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I cannot imagine a fate worse than playing mahjong with 3 nyaggers

How do I get good at mahjong? There are so many rules to memorize and then you have to memorize the tiles themselves the game seems fun if you get good at it


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Come on man.

Three suits, pin, sou, man.

4 cardinal winds.
3 dragons, red, white, green.

>specifically Japanese majhong
>chinese devs
Why tho?

because riichi is more fun

Even the bugmen agree that Japanese Mahjong is superior.

From what I understand Chinese variants are just about calling everything and making fast hands since there's no furiten or needing yaku to win a hand.

I play mahjong.
In ffxiv.

Learn the tiles
Learn the basic yaku
Learn how to play defensively
From there it's just gaining experience

>he pays $15 a month to play mahjong with people who don't want to be there, just grinding weekly quests

tenhou > mahjong soul

Tenhou is for competitive play

so? it's still better and not covered in a weeaboo shit

I agree, I'm just saying MJsoul is for casual/friendly play

alright nyaggers where's the room

Attached: ichihime tiem.png (720x720, 202.15K)

What a coincidence, I was playing this just now. Just reached expert 1, feels good man.

how the fuck do I git gud I feel like I'm not getting any of the big yakus. I mostly just get tanyaos/pinfus/yakuhai and the occasional chiitoitsu or iipeikou like a true nyagger

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blahblahblah pinfu is the essentials of mahjong or whatever

Pinfu tanyao + riichi is the bread and butter of mahjong.
Toitoi and honitsu are quite easy to get depending on your hand and should prove helpful sometimes. Chinitsu is great as well.

You can sometimes aim for bigger stuff like sanshoku, but it shouldn't really be your main goal most of the time, it's more of a bonus. Then there are really big hands that are pretty luck based like Junchan/Chanta, but if you can open them they can be easy to achieve (Junchan + dora is at least 3900, junchan sanshoku is also cool). Once in a while you'll get San Ankou, but it's pretty hard.

If you want yakuman then it's really just a matter of luck.

Majsoul Friends Room 28305(4-Player South): mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com/?room=28305

default rules

9/10 games when you have triple dora you will not win, even with all simples.



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Are there any good Ichihime doujins? She is very sexual and deserves to be violated.

Still using MajSoul? What's your excuse for not switching to Riichi City?


Oh fuck, there's a fucking Akagi in here.

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I will always hit chii, pon, and kan. I do not care about having no yaku. I always play the cat.

I'll probably pick up this game so I can force myself to learn the rules, because I want to read cool manga like Saki and Akagi without getting confused.

Majsoul Friends Room 28305(4-Player South): mahjongsoul.game.yo-star.com/?room=28305
There's still room for one. I'll post if the room is full.

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I don't know what that is and therefore don't know if it has cute girls or not.

The default girls are cuter and the f2p rates for converting gifts to dust for getting your gacha rolls isn't as Jewish (it still is but not as much)


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>What's your excuse for not switching to Riichi City?
their obligatory furfag character is nowhere near as cute as wanjirou

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>21 posters
>3 players
Still waiting for player 4 to join...

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Doesn't pass, ron, baiman.

I need to drop out, sorry, it's already too late where I live and I have stuff to do tomorrow morning.

>one player leaves, another joins
3/4 again

It can't be helped.

too tired to pon tonight

I'm waiting on majsoul to update and I may have to re-login
I'll play if nobody else joins but I'm currently waiting on a 211 MB download

Now you have my attention. I've never played mahjong before but I'll start with Riichi City. Thanks for telling me it exists. Yea Forums is sometimes alright.

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Sorry user, I'd play but I've got work tomorrow and I'm a yuropoor to it's past midnight already here.


Game is starting.

>I've never played mahjong before but I'll start with Riichi City.
Mahjong Soul is newbie friendly, dunno if Riichi City is as.

>love the idea of a mahjong game with unlockable characters, animations, tile backs, etc
>every client has godawful gacha rates and either 1 or 0 characters i actually like enough to put up with said rates for
>either that or they're untranslated
I fucking hate the chinese.

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I got the flow today...

Because only the gacha side is better and if you're using a mahjong quiet for the gacha you are profoundly mentally retarded

you know majsoul has cunny characters too, right? one of them even has an exposed buttcrack

All Mahjong clients are borderline the fucking same unless you're playing on SEGA MJ. The gacha/aesthetic side of shit is literally all that matters.

Attached: Mahjong overkill.webm (854x480, 2.75M)

Does anyone really give a shit about the gacha? I just play Ichihime

If you're picking your mahjong client for the gameplay and don't care for the presentation you'd still be on tenhou

>Riichi City
it ahs no akagi in it. also i am waiting for that one trap mahjong game

What the actual fuck was that game.


I'd be fucking pissed if I got a tenhou and the game didn't register it in the winning hands log because it was also a kokushi and that took priority.


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akagi bonus plz understand

That also just pushed him into first place.