When was the point they became shit.
When was the point they became shit
the exact day they released WoW
it ruined the company forever
I think they had a lot of ups and downs but the breaking point was when my boy Metzen left. He was the soul of that company
July 10, 2008
All of society was going downhill after 2007
SC2 was a red flag for me and then D3 was when I knew they were dead.
It's amazing how smartphones/social media/8 years of Obama can destroy a nation.
that hong kong incident was when it all went downhill. But they've been good again ever since Microsoft announced they would buy and save the company.
when they canned the original diablo 3 and liquidated blizzard north.
wotlk launch was peak and it was downhill sometime through that expansion when it was obvious they were cutting out a lot of content(A LOT - if you go read up on what WOTLK was suppose to be). it was still good, but it wasnt as good as they had planned, and the decision to downsize, cut stuff has become a mantra at blizzard, they just rush and get shit out by X date and cut all the content they didnt finish - for every expansion - every time. it is the norm for them to promise all this cool new stuff/features and then not deliver on it at all or worse - deliver and its horrible. we were suppose to have flying pvp combat in wotlk at wintergrasp over a decade ago. never happened. cataclysm - while a good idea to revamp the old world - was a horrible expansion and the the beginning of the normi-fication, dumbing down, and "streamlining" of the game. followed up by MOP dragging the game into a very weird direction that drove away lots of players that wow never recovered from. some people come back to try each new expansion and then most quit after hitting cap and doing the intial end game content - easy dungeons and intro raids and then stop till next expac with a few coming back each major patch. wow doesnt get new players. its been milking the same shrinking playerbase for over a decade.
people talk about 'when will wow go into maintenance mode' are blind. it went into maintenance mode middle of wotlk. all these expansions since have been the same derivative grinds with new skins on them with maybe a good/fun enjoyable new content/idea every few YEARS - but always buried within a sea of shit content.
Why was SC2 a red flag?
MS should get rid off most of the people and hire people with talents.
>Chris Metzen
Look up when they were bought by activision, it's not rocket science when shit went wrong.
The day the Cata pre-patch hit and old Azeroth was gone forever.
Hearthstone or OW. When they saw how much money they could get from such minuscule amount of work it was over. Every decision for WoW is based around cutting corners.
Trump lost
Overwatch was actually really fun and produced some top tier waifus. Ever since then I've heard nothing but really bad shit happening to this company.
2010-2012. Cataclysm that was the end of the golden age of WoW, Diablo 3 that was just complete shit, Starcraft 2 that failed to recapture the magic or the audience of SC1 and had bad and cheesy story where character motivations weren't exactly consistent.
1991-2000 was their growth phase, and Blizzard had one of the most charmed growth phases ever in the industry. Every year they were making bigger and better stuff and every year they were reaching new heights
2000-2010 was their golden years, Blizzard were the golden gods of gaming, completely untouchable. Whatever they touched turned to gold, everything they released in that period was certified classic of gaming
2010-2019 were the hubris years, Blizzard starts to wobble under the weight of their own bullshit, they've grown too arrogant, they believe they always know the best and that they can't fail, they start reassigning priority based on weird criteria they straight up said they didn't put in any effort in story because "nobody reads quests anyway". They get their first failures - SC2 loses spectacularly to LoL and, even more humiliatingly, DotA that they had rejected. They pull the plug on D3, WoW starts losing subscribers and keeps losing subs for most of the decade
2019 - present - the fall. The sexual harrassment and rape scandal, OW2 and Diablo Immortal, BFA and Shadowlands being shit, every month there's seemingly a new scandal and Blizzard has gone from being the untouchable golden gods of gaming to being one of the biggest jokes of gaming
3.3 when they introduced LFD
Vanila to end of WOTLK, very much agree with this assessment. As to the point at which things declined within WOTLK, I would say the dungeon finder would have to be the turning point if I had to pick one. You went from having to care about your personal reputation on your server to do dungeons to having the bare minimum of social interaction required.
Why are blizzfags trying so hard to pretend not to notice how much of a blatant copy the new dragonflight cinematic is to the heavansward falling kid scene? Obviously falling person caught by dragon is a trope, but the cinematic itself follows like all of the camera angles and is a dude falling from a tower same as the kid in heavansward. It's so blatant but blizzdrones are malding so hard claiming its not true.
mists of pandaria
they went from stuff like wrath to china shit.
I suspect it's because most people haven't seen of Heavansward trailer. I certainly haven't. It's the old Tarantino approach to filmmaking - can't be plagiarism if your audience hasn't seen the original.
Mists wasn't so bad, and there was precedence to the pandas being in the setting with the panda brewmaster from the rts, and them supposed to be an island off UK or Kalimdor. It's the expansion after when it all truly went to shit, tho cata was pretty bland all things considered.
