How the hell do people have over 100 hours in a single game?

>Ah, yes, today I will play... the same game I have been playing for the past 6 months

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>Another mad zoomie with fried receptors and no attention span

>100hours over 6 months is a lot
Nigga its 4 days

just hit 500 hours in my pokémon gold save the other day

still like 40 mons way from a complete pokédex

You probably have 10x times that in fucking candycrush.

Some people have to spend a lot of time making graphics comparisons

If you said 1000 you might have a point, but some games take more than 100 just to beat once.

I already have 400 in elden ring
I suggest getting a new hobby

When I was a kid I thought my 200 hours in Emerald was a lot. Not sure how I even got that much when I never did any of the postgame content in those games since I didn’t know about it as a kid.

I spent 500 hours in Garry's Mod as a boy.
I spent 700 hours on Path of Exile and 800 hours on Warframe as an adolescent.
I spent 600 hours on World of Warcraft Classic and 500 hours on PSO2 as a young man.
I don't think I'm going to spend much more time playing video games.
God I miss PSO2. My CAST was so cool.

There are ways to treat ADHD. Try talking with your doctor.

If you play an hour every other day you would hit 100 after around 6 or so months.

100 hours isn't even close to a lot in any given activity. I'm honestly starting to believe that "a lot of time" starts from 800 hours upwards.

uh, shut up idiot?

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CSGO Deathmatch is too much fun.

I have 3k hours in overwatch :)

>doesn't play his favourite games for at least 1000 hours
you didn't play the game.

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What is there to do in RDR2 that warrants that much playtime?

how do you hav that many hours in l4d2? the others i understand, but l4d2 is so extremely static i dont see how its replayable to that extent

I honestly like being so immersed in a game that time just seems to fly by while I'm playing. Really wish more games were like that

I'm in my 30s and have never put over 100 hours into any game. I just play single player games and power through the story and never touch the game again

I only play like 2-3 games per year and I play them thoroughly. Most modern games are straight up woke garbage, so there aren't that many to choose from. GT7 and Elden Ring is all I've played this year so far.

>he doesnt have 5000+ hours on tf2
clearly you are not a loser

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You play this shit more than most people work in a week.

I have 750 hours in Animal Crossing on the Switch, but that's mostly down to crippling loneliness.
I know some people with way more than that.

I have a steam account since 2009 and these are my most played games. I don't understand how people put 1000s of hours into games

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>im gonna
>im gonna

You don't like video games.

pvp. I play red dead online only, never played movie mode.
also, consider that valve has killed the game more than 3 times over in 2022. it used to be a good game.

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am brainlet but civ V is the best one that still has 20k players daily right? could a retard like me find enjoyment from it?

Because I can see the apple.

I've been playing games since the NES. I just tend to play though a games single player once and never go near it again

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My top10 on steam

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According to Xfire I had over five thousand hours in WoW back in 2009.

>you must stop playing a video game that you find fun to play
>you must consume the next video game as soon as it's released
>you will stop having fun
>you will play different games

It's easy. All you have to do is be an NPC.

>How can people have the attention span and have so much fun with a single product that they can use it for so long?
1. not being a zoomer helps
2. not being autistic does too

>6 months for 100 hours

>Playing like 40 minutes a day
>A lot
Do you even enjoy video games?

No but really how do some of you have 1000s of hours in games? This is completely mental to me as someone who played games all my lif. How do you not get bored after 100-200 hours? I always thought I was crazy into video games but you people are a whole different level

MH4U, MHXX, MHGen, MHW, and MHFU I have at least 1000 hours in each of them. Also Pokemon Ruby, Pokemon X, Dark Souls 1, FFX, Terraria, Melee, Ninja Gaiden Black and Halo 2 are all over 1k hours.

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You just play it.

>100 hours
>6 months

Sounds like you're doing chores.
Find a different hobby.

>Enjoy game
>Play game
>Continue to play game due to content remaining fun
>Game receives updates/add-ons/DLC
>Play game more

Is it really that complicated? Its the same with any hobby. How do people still enjoy gardening and digging through dirt after so many hours? Why do people continue working out once they've finished? Why do people re-read books they've already completed?

I get people have work that keeps them busy, but 100 hours in a single product isn't really that much and shouldn't take 6 fucking months.

post proof bigtime gamer

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I had like 350 hours in Emerald myself, which is still the benchmark I compare current games again. I was shocked when I had about 210 hours in Elden Ring already by the time I reach the end (not all spent on same character; finished file was ~150 hours).

I think the only games I've put literal 1000s of hours into are multiplayer games and that's over the course of years and in most cases tons of content updates. I can hit 400+ pretty regular on games like Monster Hunter but 4 digit playtimes in a single player game are beyond my power level.

you have fun and time flies

Play whatever you want. I only racked up so many hours on Civ V because I had a medical issue. And after you learn all the systems, you can play it without thinking. Which is not a great thing. But some people like that. I mean, others play WoW or LoL for years. My poison of choice was just not a MMO or MOBA.

Imagine playing games your whole life and still being a casual.

There's an old saying that it takes 10,000 hours of practice to master a skill.

I think I've only ever put 1k hours into online focused multiplayer games. Shit like MMOs or multiplayer shooters where the experience is constantly changing, new content is being added, and it's a way to hang out with friends.

Pretty easy to be entertained when each multiplayer match or dungeon you do in the game provides a different social experience, or the game constantly gets updates, or you have friends that add to it all.

>1k hours
Damn dude, do you just suck that bad at dodging lightning?

A good game isn't something that you only play once then toss away for the rest of your life

I've beaten hundreds of games though. I just don't play any 1 game excessively

Honestly the only ones I have proof for are the MH games. Most of the others I don't have anymore or were on Xbox and didn't keep track of hours played.

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Yes, also I was a super obsessed teen when I played it. I would just beat it and start over and over running through the game again. Then I would play it again a few times as an adult years later and would do 100% playthroughs every 5ish years.

Thats the difference with me so. I always hated stuff like MMOs from a young age as they just seemed extremely tedious and boring and I never got heavily into any multiplayer games

>played 800 horus of Siege
>feel like i hardly played the game at all

ADHD actually makes me play more games. I think OP just doesn't like video games.

Not to be nitpicky, but there are plenty of fantastic games where I played them once and had no real interest in running through again. Obviously if the game is great I'll be tempted to return to it in the future, but a game being replayable doesn't necessarily mean it's good.

Like, Silent Hill 2. Fucking love that game and I have, eventually, replayed it over the years. But I could've walked away from it after my first playthrough and it would still remain as one of my favorites.