Elden Ring lore questions

Post ANY question you have about Elden Ring lore in this thread and probably somebody will answer you and it might be a correct answer

Going to start the thread off and ask

What the fuck is going on with Miquella and Mohg? Are they bumping stumps in that egg or what?

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What is Farum Azula and what the the deal with Vyke, what's the lore reason for black phantoms of Vyke in jail and Dung Eater.

undeads frenquetly bow to pick up stones near the pieces of the broken bridge. My question is, why re they picking up stones? On what purpose?

why do malenia and mohg have a miquella each

why does godfrey come back to life and then kills his lion bro

malenia is waiting for his return
mohg does have an unfinnished miquella
He received the grace same as all tarnished.
He kills his lion bro to unleash his true barbarian self.
This one is pretty interesting and worth exploring.
>What is Farum Azula
Farum Azula is a region from a previous era freeze in time due to the power of an ancient Elden Lord awaiting the comeback of his god.
>what the the deal with Vyke
he failed to became Elden Lord because he got distracted by the three fingers.
>what's the lore reason for black phantoms of Vyke in jail
He mad bro so put in jail.>What the fuck is going on with Miquella and Mohg? Are they bumping stumps in that egg or what?
Methinks whatever is going on it is Miquella's plan because Malenia clearly states she is waiting for his return thus implying he warned her he was going to be gone for a while.

From where do these two come from?
Who prevented them from visiting the stars?
Who buried them and why did he love them so?

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>This one is pretty interesting and worth exploring
someon welse?

Are Malenia and Miquella alive at the end of the game? Rykard?

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>He received the grace same as all tarnished.
what does this even mean? why couldnt he come back to life before?

Wishing to raise Miquella to full godhood, Mohg wished to become his consort, taking the role of monarch. But no matter how much of his bloody bedchamber he tried to share, he received no response from the young Empyrean.
Vyke isn't a phantom in the evergaol that's the actual Vyke. The phantoms are just invaders, Dung Eater apparently uses it as a way to get some peace and quiet at the Roundtable.
>In Marika's own words. My Lord, and thy warriors. I divest each of thee of thy grace.
>With thine eyes dimmed, ye will be driven from the Lands Between. Ye will wage war in a land afar, where ye will live, and die.
>Then, after thy death, I will give back what I once claimed.
>Return to the Lands Between, wage war, and brandish the Elden Ring.
>Grow strong in the face of death. Warriors of my lord. Lord Godfrey.

>A legendary talisman depicting the Elden Lord Godfrey.
>Raises charge attack power of sorceries, incantations, and skills.
>Godfrey was a ferocious warrior. When he vowed to become a lord, he took the Beast Regent Serosh upon on his back to suppress the ceaseless lust for battle that raged within.

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He could and probably did multiple times same as all the rest of tarnished but without the grace they could not be guided back to the Lands Between.

Yes, sort of, in some way, but they require some kind of preparation or reforming. Whether they are the same or something completely different after that process, we don't know. This answer applies to all three of them..

what the fuck is an omen

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Depends on the ending.

Ranni's - We don't know. Probably as Elden Rune is not repaired thus law of the world remain the same except if those emanate from the Elden Beast in which case not as we kill him.
In Fia's ending death people become dead who yet live.
In Dung Eater's their spirit do not die but become cursed on their next birth.
All other ending do not suggest any change of how things stands. Meaning gods and demigods are inmortal and thus Malenia and Miquella and Rykard are all alive unless killed by foul ritual with a piece of the death rune.

What's the explanation for invasions and phantoms? You invade npc and they can invade you to. And that affects them in your world, but there are other tarnished around that you can interact with and that makes it seem it's like another universe. Is it a parallel universe thing? Or is it just the lands between are larger than what appears in game . And that since it's difficult to add realistic sized cities and populations you are just supposed to imagine it is teaming with a lot more undead and citizens. I like the last part better, but still doesn't explain signs and stuff.

Also, if Nathalie is the new lord of stormviel, why is everyone still trying to kill me there.

I assume by not doing ng+ after elden beast, you you technically haven't defeated the final boss since there is fog, and no one acknowledges the fact. So what happens to hewg and rodericka

Why are the undead looking citizens you see throughout that way, and tarnished look like notmal humans? And how come some tarnished like keneth heights and edgar can be nobility and control castles, but every one else is trying to kill my ass? Is it because I see grace?

blaiid is in fact a mercenary that works for the bad guys. He is too calm and seems to know a lot of things

after the great war. a lot a soldiers/nobles died)were killed. Then they rose again.
the undeads you see are nobles/soldiers.

