Switchcels be seething over Deckchads
Switchcels be seething over Deckchads
shut up, deckbeard
Looks like they got their wish
Based. Deck will be the Nintendo killer. Screencap this.
this time for sure bros
OP is a faggot
Why is there so much falseflagging for Nintendo fans on this board?
Nintendo Derangement Syndrome
Replace the last pic with Yuzu and it's more accurate, and also true since it killed any interest I had in the Switch not because I can play its exclusive games but because I played and realized how shit its exclusives are.
Seriously, AC:NH is the most mind numbing shit I have ever experienced.
what do you expect from a board full of cluster B sexless failures
Make a thread about nintendo shutting down rom sites or fan projects and it will be inevitably filled with unironic nintedrones saying those exact things.
is RGC still around?
Thanks for beta testing, Gen1decktards.
I will wait for the 2nd gen with better specs and fixed any available issues.
PSP actually performed remarkably considering it was Sonys first attempt at a handheld. Vita was a failure sure but 3DS was also not doing spectacular to previous generations of Nintendo Handhelds.
Switch also sucks dick.
Because retards on Yea Forums thought the switch would kill Nintendo now they cant let go of their fantasy.
I'll buy both, I'm not poor.
Anyone with a 3 digit IQ would assume the same thing at the time before it came out and the fact that it has been this successful shows how retarded the average consumer is.
PSP was miles better than the DS though.
Overall I don't like the DS/3DS line, underpowered, unergonomic, gimmicky shit.
Switch is OK as a handheld, even if a little too heavy and uncomfortable for longer sessions. Too bad it's absolutely awful as a home console. It has a lot of good games and seriously, they deserve better hardware. Swtich Pro with the power of a ~PS4 would be a godsent.
I'm not saying you're poor.
You're just retarded.
It's not mutually exclusive. You can be a rich retard (RR)
I can hear your teeth grinding over your failed campaign
>Anyone with a 3 digit IQ
No they wouldn't look at the best selling games list of all time, half the list is just Nintendo published games. They also own the most popular vidya IPs.
Not really
>interesting gimmick to capture normies
>decent marketing campaign
>plethora of Wii U games that nobody played
I'll admit I didn't expect the Switch would sell this well but anyone who thought it would kill Nintendo was a retard.
Yeah man, that Deck sure did make a huge impact, didn't it? Wowee, people sure are gushing over it. I bet its selling like hotcakes by now.
I have a Switch and bought a Steam Deck for emulation tho
Uh huh.
the battery is shit
720p in 2017 was and is unacceptable
and the controller has joycon drift
Do you really think Tendies give a shit?
still lost to ps4
Its on track to outsell the Ps4 either this or next year.
not that i know
he worked with like 19 other twitter artists on an nft thing a bit ago but never made a new account and i dont even think he joined the telegram
it was called capsule nft or something like that
heres my personal collection of every rgc comic i could find since he first got suspended, thankfully i had the foresight to save them all when he reposted them
a man of culture i see
why would I, a proud switch owner who hasn't used my switch in months be seething over a steam deck.
I have no reason to buy a steam deck.
I don't leave my house. I'm a PC Gamer.
Its funny cuz its true.
It can more or less emulate the entire back catalog of Nintendo games. So what is it that Nintendo fans care about? Personally making sure Nintendo gets their money? And then you wonder why drones are considered a cult.
i forgot i made it a folder aswell if you prefer to browse it like that instead
>Anyone with a 3 digit IQ would assume the same thing at the time before it came out and the fact that it has been this successful shows how retarded the average consumer is.
lmao, anybody with a 3 digit IQ would've realized it'd have been a massive success at launch because it offered every bit of portability Nintendo players wanted that the Wii U despite having a tablet didn't while getting the Wii marketing treatment.
You're a 2 digit IQ loser pretending to be in the 3 digit range.
