Remember the false advertising that Naughty Dog pulled on us?
Remember the false advertising that Naughty Dog pulled on us?
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Eh, it's been two years, I need something else to be angry about now.
When Kojima does it, he's a genius
which was..?
Released promotional videos with story sequences, but they switched the characters around to convince you it was Joel and Elly going on another adventure.
For real, this. While it was shocking, the game was good enough that very few people actually cared about Raiden. The difference is that TLoU2 was not a good game and it was leaked. But this isn't really false advertising in the same way "hey these shorts made of ethanol will never catch on fire" it's done to surprise the audience. I think the new Spiderman did the same thing with the older trilogy Spider Man having a major part in the film
> TLoU2 was not a good game
It was a great one
yea Druckman said that Kojimbo's MGS2 bait and switch influenced it. Blame La Creatividad.
No it wasn't and I say this as a massive Part 1 nerd who played the game at least 10 times on both PS3 and PS4. I played Part 2 back to back as soon as it launched hoping to find something other than sound design, the gun battle with Tommy and the astronaut flashback sequence that I enjoyed and couldn't. It's a very mediocre game, a 6/10 at the very best
>i'm a huge fanboy I played the first one a dozen times I sleep with a Joel bodypillow
Golly I wonder why you hated it
> Not mentioning the Seattle day 1 with Ellie.
You're just wrong then
Yes. MGS2 was a game all about misinformation.
I have yet to play the game and even as the game is on sale for $15 at area stores, i still have no desire to play it.
TLOU1 was a complete game. The DLC was utter SJW shit. So I had no excitement for TLOU2 from the day it was revealed. Look, Lesbian kiss! Buy the game or you're a homophobe!
But what about gameplay and story?
No I'm not angry, I just felt TLOU2 was intended as a cash grab exploiting the SJWs that ate this shit up. But it's not my thing.
2 is bigger and longer than 1 though. You may not like the SJW parts, they still put a lot of thought to the game.
BTW part 1 was just as sjw
Hot take: Metal Gear Solid and TLOU are exactly the same, and they're both bad games. Any game focused on telling a story can never have good gameplay.
They do have good gameplay tho
>part 1 was just as sjw
>walking up a ladder for 2 minutes while pretentious music plays
Oh yeah, real kino right here. And what awaits me at the top? A pretentious 10 hour speech about how war is... LE BAD!
>walking up a ladder
You're missing out
>Cherrypicking one moment from an entire multi-game series.
The Rex VS Ray battle alone is better gameplay than anything TLoU did
>pick up the plank and move it to make a bridge
>stab the clicker from behind
> All leaders are women
> Bill implied gay
You spend the whole first part taking orders from Tess.
>the game is totally good guys
>bur we absolutely need this pretentious ladder sequence and hour after hour of exposition, or the game is ruined.
There’s no multiplayer too. They scrapped it to make the game longer.
You don’t know what pretentious means
>>bur we absolutely need this pretentious ladder sequence and hour after hour of exposition, or the game is ruined.
Nobody ever said that. Kojima is a clown which is why he puts things like that or Johnny and his grandpa shitting themselves into his games. They're not supposed to be pretentious or artsy, they're supposed to be a fun break from an otherwise somewhat serious game. The Snake Eater Ladder scene occurs right after The End, which can be a frustrating boss about 2/3rds of the way through the game and serves as an "intermission" of sorts for the player to relax; you're an idiot if you cant figure that out yourself
>they're supposed to be a fun break from an otherwise somewhat serious game.
So the gameplay isn't fun. Gotcha. It's so terrible that you constantly feel the need to "take a break" from it, like it's a chore. lol
>david is a woman
>the hunters are ran by a woman (unseen)
>the clickers are told what to do by a woman
>joel is a woman because he's leading ellie obviously
>fedra is all women
how could i have been so blind
That literally isn't what I said retard, I was talking about the tone. Thats why you have the EVA seduction scenes and shit too. Its fun as shit to stealth around the Big Shell or Groznyj Grad but it can be stressful especially when you fuck up enemy pathing and get hit with an alert. I don't know if you're a brown ESL or just a dense moron but it's most likely a mix of both. Once you actually learn to play the games (unlike someone like you who clearly just watched an LP or read the Wiki) its outrageously fun to use all the dumb shit you can find to fuck with enemy AI.
You were angry about it? lol
Just don't buy it and laugh at the fags who do.
How is it fun constantly getting interrupted by cutscenes and dialogue and exposition, inbetween walking through boring hallways?
