This looks fun, with a nice and upbeat cinematic. Imagine soaring through the air on your dragon.
This looks fun, with a nice and upbeat cinematic. Imagine soaring through the air on your dragon
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it genuinely looks great. Shadowlands wasn't even bad, i'm having fun with it. WoW is in a great state right now.
>I make purchases based on pre-rendered cutscenes
What a faggot.
looks amazing. I hate WoW but I might go back for the first time in a while. they disappointed us but are renewing their playerbase yada yada. also I was paid for this post because this is a shill thread
chuds will seethe
>only four zones
>only eight dungeons
>of which only half have mythic+
It's shadowlands without the maw or torghast or covanants. Literally no content
Too bad the artists are shitting out Second Life furry models and trying to make what should be a really interesting race in to scaliebait, ignoring the settings established aesthetic and slapping a rubber fursuit on to a fucking worgen female rig. I can't believe no one sat there and said nothing about those off model abominations.
>Imagine soaring through the air on your dragon.
didn't they add that in Burning Crusade?
I don't have to imagine, I do this already in GW2 without supporting a trash company
I wonder what ArenaNet thinks about their dragon models.
Hey Blizzard, have you managed to find any more dead girls nudes for us or are you just going to shill this dead game here all day instead?
lmao nice bait
All I want to imagine relating to WoW is a Draenei woman on my face and a Pandaren woman on my dick.
Expansion seems alright enough I guess. Kinda lame that only the ugly dragon fucks can be the new class.
>This looks fun, with a nice and upbeat cinematic. Imagine soaring through the air on your dragon.
>it genuinely looks great. Shadowlands wasn't even bad, i'm having fun with it. WoW is in a great state right now.
>chuds will seethe
>Imagine soaring through the air on your dragon
Yeah they added that 15 years ago
Trannies are not women, they are men who can be easily treated with anti-psychotic medication because gender dysphoria is only a symptom of their severe mental illness.
You are MAZED
I love World of Warcraft and I’m glad to see Blizzard turning it around. I’ve noticed a lot of really cute girls showing interest in Blizzard products lately. Maybe I’ll finally turn my love life around by legally purchasing and playing Blizzard products! Haha just kidding. Women should feel safe in Azeroth!
fake blizz bot post
got a source for that?
I already flew on dragons in Burning Crusade though.
>furaffinity: the game
new ui looks like dogshit
talent revamp is just talent/conduits/abilities consolidated to 1 UI and will still be cookie cutter
profession revamp stolen from ffxiv and new world
dragon riding literally ripped from gw2 including the animations
so the only new thing that blizzard has actually made themselves for this xpac is a dog shit scalie tranny race that can only be 1 class with 2 specs and cant even wear xmog/armor?
no class change/reworks announced, no m+ changes announced except they're recycling old dungeons to make up for lack of innovation, no mythic 10 man raiding
yeah this game is dead lmfao
Don't care about WoW, just want to fuck dragons
we've had dragon mounts for 15 fucking years, OP.
Source before the thread gets nuked
just go to e621 and type in alexstrasza
common sense
Stop talking.
show some proof that gender dysphoria can be treated with anti-psychotic medication
not subtle enough
based and same
I like the one where she is pregnant and laying eggs
Would be good. Too bad you get to actually be the dragon
That's nice but what are you supposed to do with it besides fly around?
No, those were DRAKES totally different we swear
Furry trannies, that is all.
Really? I got absolutely nothing out of that cinematic except "there are dragons."
>Imagine soaring through the air on your dragon
Is this a joke/bait or have you actually just never played WoW, or only ever played vanilla?
Already have
post the tail slam one
You could ride dragons since Burning Crusade, what gives?
holy fuck i'd say they better have an option for reverting to the classic UI but frankly i don't think i'll ever play this again. literally right after the announcement I tried out FF14 and holy shit is it like night and day
based, thanks
be interested to see if they can replicate this today and in more patients otherwise im still a bit doubtful considering n=1
no problem
zero having m+ would be better, cancerous mode has ruined endgame
>This looks fun
..Oh it is
this is the worst wow cinematic ever
I'm not going through a game only for NPCs to have an ebon cinematic and fellate each other while my character is a nobody
>"b-but they call you champion/hero/divine toilet flusher"
and yet you're still an absolute nobody along with your parties
Unfortunately the contemporary procedure for dealing with gender dysphoria is not treatment, but pandering, so it's unlikely that we will see any major developments in helping these poor people with their delusions for the sake of keeping blue checkmarks happy. I am absolutely of the mindset that it is merely a symptom of a more severe illness given how huge their rate of suicide is and how it is even greater after they have the surgery that they wanted to take. It isn't normal for an animal to want to remove its genitalia and act in a way that is not normal for its sex, and these people are being strung along by a malicious culture of medical malpractice and corporate propaganda that will absolutely ruin their lives
>Unfortunately the contemporary procedure for dealing with gender dysphoria is not treatment, but pandering, so it's unlikely that we will see any major developments
the whole tranny thing is going to be seen as one of those horrendous things people did in the past that everyone is absolutely disgusted by. Like pederastry in Ancient Greece or religious infanticide or some shit
i feel so bad for the few people out there with actual gender dysphoria instead of just autogynephilia.
they're being denied the help they desperately need, and in many cases are being pushed to destroy their bodies as well.
this, actual dysphoria is very rare. for most of these people is just either some fetish shit or some other trauma/mental illness + grooming
they need to learn that they can just be femboys
I want to look like a woman but I'm not interested in dressing up in skirts, cutting my dick off, female pronouns, and I want to slam puss on the reg ya feel?
maybe im an enlightened self aware tranny or something
Absolutely. What makes it even more insidious isn't even the Discord groomers, but the fact that "Geek media", intentionally targets autistic people who have a much, much, much larger chance or trooning out to give it a shot. They're essentially targeted for their condition and brainwashed into becoming something they aren't. Not to say that genuine gender dysphoria is new, but the recent explosion of it is absolutely due to targeting of demographics that are more likely to be susceptible to it.
It isn't a nice thing at all, and there is evidence out there of this being a relatively simple thing to cure if the medical community wasn't so disgustingly corrupted. And for what? For all the big talk about protecting trans people, all that catering does it leads to more sorry souls killing themselves because they aren't mentally well and the dysphoria is nothing but a clear visual indication of their disturbed state of being.
Generation of fatherless men brought up by weird Discord moderators and reddit
Given that "trans" people are essentially life long customers for medical companies since they have to have the initial treatment + buy hormones for the rest of their lives, there is an incentive to encourage transidentity. Even "trans" people acknowledge that big pharma sees them as walking money bags
And it's never enough because it isn't the fact that they don't have a vagina, or don't pass, it's the fact that they are clearly mentally unwell and the dysphoria is what would in a normal soceity be considered a sign of mental illness and be treated accordingly. If gender dysphoria could be treated with surgical procedures and hormone therapy they wouldn't have an almost 50/50 chance of killing themselves after the fact.
Of course. They're subscribers on the lifetime transmanplan rolled out by big pharma and corporate interest groups have a vested interest in a male demographic that shops as much as women do.