man fuck nintendo, I thought Iwata was one of the good ones
Man fuck nintendo, I thought Iwata was one of the good ones
You made this thread already
who is this and why should i care?
well I made again, fuck you gon do bout it?
You already made this thread and the take away was that this faggot didn't have any substantial evidence or proof to back up it's claims.
I don't know what this is about but anyone who has been part of NoA for the past 15 years deserves worse
i mean from your gay as fuck faggot twitter screen cap, it sounds like he WAS one of the good ones.
pretendo is FINISHED
I'm not under NDA so I can say OP is a faggot
Whats with the crossed out 18 emoticon. Is that the western version of the Uohhhhh! one.
Saw what happening? I've seen several articles about this and none actually specify exactly what happened that was so bad
A twittard makes unsubstantiated claims about a company, Yea Forums spams it on the board because fuck videogames
i figured as much user-kun
but what claims
Especially the mids 2010s.
Fuck those niggas.
Nintendo makes video games apparently
Something about union complaints regarding their hiring practices in their marketing team sector. It's literally who cares tier
Already confirmed fake and gay.
lol so they're mad that nintendo wants functional employees instead of diversity points
Oh no
So what are they complain now, so trans shit or anything like that?
Nintendo is a corporation
Any (good) corporation makes money
As much as we like to delude ourselves into thinking those bigwigs are our friends, they're businessmen, first and foremost.
I mean, you would think, but I seem to remember Apple still being in business after all their anti-consumer shenanigans. You will always have the apologists, especially after their Wii/U and 3DS debacles.
Hell, I'm mildly surprised people didn't turn on them over the fucking Switch...
A temp worker stooge who wants more than they signed up for.
>They/Them This is my gentle heads up that I am unabashedly queer, liberal, post hot take
I spent solid few minutes trying to look up what their claims were, but they're buried under a bunch of replying, retweets of unrelated shit, and other nonsense.
The best I could surmise was that whoever this is suffered a cardiac arrest, and continued to work at the place. Even if overworking was the source issue, maybe that should've been the sign to quit, instead of continuing to work there while using a heartbeat monitor?
>lol so they're mad that nintendo wants functional employees instead of diversity points
That's actually not a terrible take. My impression is that the Japanese work hard, and play hard. The only difference with the US is that we apparently forgot how to 'play hard,' when we have some of the least days off of any civilized country.
They won't give a straight answer as they're bullshitting
>cardiac arrest
Even if Iwata was actually a good person on a personal level and not just pulling a big facade, there was no chance that he would be able to be this perfect boss who made sure every single employee at Nintendo, a multibillion dollar company, would be all happy and sound. Big business is inherently evil, so he was clearly going to be complacent to the company's darker secrets. Same goes for using Chinese labor, like so many other foreign companies. Same goes for tracking down people who leaked content from the company. I respect Iwata's career as a game developer and like to imagine he was what you'd call a good person, but there was no chance that he was perfectly innocent to be put in charge of Nintendo.
No fucking way bros.... Nintendo are hardasses against contractors..... literally shaking rn this can't be happening.....
>This twitter no-evidence thread again
just kill yourself, i hate nintendo but i hate twitter trannies and the people that parrot them even more
It's the "I post lewd things sometimes so I'll virtue signal to people that hate lolicon and seethe about imaginary pedos while promoting SRS and HRT to 6 year olds" icon.
>twitter thread
Here's the thing, most companies tend to actually value workers but contractors aren't real workers, they're disposable temps. They can't expect to be treated like the skilled workers because they have no skills.
top kek. Every fucking time.
>t-t-t-they banned me for NO reason!
>log shows he spammed nigger in chat relentlessly for six days straight
notice how literally all the people complaining are contractors
Thanks, I can safely ignore this wacko.
Every Twitter opinion should be discarded
Depends on the company; some essentially use contractors as flex staff, a lot beef out positions with contracted employees for temp periods before transitioning them to full if they're up to snuff, others hover false promises OF transition then just make them do the full workload of actual employees for years on end.
