>boomers thought this was cool
Boomers thought this was cool
Other urls found in this thread:
zoomers are too retarded to appreciate camp
I did too
>bloom and brown shit
>cover shooter
yeah im going to halo 3 instead
There's something really satisfying about gears gameplay and I can't put my finger on it.
1=2 > 5 > 4
headshot sound effects.
literally better than 99.9% of every single game made in the last 10 years.
gonna replay the trilogy right now with the mexishart dub
You played this game before you were racist
weight and intensity. you replay it everything has punch and is satisfying. Its gameplay might feel a little dated because its been copied by worse titles. In general it plays well and is pretty fun.
>t. replayed Gears 1-3 back in January
true and real
absolutely user. chalk another win up for the boomers
More like the Kino Train
>posts a 360 game
You need to be 18 years old to use this website
>brown bloom console movie game cover shooter
fishy hook bitey bitey
dumb boomer
>2006 was 16 years ago
Holy fuck
>he never played Beers & Gears with his bros in college
Poor zoomie faggot, I pity you, truly.
>2002 was 38 years ago
Gears is kino fuck you
>That train Cole speech completely BTFOing the queenbitch
Black people was based back then
Wait, where's gow3?
I'm gonna fucking said it
Gears of war 4 wasn't that bad, it actually was good, and if we fought less robots and more swarms it could have been kino
>its another shitting on a game to bait an actual discussion starting thread
this really is the way to post on Yea Forums. if you make a thread saying gow1 is kino it would get no replies, but you can make this same bait op over and over and it always works. im not complaining since I enjoy gears threads at least
Zoomers hate this game because it looks grim and dark (KINO) and they have shittaste in colors, they love bright shitty colors, I'm actually pretty tired of bright colors in every fucking game, there's a word for this?
Like the niggertired word, like... brightcolortirednigger
Reminder that gears could have been the call of duty of his time it they did it good
Even dudebros loved gears of war
>male friendships
yep its a boomer game
it was though? it was one of the most popular multiplayer games on 360, even after the success of cod4 and halo 3. the high skill ceiling always filtered casuals though
Zoomer kids are scene kids and Millenials are Emo
>Tfw own Gears 1 and 2 in mexican but 3 in English
>wallbounces you with gnasher
wow! very skillful!
I hate the goddamn factory level. I'm just shooting some motherfucking grub then some motherfucking torque arrow hits me and I instadie and gotta rekill all these motherfuckers again.
Still, great Game. Beat it thrice on PC and twice on 360.
Wish 2 and 3 had also come to PC.
>The only thing gears 5 did good
>They fucking murder her
Bros...my tomboy cog lizzie...
First two games are still great.
man i remember getting this for christmas with my brother and we beat it that day and had so much fun
i tried watching a playthrough recently and i could not stop laughing at the pure cringe
the mid 2000s were a hell of a time
all the games are great you seething copetard
It's not cringe, it's called nostalgic soul
The Gears trilogy is the peak of third person shooter gameplay.
How did they get away with Cole saying nigga?
that would be vanquish
gears's repetitive gameplay sucks
Virtually every 3rd person shooter has copied it since it was released faggot
Anthony Carmine had two lines total, and he somehow had more characterization than Lizzie.
Gears 3 is the best game in the series
Anthony didn't have a cute voice, the big ass I can agree, that runs in the carmine bloodlines
crinquish repetive bulletsponge fest with healthbars and no coop gtfo with that garbage
stfu 1v1 me in jacinto best of 5 shotguns only and see what happens
it actually still is. name better 3rd person shooter than gears 5 that features couch coop on console. or just coop in general. i'll wait.
neither coop or is it better
>third person shooter
>third person shooter: Japan
Pretty sad that I am still here and have now been here long enough to witness this game get shitted on of all things for its age by a generation far younger than me. If I posted talking about this game back when I found Yea Forums they would have crapped on the game as being normie casual shit back then that doesn't belong. Now its crapped on here for an entirely different reason. Don't believe the memes Yea Forums. Most people here do not in fact stay they move on with their lives. Yea Forums is mostly normal and casuals shitposting but then they move on to other sites or just forget about Yea Forums entirely. In fact I am sure gen alpha is posting among us right now.
>or is it better
yes it is
we can never leave. you may take breaks, or even an extended break, but you will always come back.
>Search vanquish
>It's a fucking Warframe clone
You are being serious, you're trolling or you're just a retard with shit taste?
3 was the best. I don't care for 4 and 5. The trilogy should have only been 1-3 because those games were great. MP got better with each game I'd say despite the shitty move from servers to matchmaking. Campaign I feel is probably same. Best thing from 1 though is that final Raam fight. Probably peak GOW story/campaign moment for me.
>Warframe clone
are zoomers really this dumb?
Gears WAS cool you retarded hillbilly. Halo was cool as well. It's only now they suck ass
Cole was a good black character. Unlike whatever bland token characters they made after 3.
Yep, a Warframe clone, that's what your shitty game look like
It is faggot
Yeah maybe WE can't leave but the vast majority that have ever found Yea Forums and even posted on it do leave or only very rarely ever come here. We are a minority. No sane person should want to stay here among this bullshit that is Yea Forums for longer than a few years at most anyways. This whole board strikes me even when I found it as a place for edgy teenage youth to enjoy shit talking without having to be policed like you would on virtually every other gaming forum out there. Now if only I didn't stay in this state of arrested development and actually moved on like most of my peers who likely don't even play video games no more.
I don't either though desu. I work also among many way younger than me and most don't seem to either or at least are a lot less attached to gaming than me and my friends were at the same age and younger. I wouldn't be surprised if gaming has been so shit for so long in the past decade that its caused a lot less attachment to games in gen z and alpha. Honestly its probably for the best because back in school I know for a fact I was way too hooked on games and so were most of my friends.
Sorry about the blog post anons.
Stop with that elitist bullshit thinking, your old enough to know
It was cool, it was like if a 40k artist got to make a game set in a universe that was only 80% as retarded as 40k.
Yah, because it literally was. Gears and Halo are the ONLY time consoles did shooters well.
familiar faces no where places :(
i am lost and forgotten now just like gears of war
It's not nearly as bad as people make it out to be. There's a certain other Xbox property that got handed to a different developer when the original dev left and made a game with 4 in the title which was utter shit and doomed the series. For a first game they did a pretty good job getting alot of the fundamentals down.