why arent you invading Yea Forums?
Why arent you invading Yea Forums?
Getting spammed by madness spells or rivers of blood dosen't sound appealing
I like going through the dungeons and fighting bosses.
>elden ring
I am actually, but there are exceedingly few sweet spots, and the X v. 1 when you include hunters is just a little deranged. At least it's fun to invade around field bosses. It's crazy how many absolute shitters require cooperators to beat them.
Because the latest patch increased crashes triplefold and RoB and phantom scaling is just as fucked as it was last month
I am, in Gelmir's heroes grave to be precise. Easy salt farm
People still play this game?
Because unlike you I don't have an uncontrollable craving for cock.
I’m high level so there’s no more organic PvE, just gankers
Only place I can invade players progressing organically is Crumbling Farum Azula
Because Dark Souls 2 was the only time From cared about Invaders
Because I had a strong father figure.
>2 was the only time From cared
Because 1v1 Raya Lucaria duels are so much more fun. You get actual B U I L D V A R I E T Y
more like you get DC's when you cast law of regression of bufffags
>go for a Str/arc build
>purposefully make my character a decent level for low level invasions (50 on PS4) with talismans and soreseal to help out
>invade manor
Yea this game and its pvp system is completely fucked right now the balance is ridiculous my damage output is NOTHING compared to a dex/int or dex/arc or full int build with random end game spells and armor they have discord trannies drop for them
Not worth it to even twink invasions you either play the meta and put duel signs down or just do a dex/arc build and invade them that way if you can't beat em join them until from nerfs rob and bleed into the ground.
I pirated the the game because I don't care about invasions anyway.
git gud
Because I'm playing DS3 and the gook fucks are still pretending there is a problem with an exploit that they could patch in minuets.
>PC Niggers are proud they don't support a decent developer
I bet you're a NEET disabled faggot also.
>soreseal and 30 vig
literally asking for it
why even put any points into vig at all at that point
I play offlinr because invadong and summons are.for.faggots. and ao are messages that twll you where hodden walls are.
Real men solo the game.
>real men
>phoneposter esl
Why wouldn't I?
I'm rolling with practically a full 52 poise crucible tree set minus the helm I can tank a sword and swing in for game if a ganker doesn't clip me damage neg is nothing to me but spells are nuking because everyone is running moonveil still
too busy killing invaders as a blue phantom
I'm invading Yea Forums right now with my sisters.
Blue fags are literally jannies doing it for free.
Good. Fuck pvp.
what level should I be for classic invasion chaos, and not boring honorable duels?
blues are literal cuckolds
I found lvl 50 to be pretty good. High enough to avoid the low level twink faggots, low enough to avoid the late game metas. Just right for a ton of areas and for organic invasions.
90% of the times i get summoned as a blue are to an afk host sitting up on an unreachable spot while I fight the invaders, it's literally a win for everyone involved. the people looking for a fight get one and the faggot host gets to keep being a faggot.
I don't want to mentally break you or anything, but equipping the soreseal below 37 vig actually increases your survivability
this game's pvp is horrible
no user... youre horrible... AND YOULL GET WHAT YOU FUCKING DESERVE
*farts in your mouth*
Because most of the time the scared turds disconnect. I prefer it when they do it immediately instead of fighting with me and then disconnecting before I destroy them. There needs to be a punishment for disconnecting.
My game continuously crashes in Raya Lucaria Main Academy Gate, I can't go 10 minutes without a crash at best.
It never happens anytime else or with password duels so I have no idea what element of online is causing it.
I'm almost positive you get softbanned for dcing too often in a short time frame.
Because I’m not playing Reddit Ring. Im playing through a far superior game called Sekiro, I’d recommend it to, but you’d only get filtered by the first mini boss and probably 41% yourself. Go back twitter with your Elden Cockring shit
What is wrong with Sekiorfaggots? They use to keep to themselves and now they’re reeeeeing and seething and shitting up all the ER threads. Wtf is happening???
I hope, it would be hilarious if this prevented them from summoning their friends to beat the game for them.
The networking in this game is so, so, so fucking shitty. I guess console kids are used to garbage peer to peer lag fest.
Every time I invade for the Mohg badge I get 2 man teams that are so bad at PvP that I actually maintain a >50% winrate even though I'm just using up the fingers to progress Varre's quest.