>What's the explanation for invasions and phantoms?
Different worlds linked by magic.
>why is everyone still trying to kill me there.
She hasn't taken total control yet.
>So what happens to hewg and rodericka
We don't know. Presumably if you restore the Elden Ring they are ok.
>Why are the undead looking citizens you see throughout that way....
The shattering happen a long time ago.
Many had lost any hope than anyone will ever become Elden Lord again including many tarnished who long ago stopped caring and do not see the grace no more.

Miquella's stated to be comatose. Gideon tells you that it is better that he remains in the cocoon instead of emerging which pretty much means that he's still alive. For Malenia the info comes from Gowry's quest. When you betray Millicent, the intense emotions brought by your betrayal is what triggers her blooming into a flower, which is not present when you help her and she's allowed to die (relatively) peacefully. Malenia's flower is identical to Millicent's flower only much larger, so I think it's safe to assume that she'll be reborn from it someday, albeit maybe not as the Malenia from before.

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Who was the whore?

>She'll one day be reborn from it
>Sticks needle into flower
Stay down, bitch.

Are undead different from tarnished? Why do they try to kill me from the get go

If they are different worlds, why does killing or helping millicent affect her in your world. And why does Dungeness ask you to help him

Is there any in-game confirmation that Seluvis created the doll Ranni inhabits? It seems like an obvious reason for them to be affiliated, but I wasn't sure if anything directly confirmed or contradicted it.

I believe his name is Hidetaka Miyazaki

>If they are different worlds, why does killing or helping millicent affect her in your world.
You are helping your millicent who got pulled into the sisters world.

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>removes the needle
Nothing personnel, kid.

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Also Ranni has four arms like the Marionette Soldiers, which is why people think her body at least started as one of those.

He is a servant of the Carian royals.
No ingame lore suggest he created Ranni's doll but he may have done.

melody marks

doesnt kill her

How did they get their own world. Since they are sisters they must have presumably been in the same world originally. Dow their world have the same characters as mine? It hink I might be thinking too much into this. Might just be the game mechanic reason

An omen of the end of the golden order and the coming of a new god.

Fact is the lore doesn't make any fucking sense. And a big part of that is the fact that there are no real discernible population centers with anyone who has intelligent thought. It's hard to imagine anyone is fucking fighting a war when there is nothing they are fighting for. They talk about nobles and all this other shit, who the fuck are they ruling over? The soldiers? And if tarnished get revived or respawn, then why the fuck do all the other supposed tarnished bite the bullet big time when they die. Doesn't make much logical sense, the Lands Between aren't believable as a place that real people live in or have ever lived in.

What's the difference between Elden Ring lore questions thread and Elden Ring lore thread?

>Might just be the game mechanic reason
Ultimately it is. It was never entirely consistent even on DaS.

Only the gods live in the land between, hence why there is only one city.

When we first see Miquella, Mohg seeps out of his arm and forms from the pool of blood on the floor.
I think it's fair to assume that Mohg was trying to grow Miquella like he originally wanted but twisted from his original plan and used his cursed blood to do it instead of the roots of the Haligtree. To poor effect.

I find it strange that Miquella has some kind of betrothal ring on his hand. It makes me think Miquella gave his consent to this whole ordeal, but I don't know if there is anything to that. In item descriptions, Mohg is described as a madman, and smashing a ring onto your victim's finger is in line with crazytown.

non player general/player general

Why does Milicent use the same exact weapon as Melina?

No reason. No everyone needs a custom weapon,

what the fuck IS the elden ring. What is it? A seal? A spell? A set of laws? A physical thing or an abstract concept?

I know what it does and whos responsible for it. I know its comprised of "runes" and is breakable. But what is it? and what the fuck are runes for that matter? can you physically hold one in your hand?

odd choice making the name and point of your story nebulous.

>It is said that long ago, the Greater Will sent a golden star bearing a beast into the Lands Between, which would later become the Elden Ring.

If Maliketh hunted down the Godskins, why are there two of them in the same area as him?

that doesnt answer the question

If Melina spent the day doing "normal" things like gathering food, tending to the livestock, going for a stroll, etc, what do you think her feet would smell like at the end of the day while wearing those knee high boots?

