Other urls found in this thread:
>whence come evil
from Us
checkmate GAYtheists
then he is not willing
why should he be
because that would make him malevolent
thats only from your perspective
How is allowing evil to exist not evil in itself?
Being able but not willing to shelter your children from all harm doesn't make you malevolent. A kid only burns his hand once. Unless he's retarded.
its called free will u stupid baka
because its not his problem
So you agree he is evil?
This is the only compelling argument, I found against this. Good job.
how does that make him evil
How does it not? If you are able to solve all the world's problems on a whim, explain how that is not evil. Good people don't let evil fester in their communities.
hes not people is he? now youre figuring it out
>user yet again posts his Facebook atheist group-tier image like it's some revelatory wisdom never seen before
Do you really believe that not a single theologian has addressed Epicurus in the over two thousand years he's been dead?
based, jew worshippers btfo
He gave us freedom of choice and we chose poorly so now we have to deal with the consequences. How would humans learn from their mistakes if he just solved all their problems for them?
the world's problem that you perceive can be solved by killing yourself
no morel life no more problems
Without problems people won't grow. Problems must exist or there is no point to existence.
>God already knows everything
>Needs to test us because reasons
>Ok so God cant predict free will that makes him about as all-knowing as a hobo on the street, right?
epic strawman
>cant refute
The same reason hugbox video games are boring. Evil is a consequence of free will itself.
>whhhhaaaaa the world is bad why not perfect
then kill yourself no more problems
>I don't want to
then you admit life is good
it's that simple boys
a strawman isn't an argument so there's nothing to refute
>Problems must exist or there is no point to existence.
yeah there is you can just live and enjoy yourself i bet youre a wagie too with that line of thinking
This is why it's so much saner to believe the almighty creator God doesn't give a rat's ass about us, and the gods who do are not almighty, like what literally every other religion in the world believes with post-exile Judaism and its offshoots being the only exceptions.
Hell you can believe in Yahweh if you want, as long as you believe he's merely the tribal protector god of the Hebrews and subordinate to El, who doesn't care. "muh one true almighty omnipotent god who says we're the super special people" is the world's most massive cope from the exiled Hebrews.
what an ebin thread
I made it into the screenshot, boys!
>r/autheism enters Yea Forums
didnt you fucked up all in antiwork pal?
I listen to proverbs and realign myself not enough
Few simple things missed by anons here regardless of temperament
The worship of rabbi yeshua was the greatest mistake in western history
>acknowledging that problems are a part of life makes you a wagie
youre saying that you have to suffer or theres no point in existence which is the exact thought process of a wagie
Deus Vult
Calling others jews is the jew's oldest trick, for even they cannot find anything more vile an insult than themselves. John 8:42 onwards proves that Christianity and babylonian Judaism cannot coexist.
I'm saying that strife is a part of life and there's nothing you can do to avoid it. Problems lead to solutions which improve our overall quality of life.
You literally worship a jew and christians being the biggest simps for jews is the sole reason they have so much power and israel existing
>If you are able to solve all the world's problems on a whim, explain how that is not evil
Because deep down, I think humans themselves dont want that.
Like, I been reading lots of sci fi the last five years, in some places you can find stories full of benevolent aliens or A.I's who just want to help humans, they are willing to protect humans, prevent all evil, give us any material good we want, even provide people with waifus and companions so that they won't feel lonely. They literally created paradise on earth for every human, and they did it because they want humans to be happy.
And every time, there a large part of the fanbase that gets absolutely assblasted that those aliens are making people happy, "how dare they end poverty, cure all diseases and uplift mankind into a golden age!", those people are literally sperging out because the world is not a shithole anymore. They need to suffer, suffering is the only thing that can give them an identity, a world free of nigger tier behavior is a nightmare for them.
People like that don't want paradise, because paradise is boring for them, they want hell and misery and pointless suffering. How would God ever make this kind of people happy?
Whatever you say larpagan
>all christians are stereotypical american republicans who shill for isreal
kike cope
>Here's a gift.
