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that looks disgusting so its probably british food


looks Bosnian to me

thats a very odd cabbage roll, i believe the red is tomato sauce too... it probably doesn't taste bad

Do white people really?

>stuffed cabbage
delicious and based

I figured it was probably made exclusively from anus. Thanks for confirming.

>conquers the world for spices
>still hasnt managed to conquer the kitchen

pretty sure it’s polish

I lold

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cabbage rolls? nice

looks good
browns seething


Not enough brown to be British. It looks like cabbage, so probably central/eastern Euro.

Quintessential mutt post.

Attached: Jello1.jpg (429x518, 43.78K)

it's balkan food but shaped into one of those skyrim pastries for some reason

i would honestly rather eat shit

Sorry wrong pic

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Why do old worlders make these weird meat dishes covered in gelatin?

Dunno, why do you fat mutts do it?

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clean it up, jannoid scum ;)

British food also used to feature jelly/aspic a lot. A forgotten favourite was head cheese. It's actually okay, everyone just acts like little girls around unfamiliar foods now, it's gay as fuck.

it's a balkan dish called sarma just made in the shape of cake or whatever the fuck this is supposed to be

So is this sauerkraut stuffed with fatty mince meat?

It's a sarma, but oversized and shaped like a Bundt cake for some reason.

awwww poor wittle yuromutt is mad he got mocked



Looks a little undercooked but that's literally just a cabbage roll cooked in a jello mold

That's one sloppy joe.


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This looks actually wholesome. Bunch of meat and onions wrapped in cabbage?

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Thanks Spyro

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If you think british food looks the most disgusting you havent seen slav food

>"One salad and turd menu please."

Poutine ?

There has been no point in my life at which I wouldn't open that box and think "This is shit".

but that's shit, right?

odd shape aside, add some lingonberry jam, cooked potatoes and gravy and you've got yourself a real meal

Attached: food.jpg (580x563, 34.74K)

Allegedly no, but the shop that sold it insists it is and it's someone trying to ruin them

but if it's not shit what the fuck is it supposed to be? THAT'S A FUCKING LOG OF SHIT RIGHT THERE

this, firstoids filtered

>curry sauce
>mushy peas
do you even know what poutine is?

Kebab meat

and rice

no fucking way man

Looks like mushy peas on fries to me.

No, that's a shit.

I've eaten one like 7 years ago I don't remember much.

well if it had either of those things in it, it wasn't poutine..

The Janny Special

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So they put cabbage in a bundt cake pan and stuff it with saucy meat? I'd try it.

Right, so basically just a massive cabbage roll? Sounds fucking top-tier to me.

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Once I realized that was cabbage and not jello, I'd totally eat that. I love cabbage rolls.

Is that a chicken heart sandwich

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They always seethe so hard and accuse everyone of being American because they can't stop obsessing.
It used to be funny, but now it's just sad.

The peak of Bri'ish food are munchy boxes.

How fucking decadent

It's aspic you retard, it's origin is european.

>tfw fighting with your dad over who gets the turkey heart at thanksgiving when making the giblet gravy
Too fucking good.

Can I get a munchy box sent to Canada or do I need to actually be in England for one?

Wa la

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Lame one

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God I want some of that shit