game
It's perfect.

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The haunted one where the walls bleed and Mario looks at the camera and says "Hello, Robert"

mega man unlimited

super mario Yea Forumsorld new vegas

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dangerously cringe

pokemon prism.

Rare cool Ness clip

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Rockman 4 Minus Infinity is in a league of its own but I just beat Paper Mario: Black Pit the other day and it was the shit

Yo what up?

This might be an unpopular opinion but I really enjoyed B3313. Loved the dreamlike atmosphere of the whole thing

>Kaze hack
Zoomie detected.

is Black Pit actually good or is it like that other Paper Mario romhack where it's retardedly difficult for no reason other than to make it boring?

>What is your favorite romhack Yea Forums?
never played one all the way through so i guess none? i used to love the chinkshit like somari and kart fighter. b3313 mario64 was good but i didn't finish it. for the most part romhacks are made by hacks and suck dick. i did like the 3DS pokemon mommy milker hack with added pokemon encounters and difficulty. i guess technically i "beat' that game but i didn't fill out the pokedex at all

why? its a good romhack

are there any star road tier hacks?
I haven't really bothered with anything else but I would be down for more mario 64

It isn't really difficult in that regard, but I found it kind of luck dependent if you can get a run going in the rouge pit. Getting some kind of HP up or decent partner or really just any worthwhile tools at all within the first 20 floors is mandatory. The thing you unlock after that, the dark temple area, that kinda sucks balls though, I didn't enjoy it.

Smash Remix for Smash 64. It keeps everything good about the original, and just adds on to it, with content for both casual and competitive alike.

pokemon clover and some very short oot-based story hacks that i can't even remember the name of are the only ones i've ever finished

Is there a rom hack for Mario 64 that's comparable to the DS version without being the DS version?

did they add airdodging and sidestepping yet? my question is have they fully turned it into a melee port?

I believe in Newer Team supremacy

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Fuck meleefags and nintendo is based for their scorched earth policy against tournaments for this "game"

what the fuck does this mean? like character-exclusive missions or something? i think there are several that let you play as different characters, not so much on the retarded character locked stars who the fuck wants that shit

I see you like to clean nintendo's cum off his dick

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yeah that shit's pretty cool

Because Ultimate has such an engaging and dynamic matchflow kek


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It's crazy how much better they are compared to the originals.

No way that's your favorite hack. You must be the creator.

Are there any good Banjo hacks? I know Jiggies of Time but I have no idea if it's good or not.

Banjo Dreamie is aight but kinda hard cuz romhack


Meleegros absolutely seething.

I'd recommend either Cursed Castles or Last Impact

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OP's pic
Into Bowser Castle
Cursed Castles
and Shining Stars 1 to repainted

Mario's Nightmare, good hack but kaizo tier

Despite its dated visuals considering it's the first major Mario 64 romhack, SM64 The Missing Stars has plenty of cool custom shit going for it and I think it's still worth checking out after all this time.
Also mentioning Layla The Iris Missions again cause it's underrated

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For me, it's Subpar Metroid.

Patrician taste incoming.

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Absolutely based.

Probabaly the best and most competent use of custom music in a MArio hack. Whoever thought of using Boomer Kuwanger for the final tower climb was a fucking genius.

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Peaches fury

It starts out difficult but most of that is figuring out how things work. Once you know what you're doing and how to get stronger you can style all over it with different partners and badge combinations. I found myself getting mileage out of skills I never found a use for in the original game.

Cheato tells you to do the rogue mode first and he's not kidding, you're basically expected to finish Classic last.

>The thing you unlock after that, the dark temple area, that kinda sucks balls though, I didn't enjoy it
That part isn't perfectly designed but it's the shortest mode in the game and trivial to 100% once you get set up. The endgame is better.

Would be based if 2021-2022 wasn't the gayest era of Yea Forums

my nigger

IIRC is that the one that's basically a liminal space simulator before it was cool? I remember a labyrinth, a graveyard, like 5 levels set in Bowsers Castle, Yggdrasil and one that was literally Hell.

yeah but i think it has 5 or so mazes, not just one

>No one's posted Star Revenge 6.25 yet
It's so far and away the best fangame ever made it's insane
Literally a better video game than Mario Sunshine

6.25 is better

FF4 Ultima's been pretty fun so far

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Play a REAL smash mod

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Pokemon Prism was pretty fun

>Literally a better video game than Mario Sunshine
that's not hard

Any N64 Mario hacks that don't do stupid shit like put instakill quicksand or overly precise jumps everywhere?

Bowser's dog dick revenge


Last Impact feels more like a hypothetical SM64 2 than any other romhacks do, which I like. Other than the powerups being one-offs, which made them feel more like mini demos than something that would actually be in a game, anyway (still neat, though).

Peach's Fury was a pretty great little hack

Have you seen how shit the average person is at Mario? He probably got stuck on the second level.