>the best parts of the game are the cinematics where you have zero input
And you wonder why I have no respect for this series that's on par with Uncharted or God of Soi?
>>the best parts of the game are the cinematics where you have zero input
Never said that or even implied it
And they aren't boring hallways unless you dumbed down the difficulty. It's a puzzle game more than anything and to be honest I don't care about what games you respect or not because you have trash taste and clearly didn't grow up with MGS
I have no respect for games that set guiness world records for having the longest recorded cutscenes in any video game, topping off at over 90 minutes straight. Anyone who signs off on that genuinely hates video games.
Always funny when Yea Forums shits on movie games while simultaneously bending backwards to defend their personal favourite movie game
Quite frankly I don't care. You haven't said what you don't like about the gameplay, just misinterpreted everything I said about why I enjoyed it, all you've done is spout your shitty opinions of "muh pretentious ladder" and "muh cutscenes." It's clear you haven't even played them
>The difference is that TLoU2 was not a good game and it was leaked.
I remember how the game was delayed to an indefinite date and then the leaks came and Sony decided to put the release hastily at the last minute because of it. Quite a fuck up which i didn't expect for a game which is wholly anticipated like that. I always wondered what is up with that decision to delay the game at first.
>A pretentious 10 hour speech about how war is... LE BAD!
filtered, maybe a tranny power fantasy would be more to your liking
>BTW part 1 was just as sjw
LOL, come on, nigger.
Part 2 is a pretentious mess that isn't even worth $30.
But Part 1 is good. Not amazing, but good.
Having a few femoid characters in it, doesn't make it SJW.
I know you’re probably too young to have played them on launch and probably havent played them at all. Its okay though. People like to play pretend on the internet.
I don't like Kojima or Druckman. So now what?
I do like SOME of the gameplay in the MGS games, but I have never and will never buy them full price.
Same goes for ND games. 50% off or no buy.
Some highlights from MGS.
>putting the game on idle for 2 weeks has the game play itself, beating every boss in the game
>the game constantly gives you tutorials and cutscenes every single moment
>the game encourages you to avoid combat because fighting is mean spirited, Solid Snake needs to be a pacifist because if you kill your enemies they win
>the ladder climb is genuinely considered the greatest moment in the entire series by every single fan, a moment where the only interaction is pressing up for 2 minutes
Hot take: if the gameplay was good, none of this other stuff would be in the game. You would want non-stop gameplay, and the idea of needing an "interruption/break" would be absolutely ludicrous. It'd be like refusing to eat a delicious meat in one sitting, unless you chomped down on playground sand every 5 minutes to "take a break". It's lunacy.
So, you think wars good then?
>misleading information given to you to get you to buy something
>county of Los Angeles
>putting the game on idle for 2 weeks has the game play itself, beating every boss in the game
Not true at all and clearly you didn't play the game if you think this. It works for The End only because he dies of old age
>the game constantly gives you tutorials and cutscenes every single moment
No, you get cutscenes after reaching important areas. Codec calls are far more common but they don't break gameplay tempo
>the game encourages you to avoid combat because fighting is mean spirited, Solid Snake needs to be a pacifist because if you kill your enemies they win
You're put into an area where you aren't supposed to be to undertake a secret mission. Especially in MGS3 where you're disavowed by the USA and only there because the USSR allowed you to go in. You need to accomplish the mission without being noticed. Of course you can kill people and hide bodies. But the idea that NS/SS is a pacifist is fucking silly
>the ladder climb is genuinely considered the greatest moment in the entire series by every single fan, a moment where the only interaction is pressing up for 2 minutes
No it isn't. Its memorable but nobody considers it the greatest. The greatest moments are either Sniper Wolf's death, Emma's death, the Battle against Solidus, MGS3's reveal, Rex VS Ray, or Big Boss' Return.
Its clear you never played the series
Anybody who was a fan of TLOU in the first place is a dummy.
I'm talking about the leaders that matter.
They all are le strong womyn archetype. The only male one is a unambiguously creepy pedo. See the difference?
Add the fact that a 14 yo girl slaughters dozens of armed men
I usually prefer a pretentious mess who's not perfect but at least tries something that is 2 to a generic Walking Dead ripp off that is 1
>It works for The End only because he dies of old age
Why does the game to encourage you to skip a boss fight? Is it too videogamey? That would explain the 100 billion hours of cutscenes.
>No, you get cutscenes after reaching important areas. Codec calls are far more common but they don't break gameplay tempo
Literal exposition dumps are the definition of "breaking gameplay tempo". It'd be like me playing a shmup and then a dialogue box interrupts me every 5 seconds.
