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Remove the Nintendo bonus and BotW is a 78 at best. It's literally just a ubishit ripoff with a Zelda skin

>Elden Ring fans are high IQ and can understand flaws and rate the game accordingly
>Nintentoddlers see pretty colors and rate it 10
That'll do it heheh

scary that its even that close

ER is objectively a massive success in it's own right. Like when was the goal to beat BotW anyway?

ER is better.

It's not even as good as Sekiro.

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Even having a Switch I can't do nothing but admit that BOTW is shit.

If that game was called Adventure of the Elf it would be a solid 70.

zelda doesn't splooge icons on the map

I'm glad it happened, fromfags need to know their place.

It literally does

Remove the Fromsoft bonus and ER is a 77 at best. It's literally just a dark souls ripoff with an open world

Years later and still don't get the hyper of BotW
Ugly, cheap graphics, reused enemies, animations and weapons galore, easy, same dungeons, wonky game physics, non-main dungeons are underwhelming chores.
It genuinely doesn't deserve a score above 80

Many of the bad reviews are seething losers who stuck at a game which is easier than Dark Souls 2.

my dick is one exact millimeter longer than yours

My gf is a huge zeldafag and she only put in around 40 hours into botw before she got bored
She has 4 characters in elden ring and has clocked in over 200 hours

For reference, when I tried getting her to play dark souls 1, she tried on two different occasions to get into it, she stopped wanting to play about 7-9 hours in each time

>Elden Ring fans are high IQ and can understand flaws
are you serious?

>Elden Ring fans are high IQ and can understand flaws and rate the game accordingly
There is no way you typed this with a straight face


Eternal reminder snoys are seething

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that bot is just sad

BOTW: scan an area, the area is scanned, you get no icons. The map only gets icons on key areas you discover, or with waypoints that you manually place
Ubishit: you scan an area and all 50 icons associated with said area are shown on the map
Extremely different, kys

That being said also kys op console war autism ruins Yea Forums almost as much as coomers do

And had the reviews for Elden Ring actually finished the game, it would be a 77 at best.


if they could

>le second half is bad
Reddit is that way, faggot.

Holy based, nindies seething

Cute Metascores. Did your mom buy them for you?

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Holy shit it's a single fucking point, it literally does not matter.
I played worse games than either of these, like Dragon's Dogshitma

Hard to splooge icons when there's nothing to find lol


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>Worshipping journalists

botw is objectively dogshit for kids compared to elden ring
it's not even a contest
these cope threads won't change anything

One did the endgame actually good


lol you need to update this.

Speaking as an idort, Elden Ring isn't fit to lick the shit from BotW's boots.

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this is some grade A copium

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ironic when it's all kids playing Elden Ring because their favorite epic twitch streamer did

>Unironically thinking there's such a thing as a nintendo bonus
Snoys really do need to be purged from existence

Kinda sad when a 6 year old Wii U game completely mogs you.

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why do you think this gives you more credibility

Reminder to not reply to the BoTW schizo.

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Because I can proove I'm not a console warrior faggot. BotW is vastly superior video game to Elden Ring, a game which is derivative of BotW but nowhere near as good.

>unironically thinking effortless bing bing yahoo garbage compares to the masterpiece that is elden ring

botw2 got delayed because they got scared at ER though

in what ways is Elden Ring derivative of BotW, a game that did not invent open world games. i'd love to hear this.

>literally 31 extra reviews on BotW that are all “Nintendo 4 Life” or some bullshit that all give it a 10/10

Is she cute?

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>new ip vs old ip with nintendo bonus

>in what ways is Elden Ring derivative of BotW

Here we go....

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>Elden Ring fans are high IQ and can understand flaws and rate the game accordingly

use your words, user.

tendies be like

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Ah yes, and SMT4 is the Dark Souls of Persona
Do you really take journo opinions seriously?


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One game's fucking trash with horrible gameplay and outdated design choices, the other is Imagine Babyz.

>Elden Ring fans are high IQ and can understand flaws

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Elden Ring is multiplatform.

there is a genre called souls like, there is no genre called zelda like
every open world game from now on will copy elden ring, and be called elden ring like
nintendo got so scared by er they delayed botw2 for 1 year, the sequel won't bring anything new to the plate and will be forgotten shortly after
blind cultism won't change reality

BOTW fan likes Ubisoft games. Checks out.

but both games suck...