>decent developer
Okay buddy retard
if you alt f4 or crash you do get softbanned for 10 hours but you can just load a backup save to get rid of it
name one good developer
I am
>lvl 153
>prayer room grace in Elphael
>quality build with the bloodhound fang
>mfw I still oneshot viglets like half the time with a single l2
I bet your subreddit is proud of you, Big Al.
cool argument bro
You mad, invaderfags? Now you have to do a 4 on 1. You're good at the game right? You aren't afraid of a challenge, are you?
Your tears sustain me, summonshitter
Blues are literally almost always just a free sippy refill to me. They are shit players at least 90% of the time, it’s hilarious how this dynamic is unchanged from DS3.
>see people on Yea Forums complaining about invading
>finally finish my first play through and begin a second one and start invading at lvl 40 in stormveil castle
>win nearly every single invasion, it’s even easier than dark souls 3 invasions
some of you guys must be really bad at games. you have mobs on your side and often times the host barely has estus left when you invade. you can ambush, troll, and use the level to your advantage
I’m powerstancing fire infused bandit curved swords with a bunch of vig and 4 estus (8 in my world) btw
How do I know you’re 359 pounds of mostly fat, with acne, smell like sour milk, are an atheist, and your Reddit handle is something “THEBatman”
Just feels like pulling teeth right now. Every invasion I've had, both as a co-oper and as an invader, has been against people doing the same cheesy bullshit with bleed/frost katanas and cyclops eye lasers. Not to mention the same rollspam-fest that made DaS3 PVP tedious as well.
I already beat the game weeks ago and am not touching it again until they patch in and fix all the content.
OP punked all you retards, he's an AFK farmer lmao
How do I know you’re the type of pleb to summon two guys to play the level for him with Noobveil or Rivers of Scrub. Then when I invade and kill your buttbuddies you flee in terror from my chadly visage, back to the grace to summon them again while I cut my way through bluefags. After you’re dead you come on Yea Forums to pitch a seething fit and entertain me even more… what a cuckold you are.
Lo-Fi Games
>really like the sleep aesthetic
>only two weapons actually utilize it
>consumables are hard to farm at early levels
DLC can't come soon enough. Its obvious they wanted to do something more with this but didn't have the time.
no covenants or achievements, stale meta, 2/3v1.
I can't fucking believe they still allow weapon/item muling in multiplayer. There's no good reason why anyone should be able to drop end-game weapons so that everyone can have le ebin RoB katana from le heckin youtube videos while still in limgrave. Not to mention how much of an issue this has caused in DS2 and DS3 with hackers dropping hacked items that cause anyone who picks them up to get softbanned. Could sidestep that entire issue by just not allowing it in the first place.
PVP in these games has literally never been fun.
I really liked how estus/gems were disabled for both dickwraiths and sunbros. It actually made healing miracles important, unlike all other games in the series where they're basically fucking worthless since there's no reason to bother using them instead of just sipping estus.
>Lo-Fi Games
twink fag owned
then why am i having fun invading?
My favorite was the guy who named his character “Pantsu Vendor” and was using cheats to obtain a bunch of that unobtainable armor set that includes Fia’s panties that you can wear. They then dropped the panties in other peoples worlds. When people picked them up their save would get flagged by fromshit for cheating (having unobtainable items).
>developer sucks
>still pirates the game
They must be pretty good if you had to pirate the game still idiot. Don't argue with me.
>twink at early levels
>blues are basically free flasks because their gear is always shit
Blues don't have the yellow advantage of being lvl 200+ being summoned into a lvl 20 hosts world. Instead they're always underlevled and undergeared, especially since anyone twinking at that point would just be a red instead. Thanks for the free flasks, janny.
>never played bloodborne
>never played OG dark souls
Yea it has been, it's just that from HATES invaders and yet they keep the mechanic in to lure pc faggots and other tryhards who want to be "good" at something while keeping their sales numbers. It's obvious they made pvp in this game limited to dueling and invasions you go in knowing you're going to die because how buffed the host and his buddies are.
The game is so big that beating it has put me out of range of any real invading and I don’t know if I’m motivated enough to make a whole new char just to annoy people
Cause everyone is using the same basic bitch builds like bleed and madness, also EAC makes the connection worst.