>You're put into an area where you aren't supposed to be to undertake a secret mission
That's story related stuff, and it doesn't interest me at all. if you can't keep my interest with the gameplay, then why would I care about the plot?
>No it isn't. Its memorable but nobody considers it the greatest.
Then why do people throw such a fit when I recommend that it be taken out from the series? I thought you said the gameplay was top notch and could hold itself up? But now removing even a tiny glorified load screen will ruin it?
Gameplay and story don't have to compete. 2 games with similar mechanics may feel different because of the story. See the difference between Doom and Half Life for example.
What a fucking retard. I never even post here but I have to post right now to tell you how stupid you are. Delete your post
>Why does the game to encourage you to skip a boss fight? Is it too videogamey? That would explain the 100 billion hours of cutscenes.
It doesn't. You're supposed to use the goggles to track his footsteps or find him from his parrot. The only way someone would know to either snipe him before the fight or to wait is if they looked it up online.
>Literal exposition dumps are the definition of "breaking gameplay tempo". It'd be like me playing a shmup and then a dialogue box interrupts me every 5 seconds.
A 60 second codec call does not do that at all unless you have brain damage.
>That's story related stuff, and it doesn't interest me at all. if you can't keep my interest with the gameplay, then why would I care about the plot?
Then why are you playing a game which has a heavy emphasis on stealth gameplay and a story? Oh wait you didn't play it.
>Then why do people throw such a fit when I recommend that it be taken out from the series? I thought you said the gameplay was top notch and could hold itself up? But now removing even a tiny glorified load screen will ruin it?
Anyone who would throw a fit is just as stupid as you are. I would be fine with it being removed but it is a fun little scene. I never said removing it would be a gamebreaking scene. I never argued AGAINST removing it. I explained why it was there but yes it could be taken out and it wouldn't change the game at all. It's considered iconic at best but not a game defining moment
>gameplay and story don't have to compete
"No man can serve two masters: for either he. will hate the one, and love the other; or else. he will hold to the one, and despise the other,"- Mathew 6:24
>It doesn't.
And yet no penalty is incurred.
>A 60 second codec call
That's 60 seconds I could be using to play the game. Wasted time.
>Then why are you playing a game which has a heavy emphasis on stealth gameplay and a story?
Because the fans talked about how it's a movie game done right, and yet it commits every sin that TLOU and Uncharted have committed.
>I would be fine with it being removed but it is a fun little scene
Fun. Fun is holding up on the control stick for 2 minutes straight. Fun is watching a 70 minute long cutscene, without interruptions.
And you're saying TLOU is pretentious? I mean, it is, but this is pretty funny.
Western game companies have convinced themselves that they are the new Hollywood. This circle of leftist fart huffers have convinced themselves that they have a mission to bend the industry to their whims. Fuck gamergate flunkies and Hollywood wannabes like druckman who think they are the vanguard for gen z.
Seethe more. You lost, and there’s nothing you can do about it.
this guy is playing video games and complaining about wasting time
I'm not wasting time when playing video games. Watching cinematic movieshit is a waste of my time, because I'm not even having fun.
The father and the son are different persons but the same in essence
They are the same in essence because they work towards the same goal. Gameplay's goal is to maximize the uniqueness of the medium, which is interactivity. Story's goal is to make video games into hollywood 2.0, complete with marvel and disney diarrhea being thrown in constantly.
All vidya is a waste of time. Whether or not you're enjoying yourself is a different conversation.
A story can enhance the gameplay and vice versa. See my comparaison between Doom and Half Life. Both you point to an enemy and shoot. The presented context is what alters that basic mechanic.
By insisting that a game shouldn't have a story, you are the one who limits the medium
>See my comparaison between Doom and Half Life
Half Life constantly forces you into rooms where you have no agency and get to have exposition spewed in your face, while Doom just lets you have all the gameplay you could ever ask for. A good example for why story is so detrimental.
It was super obvious that Joel was dead, I remember a lot of speculation that Joel was a hallucination or something. I don’t know why anyone pretended it was subversive at all. His arc was basically complete at the end of the game and his character archetype usually tends to die usually with a selfless sacrifice or something.
Still would’ve just preferred a game with Joel and Ellie doing shit. The flashbacks were the best parts of the game.
Also a good reason why HL is the better game. I'm done arguing with your autism
Joel was a piece of shit, and I’m only disappointed he wasn’t begging for his life like the cowardly little scumbag he was. Get fucked.
It’s just a game user. Breathe