>here are your opponents bro
It's either going to be a free win or the most severe ass raping you've ever received, no in between.
Lalafell are terrifying
>elemental DC
There are all australians.
the seamstress
they can be your angel or your :devil:
5 to 10 Lalas coordinated on discord to queue up together and take screenshots of themselves. Pretty cringe.
pvpfags are the new parsetrannies
It's usually the former
Yes she does. The 12 are not secret ascians hiding in the cosmos, they're a part of Eorzean history and Hydaelyn is aware of them and they are aware of her.
Why does SAM get an instant kill button?
If they are gonna include that, make the lb cast longer or chiten indication brighter. There's no visual clarity in this mode in general.
New PvP is fun but you can tell they have much to learn in terms of multiplayer content.
SAMs are not a problem in Diamond/Crystal because people are better at the game and learn how to look for the Kuzushi debuff. SAM is fine, actually kind of weak compared to DRG and RDM. You just need to get better at looking at LB bars and recognizing the Kuzushi icon on you.
SAM isn't the only one
Give us the Twelves armor Yoshi! YOU HACK!
when's the next patch? 6.1 was a while ago now, right?
when's ultimate/beast tribes?
Minimum needs to be smaller.
Fair enough, I want to get good so once I notice this debuff do I back off entirely? Wouldn't a good SAM just hold on to his lb and give his team free push time and wait for his next chiten?
You're gonna freak when you hear about this new invention called photoshop
Ultimate is next week, Beast Tribe and other sidequests around two weeks after that.
Realistically, how do Lalafells feed their babies? It seems pretty shitty as a species for them to just have negative tits.
Hypothesis hair when?
portraits have ruined me. I used to actually play the game, but I've spent almost all my time since the patch dressing up my bun in gothy outfits and taking pictures. I hate that this is who I am and what I've become and I can't stop it
Wish the Lala breast slight actually worked SLIGHTLY instead of being a complete joke.
Yes, Kuzushi only lasts for 3 seconds. If you attack the SAM again during Chiten then Kuzushi will refresh. Just wait 3 seconds or spread out if its too late. Zantetsuken has a 20 yalm range but only a 5 yalm radius so if you aren't stacked then he isn't team wiping you. Most SAMs I see in Diamond can barely get a single kill, let alone 2, and 3+ is a once in 50 game occurance.
this desu
Why does the Lalafell boob slider even exist?
what about their armor?
They lost.
I just want their eyes more than anything.
Big Roe milkers. Sign me up. Breakfast, lunch and dinner that's a winner.
100 isn't big enough
You can mod it.
So funny playing against one. Just ignore them entirely and watch them case you trying to accomplish something, it just tickles.
Either they parasite other races somehow or they're actually not mammals
Surprisingly, SAM is one the most balanced jobs in pvp right now.
Holy shit, that's hot. First time I've seen one as good as those Lyse pictures.
these are the sliders you need
I'm loving Reaper but I want to be a special snowflake. What job do you recommend?
>I wanna be unhappy
Be SAM apparently
This thing hurts so much holy shit I almost kill more people with this than the limit break.
You expect a reaper main to be able to do ninja?
And rdm has some faggot ability called Scared Cross that hits twice and is a range.
What is this bullshit?
The entire cast is filled with BS, that's what makes it fun and balanced. No job is utterly weak with nothing to brag about, except GNB.
Bunny-ing is raid wide buff
>You just need to get better at looking at LB bars
Ooo what plugin lets me see enemy lbs?
australians have always been a minority on elemental, but even more so after materia released. the majority of players there are SEAniggers
>spent an hour after reclears messing around in gpose
Do both and embrace it. Wear your Gpose icon on your adventurer plate with pride.
havent touched pve once since this patch dropped. i wont be a parsetranny slave ever again.
DNC, it's barely noticeable until it's ult and it's easy as fuck to counter.
People expect the LB with the animation; no one expects a 16,000 line aoe except people who've been a DRG in CC and know it will come after you evasive jump!
It's called FFXIV Online: A Realm Reborn
It has a handy feature that lets you see them
I've heard people say that DNC is strong outside of its LB so unless I play it myself and find out, I'm not going to say which way or the other. In my experience, DNC is fine and it could just be that the players are bad and not the job.
>Ear size: Longest
>Breast size: Maximum
>Height size: Middle
>Hymen: Present
Ohhh yeaaaaah
I spent like 5 minutes going through the emotes, pick one i thought was kind of cute (talking) and haven't changed it since.
>uhmmmmmm are you gonna push the crystal?
>Ear size: large
>Boob size: flat
>Ass: fat
>Thighs: deliciously thicc
>the faggot lulu has a patreon and retards watching her videos
>based rourou is dead
Every job has a stun and some silence. That is not balance especially faggots can stun lock you like nin.
Actually no, since the Crystal moves just as fast with one person on it as with five. It's best for me to get off the Crystal to zone, cc and harass the enemy team while one of us stands and pushes it.
no im going to 1v1 the other sam on the other side of the map