This is your Halo for tonight

>This is your Halo for tonight

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Is there a conspiracy to ruin every sci-fi IP I have grown up with

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the tuning fork is flying backwards

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arent banshees piloted from the bottom back? whats he shooting at?

OOooffff....that's some CG work.

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what is he even shooting there for

Don't be ridiculous. They're hoping to ruin *every* IP

lmao whos that cuck spartan just rolling around getting blasted? i cant believe they would do spartan IIs dirty like that

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The CGI and choreography feels like it's haunted by the ghost of Monty Oum

This all looks like bootleg starship troopers

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the banshees are shooting at nothing

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jackals with energy swords

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this would be a cool shot if the banshees didn't look like .jpgs

Lemme go find that passage from Fall of Reach detailing an Elite crushing a Spartan's forearm and the Mjolnir around it with its bare hands, and their muscles being described as steel like...

Why does every sci-fi show with power armor have to do the Iron Man thing now?

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is anyone even surprised anymore?
its just going to keep getting worse and worse

Pretty much this, they hate everyone that likes this and want them gone or broken.

>lmao whos that cuck spartan just rolling around getting blasted? i cant believe they would do spartan IIs dirty like that
That's Kai, the spartan who dyed her hair with gun grease. Earlier last episode she removed the pellet from her back that suppressed her emotions, then she immediately dyed her hair after she removed the pellet. In this episode she's in battle for the first time without the pellet, her heart rate increased dramatically and she got shot by a bunch of plasma and fell to the ground. Master Chief saw her fall so he tried to hijack a banshee to get close to her position and save her.

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I don't know. The best part is that there's not even any impact marks or anything.

It's cheap and easy to do.

>full auto battle rifle

Literally looks like a deleted scene from Starship Troopers. Same filming location. Worse special effects.

OK, this looked cool

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Actors want their face seen but viewers don't like it when they take their helmet off in the middle of battle. This is the compromise.

i recently read fall of reach and im pretty sure that never happens in the book. might be in first strike

>Master Chief has a face now

pffffffffffffff hahahahaha

RIP Doctor Halsey

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Have to constantly show the protagonist reacting so audiences don't get confused.

This made me wonder why in the games we never got to pick up and use a jackal shield

this looks like a burger king kids meal ad

have special effects managed to get worse in the last decade? even marvel stuff looks like shit most of the time now

No more space race for you. Not even a dream.

I think it's just that video game graphics have gotten substantially better

Their activation switch is linked to a Jackal's biometric signal

I thought the exact same thing user. Surely at least one person said something


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God, Dredd was so good.

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unironic hooknose

It's all sold out to the lowest bidder, and because the technology is so prevalent and there are so many studios, there are a lot of low bidders. Directors and cinematographers also largely have zero clue how to film with it in mind, so it ends up being a lot of "uhh.... just throw some CGI shit over this blank backdrop" kind of thing.

good morning sirs

Could be. It was either on the station that needed it's NAV data wiped in FoR, or the Unyielding Heirophant. Or Third option, it was one of the things changed with the reprinting that happened a couple years ago, so if you read a newer copy that might be why. I'm actually tempted to go look now, instead of shitposting.

This looks like shit. I don't know anything about cinematography but this looks like what some high school drama kids would produce if they had a weekend or two.
>You ever wonder why you don't wonder why
Fuck off cunt. Spartans remember their training. It wouldn't be good fucking training if they didn't. And they don't have emotional suppressants in the form of chips, they're fucking soldiers. They're the most elite fighting force mankind has ever produced, functioning under stress is a baseline requirement for them.
Why do they have to butcher every fucking thing I like. Just leave it alone. Write your own cringey shit and stop ruining my childhood

wow it kinda looks okay if you just fill the entire screen with explosions, is this why michael bay did so well?

serenity exists no matter how badly you dont want it to

If they're still onboard at this point they probably just gave up

That phantom CGI looks like it's straight out of Stargate Atlantis lmao

Not gonna lie, that's kind of cool even if it doesn't match lore.

let it be

This show was mediocre

why does he keep running even though he clearly sees the brute?

Imagine being a former Spartan II. All that training from a young age, all that combat, and you get jumped by some teenager who doesn't know how to fight.

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>either on the station that needed it's NAV data wiped in FoR
definitely not, linda got gunned down and that was it.
>Unyielding Heirophant
that was first strike not fall of reach.

I really think youre talking about first strike or ghosts of onyx

Behold. The best of the best.
This is what peak super human performance looks like.

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The artifact is behind the Brute.

John Halo, who was Gordon Halo's brother shot wepon

i dont remember Cortana being able to just shut the suit down

>le Firefly

it was always garbage

lol that pause to help the soldier before blasting the Jackel.

>that was first strike not fall of reach.
I know, I was agreeing with your assertion it might be FS not FoR. Either way, looking now because I have nothing better to do.

I thought it was alright

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It was on the covenant flagship iirc which I think is first strike. Master chief describes an elite as impossibly strong and I think he only survived because the elite was mocking him instead of tearing him apart. I might be wrong though
Spartans need mjolnir to even contend with the physicality of an elite, this nonsense depicted in the show is just insulting


nothing personnel, hopes and dreams

You forgot the gene therapy making all your senses a billionth fold better...

Fucking post-clone wars soldiers type of shit.

How would you not hear the loud sand shuffling behind you?

Cortana is meant to be an invasive AI to overwrite the actions of the Spartans in that universe. Except she doesn't have full control just yet specifically for John.

TV show, not a movie

I'm surprised they bothered to learn about the needler. When they bragged about "not discussing the games."

if you're so smart why doesn't he run around the brute then he seems pretty quick

>neoliberalism is literally the Great Filter
>the west gave up the stars to cut off their kid's penises, worship fentanyl addicts, and finance pizzas at 27% interest
I miss when I was just worried about them taking away video game titties

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This is just embarrassing.

>jackal with energy sword

i dont care, its the same studios doing all of it

even he didnt have the shit every time when he was fighting it dint cut to him every moment

Yeah, I dunno. He can't even touch the artifact so I don't know what his plan was.

Did they ever officially cancel the TV series they were gonna make?

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Did Corridor Digital do the effects for this?

I watched 2 episodes of it and it's not actually that bad. I wish there was more combat.
The second episode hasn't had any combat.

>implying I’m watching this garbage.
>implying I care.

You & the rest of the perma butthurt, outrage addicted retards can go ahead, and give it views.