Is Symphony of the Night a JRPG?

Is Symphony of the Night a JRPG?

Attached: Final Fantasy.jpg (630x404, 137.15K)

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No it’s a video game.

It's a metroidvania

What makes it a metroidvania and not a JRPG?

It's a castlekino

The 2D action adventure gameplay

Thought it was fucking adorable there's a mobo version in the play store. Looked up some gameplay, looks like manufactured ass.

But what about the stats, equipment, random gear drops, and monster glossary? Where are those things in Castlevania or Metroid?

is Borderlands 2 a jrpg?pvh

because it's a castlevania that plays identical to metroid.

>Be side scroller
>Huge open world castle that you can freely explore but are locked behind areas that you need to find certain abilities to unlock
>Be able to upgrade your characters abilities, like jumping, climbing walls, flying, floating, etc

The only thing that would make it more an RPG is the ability to gain experience and to level up. Every other way the old school RPG's used to play, is not present in SOTN. The old JRPGS were copying dungeons and dragons and other pen and paper role playing games. That is why they made the original RPG's turn based, because in d and d a turn is 6 seconds (used to be) and they used to actually put weaknesses and resistances in old RPGS for enemies. Just like Dungeons and Dragons enemies.

btw that status menu was a placeholder and the game was never meant to ship with it like this, they intended to fill out the menu with gothic style graphics and fonts, like the title and select screens but never got around to it. Its kinda obvious when you put them side by side.

Attached: sotn menus.png (1915x480, 1.46M)

ring fit adventure is now a jrpg

It wasn't made in Japan, so I can confidently say Borderlands is not a JRPG. Borderlands is a WRPG like Vampire: The Masquerade.

Its a 32 bit two dimensional search action AJRPG


Well, it does have dragons in it.

explain the gba, DS, and PS2 menus being similar then.
Everything was intended

it's an arpg. kinda like zelda 2.

jrpg is not a real genre, it's just a racist nomenclature used to degrade games from Japan.

It has RPG elements. That used to be more of a bullet point about games until every other game started adopting RPG elements.

You could call it an action RPG I guess.

Nah, Metroid-like is reserved for every game that doesn't have Iga at the helm. He's the one that goes the extra mile to include autistic shit like experience points and monster glossaries. If you don't spend the majority of your time shuffling between rooms to OHKO respawning enemies for random drops, then it's not a Castlevania in my opinion.

It's an action rpg you nigger. You think dark souls is a jrpg? No. You think fucking Zelda is a jrpg? No. Just cause it's made in Japan it's not automatically a classic jrpg.

No, it's pretty obvious from the fact that it uses a different aspect ratio from anything else in the fucking game. SotN is the game to use the most different resolutions because of it and the FMVs.

I'd like an apology now

Action games aren't RPGs. It is the division of player skill versus character skill.

>You think dark souls is a jrpg?
You level up, equip gear, and slaw dragons like Dragon Quest, so yeah. It's a JRPG except in 3D.
>You think fucking Zelda is a jrpg?
You don't level up, so no.

This. Metroidvania and action RPG. Not all Metroidvanias are action RPGs, but SotN is.

Both contain buttsex so yeah

I'm sorry I doubted you anonymous.

friendly reminder that SotN was actually inspired by Zelda, not Metroid

Makes sense, Zelda and Metroid are fairly similar in terms of progression (get item to unlock new powers and open up new areas).

The Netflix adaption is a JRPG?

Attached: Screenshot 2022-04-21 at 18-49-04 Netflix Plans to Offer Video Games in Push Beyond Films TV.png (1535x912, 88.29K)

You may be right but they still kept it same in the sequels

Explain the save rooms.

>but they still
No need to cope, he proved you wrong accept it gracefully.

Sahasrala would offer to save your game if you spoke to him at specific points in a dungeon.