>PSP was miles better than the DS though
UMDs were a fucking disaster and made the PSP unbearable. It's a fine console otherwise.
and you’re a history revisionist faggot that still lost to the ps4
>Quiet fan part already identified by brand, ifixit trying to get it as its fan replacement part exclusively
>Major features and bug fix updates weekly
>3000 verified games imminent
>Runs some Switch games at full speed already, emulation only improving
>Windows support improving
Q3 chads we're fucking winning.
>Switches current pace has outsold the PS4 based on days from console launch, and doesn't look like it's stopping
ohnononono.... user.... not like this you can't actually be this retarded right
damn.. well thanks for the mega
The deck is a shitty PC, Buy a Desktop, or if you need portablility a Laptop. If you bought a deck scalp it while the prices are still good
>It can emulate games
There is your problem, it costs $100 more and the only thing deckshits rave about is its emulation. Most people dont care about paying for video games.
no one cares if it outsells the ps4 dumb faggot its been 2013 - 2022 of that generation the switch has been behind
we have all moved onto the ps5 which will continue to outsell whatever shitcrap nintendo will decide to sell you next
But its not. The switch is currently the best selling console in the world.
>if you need portablility a Laptop
Lmfao. How in the fuck is a laptop better for portability than a Deck?
You're being disingenous because the Switch launched much later than the PS4.
considering units sold from console launch, the Switch has beaten the PS4, and pulled away from it's competitor.
You're moving goalposts in retarded directions that does not support your argument lol
>who cares if it outsells the PS4 it lost because it didn't sell as much as the PS4
because it released later.
Use your brain user. I know your IQ is in the double digits, but please, try.
Its probably already outsold the PS5 several times over. And will continue to do so until Sony fixes the shortage problem.
Forgot to attach this. You're just simply wrong when comparing statistics that matter.
Literally never going to happen
Imagine failing so hard you have to make another new console mid generation, port all your games over, get BOTW, smash, mario, AC and STILL CANT OUTSELL THE PS4 LOL
Except it has outsold the PS4.
user, that's anyone with an IQ of 3. Common mistake.
it hasnt outsold anything turdwrangler
What? I got my PSP around 2010 and loved it for just the PSP titles, later I jailbroke it and currently have emulators on it for GB/GBA, SNES/NES, and (super buggy) N64. It's still my mobile timewaster and I have more games on it than I can ever play
It has physical games, which is why I don't use Steam and why I waited to buy a Series X over an S. I'm a phsyicalfag above all else, and will only buy digital if there's no other way,
PSP actually did pretty well really on. The DS didn't really catch on until Brain Age, Pokemon, and the DS lite came out
Looks like it will this year.
The Nintendo financial report comes out in may so we should see it hit either 110 million in sales or not.
>AC:NH is the most mind numbing shit I have ever experienced
Are you retarded? Do you even research the games you play before playing them to at least know what the gameplay is going to be like?
Shitch won't even hit 110 million, and that's pathetic considering it's replacing the handheld and console lines. 50 million lifetime is terrible for a nintendo handheld.
no problemo
>PS4 had a 4 year headstart
>They could announce the Switch Pro tomorrow and still be pretty my guaranteed to outself PS4 at this pace
You lost LOL
The hilarious thing is the Chinese handheld makers kind of respecting and not respecting the Steam Deck at the same time which was more unexpected from me than anything. Like this tweet.
>Cumulative stats
>PS4 released 4 years earlier
>Nearly double the lifespan
>has sold only 12% more consoles despite being out for 1,200 more days, or 40% of the switches total lifespan
hahaha holy shit, and snoys unable to comprehend math seriously think this picture defends their console
>4 year headstart
just get both forehead
It probably already has, just gotta wait for the next financial report.
>thread immediately devolved to anti-Sony shitposting
Looks like a falseflagging tendie thread to me.
Look at this:
They keep shoving the Switch down their throats the same way their wives suck off BBC every other week.