Considering that WoW became a videogame zeitgeist and had catastrophic effects on the medium, I'd say they became shit moments after Lord of Destruction was released
It's not the trailer it's an in-game scene during one of the quests of heavansward, someones already done a side-by-side of the two and it's incredibly similar, and when its show wowfags mald and call people delusional and coping.
whom did Tarantino plagiarize?
WoD was the point of no return. After they they started the diversity hiring shit and cutting content.
Legion was their last hurrah. Their last tit milk toast.
old vs new blizz in one image
a cautionary tale of letting leftist into your company
Warcraft 3.
>When was the point they became shit.
There isn't an exact point.
It was the slow trickle of OGs being replaced by talentless people.
Yep, you got it pretty spot-on user. I do think it's a bit disingenuous to leave out Hearthstone and Overwatch, though. While WoW was definitely at peak hubris, there was some hope of a "return to old Blizzard" somewhere in the mid-2010s(?) because of those two. However you can tell without the WoW money pouring in every month they had to start making cuts and, well, look where we are now.
>Why isn't an in-game cinematic presumably at the end of a quest chain or something in my niche weebshit mmo not known by the world?
>also my mmo game invented the trope of a dragon catching the guy at the last second!!
it's so frustrating seeing the maintenance mode comments, you're absolutely right. the "WoW framework" was finalized either in WoTLK or Cataclysm depending on your viewpoint. Everything else they add every expansion is just fluff.
>also my mmo game invented the trope of a dragon catching the guy at the last second!!
The camera angles and type of fall are exactly the same. Dude.
They had their ups and downs, seems like the whole sex scandal thing was the nail in the coffin though.
Not because r*ddit will actually stop shilling them or anything, but because it got a decent chunk of their talent fired.
They were never good
Blizzard was always shit
Yes, always, they are a cancer on the planet and humanity would have been better off without them
I did like the cata haste breakpoints in wotlk talents though. Shadow priest was owning everything and was crazy op. So much fun. Then cata released and brought massive instancing in quests, but the instancing was broken as fuck and everything was a mess. Then the cata raids were shit, worse than even vanilla.
Literally the moment that Metzen or whoever said
"oh no my daughters might see a big booba sexy woman?!!"
so around the release of Cataclysm
>Throne Of Thunder
>not peak WoW
just say you don't like the chinese and go
it was more when they put him in charge of the writing, he had sick art, but a shit storyteller
>LFG was added and killed any sense of community
>Copy/pasted recolor armor sets FOR TIER became them norm
>Overall gear gets uglier especially tier 9, 10 and all the pvp sets
>Druids, formerly a hybrid class, becomes the strongest in the game in both PvP and PvE (they never get nerfed after this expansion btw, even on retail they're still unkillable gods)
>wrapping up the litch king's story meant that they were no longer piggybacking off the success of the Warcraft series and had to come up with a brand new story of their own (spoilers: they don't do so well at that)
>Blizzard becomes overly complacent with their success
We did not know it at the time, but WOTLK set in motion the events that would turn WoW into the game it is today. Many people blame Cataclysm for this drastic change, but I assure you that anyone who was paying attention back then will tell you otherwise.
finally someone gets it
ebin 90s art but his corruption fetish ended up ruining everything he touched, funnily enough
mop, the shift in overall tone from serious to le wacky panda bears marked the change from catering to white guys to catering to soccer moms, furries and other degenerates. it's been a constantly downhill since then, culminating in vulpera recently
the seething trannies always like to point out isolated examples pre mop, but it was the overall philosophy that changed.
wod was an aberration and failed so badly it cemented into their minds that orcs vs humans was a mistake, catering to raiders, people who like serious settings and old wow lore was a mistake. so back to childish shit forever.
I'd probably be agreeing with you if I could understand your schizo babble.
that's easy.
diablo 3 and soon after wotlk
vivandi and then activision bought them. both led to massive changes.
I remember seething so hard at all the casualization changes they made when I was 15 or something. it was already apparent at the end of TBC and Wotlk was the final nail in the coffin.
SC2 decided to release in chunks, fucked the lobby system and UMS with their owning anything you make malarky, and that's not starting on the story.
Diablo 1 and 2 were basically my favorite games of all time so seeing what they did to 3, with the itemization, 4 player limit, always online, RMAH shit made me not want to buy it before it even came out. To put the icing on that particular cake, they knew it sucked ass so they decided to give it away "for free" to people who bought a year of WoW subscription...In which no major content released. That was a dick move a lot of people I know who played WoW fell for and it was then that I knew Activision had assumed direct control.
anons may disagree but this is the truth
it was reported that a lot of staff was really upset when he departed as he was something of a "creative mentor"
This is a trans-siberian bean-counting forum you blatant faggot, no one gives a shit about migatards, much less pussies like you.
You missed the women, trannies, and minorities.
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What happened there?
>What happened there?
It's the day they were bought by Activision.