What game are you laying right now?

what game are you laying right now?
did you like it?

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boobies :D

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Dios mio.... El Ogro de las Americas!

laying pipe

mammaries, even

Raw volume 8 where.

I'd lay her if you catch my drift.

Battlefield 1, absolutely

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Motor world car factory
Cookie clicker

I want to be snothered by her breasts

>blood: fresh supply (deathwish)
>duke nukem 3d
oh yes

Stupid hoe.

Halo infinite cause I hate myself

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imagine the back pain

someone needs to edit piss,blood, and shit stains on this

No worries, she's 2D

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gotta switch so playing mostly first party games like botw and mario kart. Going to get animal crossing whenever I get my blank nfc coins. Might get either odyssey or the new Kirby game after I get bored of those

Remember she 16

Remember she's not real

So, legal? And she's waaaay not 16, idiot, she's in uni.

She's 20

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out of 10

haha just a normal everyday occurrence! so wacky!

so when do they fuck?

Remember you're not a real woman.

Good luck with passing.

Venus Vacation of course

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That scene was pretty cute, how he was playing with her pretending he was hypnotized but still messing up her name.


This would be hotter if she didn't look like Chad from Megaman Battle Network.

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I played Sf3 for a little while today and also darksiders genesis, it is surprisingly good so far.

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I'm laying your mom.

>"You sick fuck that webm is only 16!!!"
Do you ever get tired of moral crusading for fictional characters?

anime is so fucking cringe

why do they fuck black men?

Why do you?

Code Vein was on sale. Im mixing that with Darkwood.
Both are great. Darkwood is fun horror and Code Vein is kinda shitty but cute anime girls so.

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16 is the age of consent in the majority of the world.

18 is the age of consent for a partner your age, both where you live, and for the majority of the population of the civilized world.

Watching the twitter mob and the shitposters alike getting completely demolished when this show had a second season announced was glorious.
I love shortstacks so much.
Also I'm currently playing Dark Souls, being very lazy about the Lordvessel shit, and doing a Dead Cells run every so often.

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Too old

Because one or two years in that case makes any difference what so ever. It's as ridiculous as the drinking age being 21.

In my state the AoC is 16. And 14-16 can consent in what is called a Romeo and Juliet law. 18 only applies to possessing, sending or taking pictures or videos of a sexual nature.

Incorrect. Over half of the States in the United States (and most of the world even in western Europe) the age of consent is 16 regardless of the age of the other partner.

They literally have an episode about her becoming old enough to legally drink which in japan is 20. The only time we see her before she's at least 19 is in the flashback to them in high school.


>Nooo not muh heckin 20 year old anime girl with big tits
Why did they seethe so much?


In 2-3 chapters more in the manga.


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pic related was so retarded i kinda liked it

Age of consent is 12 where i live.

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disgusting creature
given the first chance i would take a large rock and smash her skull until it was a red paste


Whoever designed the Tariq campaign should be beaten with sticks

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>18 is yellow
>Most yellow areas are in the US
>Most countries have 16 aoc

Lmao get fucked.
Post the rest of the world