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like my asshole after taking a shit

Q: What [s]The fuck is going on[/s]

It does. It is a power sent by the GW that can take different forms. In the ring form it is composed of runes. Each of which control a law of nature.

It's crazy when you realize how many things Mohg ruined including his own plans.
His motivation and goals:
1. To ascend Miquella (the closest to a true Godhood out of all) and become his consort - gain personal power.
2. To create his own dynasty - Mohgwyn.
I think he cares a little bit more about 2nd cause he repeats the "muh dynasty" twice.
>he kidnapped Miquella and ruined his life
>he ruined the life of Malenia, you can even argue that he indirectly forced her to bloom , cause she only fights in the name of Miquella that's her motivation, she has literally 0 reasons to fight for anything else or give up to a rot god just because
>Miquella was about to save everyone - omen, albinaurics, misbegotten etc. but now he can't. Mohg doomed EVERYONE, countless of creatures
But to top all of it
>his plan was a failure from the very beginning
He tried everything and couldn't even get a response from Miquella. All this effort for nothing.
Miquella could save even him, the big scary omen. But this dumb ugly nigger wanted to fraud his way to power the easiest way possible. Without fighting anyone or doing anything himself. Only stealing and performing some fucked up blood rituals.

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>works for the bad guys
Yes, he works for Ranni.

so its just a "whatever we need it to be to move the story along" sort of McGuffin?


The Elden ring is the Elden Beast. An Ayylmao parasite that has latched onto Marika and through her, the Erd Tree.
It does this to serve its master, the Greater Will, and keep the world under its thrall.

You forget he acts under the influence of another outer god. The mother of truth.
It may not be his fault entirely.

I'm done. So red hair shatters the Elden beast? That makes no sense

Mohg is not a very smart man.

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No. Marika shattered the Elden Beast/ring. Radagon attempts to repair it as he likely sees the Beast as a symbiote rather then a parasite.

He fought them (and GEQ) in order to take and seal Destined Death. Why would he hunt them after that's done? They're of no consequence without DD.

Mohg really sounds like a nigger after reading this lol

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why does the game have so many subtle references to dark souls

>so its just a "whatever we need it to be to move the story along" sort of McGuffin?
No. It is an artefact from an outer god beyond our comprehension. Read some Lovecraft to understand that not everything is knowable. Bloodborne lore was much the same.
>Why not make it a physical thing?
It is. It even got shattered. That is probably why we can even beat the Elden Beast in the first place. It ain't complete.
What Marika did with the shattering of the ring was complete unexpected by the fingers and the GW. The fingers are at a lost on how to fix things and are clearly guessing. When Radagon goes loco and forbids anyone to enter the Erd tree the finger gives up and seeks the GW help via contacting him directly.

Because its fun fan service bozo

no, the elden ring is the golden star that brought the beast. the elden beast is basically just the vassal lord of the lands between, put in place by the greater will aka the ayylmao king of the cosmos.

There is zero indication Miquella would have achieved his goals if left alone and his retard haven is a fucking hellscape.

Was Sella trying to become a ball or did she mess up?

>It is said that long ago, the Greater Will sent a golden star bearing a beast into the Lands Between, which would later become the Elden Ring.
It is unclear if the ring is the Beast or the Star. It could be read either way.

this is my only complaint about the game. This shit about the elden ring makes no goddamn sense. Its an underbaked idea at best and lazy at worst.

And Demon's Souls.
Like the Painted Shield restoring HP or the design of the Golden Epitaph resembling the Rune Sword.

To think that when we enter the room Mohg at that very moment was inside all Miquellas orfices and swimming inside his body.

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She was trying to become a primeval
sorcerer joined with Azur and Lucat.
The ball does not seem the correct result.

Usually ruin fragments, right? The evergaol guardians drop them, maybe they want to build more?

Seems about right.
Continent has been in a state of endless war for who knows how long. I doubt they have anyone making any kind of building materials or food, so they have to scavenge.

Is Miquella dead?
Is Miquella's relationship with Mohg consentual?
Are they having sex?

To be fair he was thrown into the sewer as a kid. I doubt he has any kind of formal education or experience besides whatever the outer god who contacted him shoved into his head.

>Is Miquella dead?
>Is Miquella's relationship with Mohg consentual?
>Are they having sex?