Didn't you guys tell me that nu-lara's games were flops?
Didn't you guys tell me that nu-lara's games were flops?
Yes, microsoft saved this shitty reboot.
>generic weebshit gets 1 million sales
>western game that is a reboot of a niche series gets 20 million sales
>v: dead game. dead series.
Might as well just realize these chudcels have already decided in their minds every western game is shit because in their minds they are all transfolk propaganda. Rent free.
>microsoft saving anything
it's just a bunch of bitter 30 year old boomers who don't want to admit nu-lara is more popular than their childhood fap material ever was
funny thing is she gets more porn too lol
Remind me, how much does it cost to make a movie game vs a glorified vn?
Microsoft is a retirement fund for washed up game studio CEOs.
1M is a success for niche series. I've genuinely seen people say nu-lara lost them money and wouldn't get a new game.
aren't you guys just making up a strawman right now? I have never once seen anyone on Yea Forums claim that the tomb raider reboots weren't successful commercially. Otherwise, why would they have made 2 sequels in the first place?
>I have never once seen anyone on Yea Forums claim that the tomb raider reboots weren't successful commercially.
then you haven't been in the millions of threads crying about nu-lara, how much they hate her, how no one likes her and everyone wants the old one back, and how her games are flops that no one cares about (even though old lara's games sold like shit at the end and nu-lara hasn't gotten nearly as bad)
tomb raider has become one of those omega normalfag games like horizon for people so normalfag that they would think that elden ring is obscure
Post it
Well, the tomb raider reboots aren't exactly Elden Ring, so it's not that common to see a thread about them on Yea Forums that isn't just people posting porn webms. I do remember a few threads making fun of Square Enix though, because they had way too high sales expectations for games like Tomb Raider, Deus Ex and Hitman that they considered them flops despite selling millions of copies.
No you've moved the goalposts, also they sell well but their budgets are huge so they clearly don't sell enough for SE to keep making them and instead want to put that money elsewhere, that's more profitable.
funny thing, you disprove your own point yet claim that it is definitely about that instead of that the games are bad.
and the claim that the games sold 18 million times does not disprove that claim considering the omission of the pricepoint those millions were sold at. it is a given that most of those copies were sold at holiday sales, at steep discounts, and we also know that both rise and shadow got their prices slashed pretty soon after release.
Apparently shadow cost $135M to make but sold about $240M worth in 5 months. The game also had dlc so some normalfags would buy that. Yea square should probably cut these budgets but they won't. They have enough money to take risks so i expect anoter deus ex or another project from that team soon.
I don't understand how games like Horizon Zero Dawn and Tomb Raider can sell 5-10 million copies and yet no one talks about them ever meanwhile Bloodborne sold like, 2 million and is constantly discussed
These are the games that have all been on sale for $10 for the past 3 years right? Not impressed.
Yea Forums calls every game that sells well a flop, you get used to it.
4 million copies in 5 months.
Good games generate discussion. Shit games don't. People play them, barely remember what they played and then never think about them again for the rest of their lives. People who play Bloodborne are struck by its quality and originality and simply can't not discuss it.
There's nothing to discuss in these Nu Raider games other than Laras ass (not her tits because we live in a clown world)
Gotta pump those numbers up if you ever wish to reach Fromsoft San
>b-but other company
Ok goalpost user
>and yet no one talks about them
because if it's not an excuse to porn post, console war, or cry about trannies Yea Forums doesn't give a shit about it
people outside this hellhole discuss them all the time
>I don't understand how games like Horizon Zero Dawn and Tomb Raider can sell 5-10 million copies and yet no one talks about them
Because they're tepid product-games for normalfags, they don't inspire feelings strong enough to warrant discussion.
>Tomb Raider
Rise did very well
Shadow was a complete flop by Square's own admission
Shitendo bias
Would help if they gave it to developers and a director that actually WANTED to make the game.
>yet no one talks about them
you live in a bubble
Yea Forums is not the mecca of the videogame industry
The new Tomb Raider games have some of the most disgusting death cutscenes I've ever seen. I'm convinced that the only market for these atrocious games is men with ryona/snuff fetishes.
No one talks about them outside Yea Forums either. Dime-a-dozen AAA movie games don't tend to inspire long-term fandoms. People play them in a week and forget about them as soon as the credits roll. They're disposable entertainment on par with superhero movies.
Tomb Raider and snuff fetishes go all the way back to the original.
I remember some of the first Tomb Raider fanart I saw was Lara with her tits out while a skeleton gored open her midsection.
I'm optimistic about the next Tomb Raider desu. They seem adamant about changing up the series and going back to how the PS1 games were. So I'd expect a game with very little story and instead focused on gameplay
>western AAA devs
>very little story and instead focused on gameplay
I guarantee you they just meant Lara is going to be older and more confident
>by Square's own admission
For the last time they are retards. They're even calling GOTG a moderate success these days.
I'm pretty sure the screenshot in OP is about TR2013 and Rise rather than Rise and Shadow anyway
i tried to give a fair chance to nulara and its a linear geenric third person shooter, no one talks about it because there is 0 things to talk about it
they actually removed most of the brutal death scenes on the last one
Sold so well that it's been six years since the last Tomb Raider, and they haven't even formally announced a new one.
This. Square is run by suits with unrealistic expectations and are out of touch with whats happening in the market by at least 2 years
I dunno. I think they are looking at shit that went down well with gamers in recent times like botw and elden ring. I'd be almost positive they want to get as far away from how the reboot games played as possible. "Hard" games are acceptable now so if they made a hard Tomb Raider like the PS1 games with involved controls rather than the easy platforming of the reboot games I think it would probably go down well.
I have to admit I got a few when the prices dropped, but who can say no to -90% discounts?
I might try them someday
I agree, they've acknowledge that most people were burnt out of the formula after 3 games. They might also play it safe since this is their first game after marvel.
pointy boobbros... not like this...
I liked the first 2 NuLara games. I found Shadow boring although some of the dlc tombs were fun. Having said that I do remember Square Enix complaining about how the games sold bad compared to what they expected or something.
I want to fuck Rise Lara but Rise's game design was so fucked that it made me think about writing an entire essay on everything wrong with it.
ummmm the 9 million copies were all on sale because... THEY JUST WERE OK!!!
I mean Square Enix themselves complained about the underwhelming sales of the NuLara games
Squeenix did because they were butthurt over their western IPs not selling CoD numbers.
I'm waiting for marketing of the new UE reboot to call nu-Lara problematic and a negative role model.
You know it's going to happen.
It is, 11 million was the figure they quoted for 2013
No chance they shit on NuLara. Zero. But what they are already doing is praising old PS1 era Lara which is a turn around from when they were shitting on old Lara in the marketing for Rise and especially Shadow but oddly not 2013. You should check out the video from last year on their official YouTube channel where they constantly shower praise on PS1 era Lara.
They've just realized that nuLara's popularity as a character will never come close to that of real Lara. Even among zoomers, PS1 Lara is iconic whereas nuLara is completely disregarded.
That's crazy. Seemed like it's been considered very middling. You have to wonder, even considering that budgets keep going up over time, how the hell the money is being handled. 11 million sales is absolutely insane.
I should say they seem to imply they are keeping NuLara but just doing a time skip to after Underworld and saying she did her own versions of the old Lara games off screen.
Lara Croft the general character is up there with the likes of Mario and Sonic and Pikachu for mainstream video game character popularity. Like my parents in their 60s who never played a game know who Lara Croft is. So its funny how her games never reached call of duty level crazy sales