>you don't use it how i want? Fuck you, go burn forever.
Christcucks, Never ever.
Christians are not one person, most today are Goodest Goyim but this was not always the case.
>Gaytheist trying to derail a TWM2 thread
Shouldn't have been a piece of shit I guess?
haha ebin based bros put me in the reddit post pls tenchu stealth assassins
Fucking losers, OP makes a nice and cool reference among the fuckawful shit of this board and all you can do is shill about muh god debate
Fuck off retards, and kill yourself
And yes, God is real, and no, I won't justify my belief to fucking retard faggot brainrot drooling mongoloids
I'm trans btw
You're retarded for expecting anything other than shitposting.
I remember asking a religious person something like why doesn't god himself tell us directly how we should behave etc and his response was no joke something like "why do you think you deserve to know?" and that's when i knew that all religion is brain rot.
Free will is both our blessing and our curse. Evil is created from our free will, and we are cursed to suffer the consequences of it. We are only free of this curse in death. Yet it is a blessing in that you as a unique person would not exist without free will. You would not be able to question whether God exists or not if you did not have free will.
We chose free will over the absence of evil when God tested Adam and Eve. We chose to be ourselves, not just who God told us to be. We chose to be free to decide for ourselves if we see a starving man whether to help and feed him or simply continue walking. We all have the opportunity to do good. Only some choose to take it. The result is the world we live in.
>What's the point of free will.txt
For all his wisdom, epicurus was a bit of a retard more than once
Stop shill about this stupid god debate atheists are retards anyway
Been playing as the Norwegians lately with Stainless steel
For some reason the English and Scots don't want to kill each other leaving me to clean both of them up
Bongs are awful militia spamming faggots, and the scots think they're more important than they really are. Accurate. Fucking bongs just die already
OK but here is the thing...ALL KNOWING GOD! Knows everything that has been, currently is, and what will be. If free will is your only counter then what makes him all knowing?
For me, it's the Mongol Invasion
Shilling for atheists or whatever isn't shitposting it's just annoying shills and retards
Shitposting would be something like roleplaying as a bunch of arabs taunting the christian crusaders
See the difference? No, fucking zoomers just think that muh atheism is "shitposting"
Kill yourself shit eating faggot
If it's taking the focus off the OP it's shitposting. Cope with that however you need to.
>born with birth defect
>mother dies of random plague
>father kills himself leaving you alone
>die at age 9 because you cant even defend yourself
>go to hell because you didnt pray to jesus/allah/sans from undertale who has made 0 moves to tell you about his existence
b-b-but muh free will
Philosophy needed more Diogenes (yes, I’m sure he was fedora lord too) and less fart huffers like in your pic.
Your view on shitposting is shit
It's not shitposting if it's a deliberate effort to argue for muh atheism, that's shilling for propaganda
But I bet you think it's all just organic and normal
Kill yourself
I've been playing the Lucium mod a lot. Just wanted to let everyone know and keep it vidya.
This thread was doomed from the start my friend
jesus christ be praised.
I know, couldn't even get past the second post until it devolved into the usual cesspool that is this board.
its flat
if humans can determine their own fate unbeknownst to god, then he's not omniscient and thus not the god of christ
cope, seethe, ect
God told us how to behave in the Garden of Eden.
We chose to defy him and decide for ourselves.
Had we not, then God would continue to tell us what we should do.
Whether the answer is we do not deserve to know or God is respecting our decision depends on how you see our decision to be free.
If you leave glue on the floor, yet tell a child to not play with it, do you believe they will listen, or do you know they will get into the glue?
We know they will get into the glue before they want to get into the glue, which is why we don't leave glue on the floor. It is akin to that. Just because someone has free will does not mean their future actions are unpredictable.
God knows what we will do, even if we have free will, because he knows us. The difference is we will do these things because we want to, instead of because God told us to.
Kino cinematic every time my pope bro calls to exterminate some arabs
Love this game