Attached: lttp save room.jpg (886x775, 136.02K)

>Level 19
>Still no spells

>8 Years later

Attached: OHMYSCIENCE.png (1600x594, 107.57K)

Soul Steal and wing smash are the only spells in SotN worth a shit

I guess they didn't originally intend to leave it that way, but decided it looked pretty good afterwards and used a similar look for the sequels. That and the sequels trying to be like SotN.

You didn't beat the game


Attached: 145643275950.webm (718x468, 2.93M)

>grounded slashes
low skill gamer

Attached: oof.jpg (640x490, 26.49K)

>whiffed a slash at 0:15
annnnnd dropped

If you didn't clear every boss with dual heaven swords you didn't beat the game.

Only when you play it on the saturn

if you didn't kill every enemy in the game solely with summons from the sword of dawn, you didn't beat the game

>not casting fist

Attached: 1571618506200.webm (548x414, 2.95M)

There is nothing cringier then a webm that exaggerates what a player would do to appear to make the game seem more "epic". I remember autists tried to trick people into buying Metal Gear Survive by doing this

if you didnt use exclusively karma coin heads side attacks, you didnt beat the game


Attached: 1571635788393.webm (1280x720, 2.72M)

I laugh derisively whenever people post combo webms of Tales of Vesperia, because I know full well the game plays like shit until you're on like NG++ and have every move grinded to like 99999 and every grade shop item unlocked. Most overhyped game ever.

Thats just regular ass gameplay man. Nothing fancy is being done at all.

So Metriod Prime isn't a metriodvania?

Really It's a dumb marketing term that doesn't mean anything, everyone needs to stop being so pedantic about it.

b-but muh cancelerinos!

No one unironically uses the teleport move. It's being used and on just this boss because it's boss #1 and the only one that it can be used on.

Based and Super Ghouls N Ghosts pilled

It's a shit game, just like all the Castlevanias. Might as well as call them BOO!:Haunted House.

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I think you just have to admit you're bad at video games and seeing people who are good at video games makes you upset because you mistake proficiency as showing off.

why are these webms always the same boss? Are these moves not viable elsewhere?

Early on its crazy good, especially if you hold up like he did in the webm since it can hit ~5 times if they spawn over lapping the mob, and they pierce so its also has situational use in places like the long rooms with the riffle skellies in the coliseum. I mean sure it becomes useless about halfway though the first castle, but you'd be dumb not to use the tools where they excel.
You just sound like a shitter really.

>gee wowie, my favorite game ever SoTN

Attached: ultimateSoYtN.jpg (954x1028, 323.35K)

now post the one using Soul Steal to prove my point.

I have beaten this game like 10 times are you actually implying this game is hard?

No one is showing shit off it's the first boss genius are you actually acting like the first boss is hard? Kek.

It's not necessary though and it's unnecessarily risky if you fuck up.

>getting to lv 8 with max mp rolls and perfect drac before the 1st boss
slow down there grindlord

No one is saying its hard you fucking retard, just that there are uses for some things in some places.
Fuck user, are you that dense?

>are you actually implying this game is hard?
No, just that you're bad at video games and get upset when you see people who are good at video games because you mistake it for showing off which highlights your deficiencies and makes you feel insecure. You've more or less proven this conjecture correct with your overreaction.

>it's unnecessarily risky if you fuck up.
Just don't fuck it up? And take advantage of the HUGE invulnerability window it gives?

git gud

The only castlevania was shit, was 2.
Simons quest was only shit, because of the poor translation and how it required a Nintendo power to complete because the quest hints were in such broken english that you couldn't understand them and the hints were so vague and required you to do stuff that was completely uncommon in games at that time (like crouch with the white crystal at a dead end for 30 seconds to ride a tornado to a mansion) Or equip the oak steak and hold down for 30 seconds by an area with a swamp to open a secret way that took you to another mansion. If they would have either told you what to do or at least gave better hints with actual decipherable english speaking translations the game might have been alright, but the popups every 2 minutes got annoying (what a terrible night to have a curse).