Protip: Don't get hired as a NetOps contractor for CDW. Hate those fuckers like you wouldn't believe; run staff to the bone, have near as many people monitoring metrics and enforcing asinine ticketing standards as they do performing actual work, promise transition after months but essentially only allow like two actual employee slots while accruing a cheap workforce of miserable multi-year conversion hopefuls what are in too deep to leave...
Whole concept's fucked; killed my can-do attitude something fierce when I was with 'em a few years back. But if you can find one of the contract jobs that just plops you into an unmonitored team of flex project help, that shit IS a good way into your classic "play vidja for six hours a shift". Luck of the draw
I shall post them, again. Here the the Axios article that broke the story.
Here is the report that the contractor filled.
Finally, here are the articles that the contractor has accused Nintendo of violating. Section 7 covers a worker's right to organize and assemble.
If this "drama" lasts more than I week I may start to give a shit.
shit games
shit consoles
shit company
How are they still alive and kicking?
Well that depends on the investigation but it doesn't seem like they have any real grounds. After all their arguments are just
Good games
Good consoles
And a (relatively) good company
That's how
>cardiac arrest
more likely due to the poison they put in themselves under the guise of a covid-19 "vaccine" surely
All these contractor stories are from 2015
Nintendo makes good games.
You are a Snoy.
You do not want good games.
You do not CARE about games.
You just want 'brand' to 'win'.
That's why.
The covid brain rot serum is the cause of the current outbursts user. That's why it took them seven years long after their NDAs were up.
>all these tendies defending this
Are all console cucks like this? I will never buy a single console out of principle, what causes someone to become a corporate bootlicker?
This has been Nintendo's greatest labor controversy in years, and it is just a contractor, not even an employee, who felt that he was coerced by management.
Now, think about all the industry controversies that you have heard recently from other companies.
>Are all console cucks like this?
No. They would just believe this without any evidence whatsoever and act like temps are real workers.
lmao get fucked nintendogaf, have a taste of your own medicine
>have a taste of your own medicine
Contractors can also potentially be top skilled workers who you fucked up and fired and realized they had crucial knowledge about how your shit runs who you now have to pay three times as much.
Defending what? The Twitter screen cap doesn’t even detail what they did.
What did Nintendo actually do? Can someone fucking tell me?
>They/them in bio
yeah this isn't one of them
you cheer when activision and any other company gets the lawsuits, now it happens to nintendo and it's a totally different story here
No one cares because it's Nintendo. They could literally skin and hang women and people would applaud.
Sony has always treated its people better
you missed all the naughty dog crunch stories or something?
So no reason?
Who gives a shit.
Sure it's quite unlikely here, but it's a big brush needed to paint all contractors at once with.
The brand name.
It also signals "I'm not attracted to anyone 18 and older."
>you cheer when activision and any other company gets the lawsuits
Well yeah, they're sexual abuse lawsuits about companies who are now extreme prudes. The irony is hilarious.
>now it happens to nintendo and it's a totally different story here
Thus isn't a sexual abuse story, it's just contractors being entitled. It's not funny.
Nigger, NeoGAF/ResetEra are S0nygger shills,nigger.
Fallacious and homosexual
Whatever you say nintendo shill, its always ok when nintendo does it
don't be a racist asswipe and you want get banned
As someone who went from temp to full it's exceedingly rare that your talents aren't acknowledged if you put in the effort. The problem here is that they want to climb the ladder without grabbing the rungs and if it truly was a bad work environment you find another place of employment.
I have no sympathy for people like that who don't even want to try.
commy trannies seethe
So basically any union with this person would have been worthless.
Shilling what exactly?
Lmao with that and the Twitter account this fucking guy probably tried to play inside leaker didn’t he? I’d imagine that’s exactly what it fucking was.
>Naughty Dog crunch stories
>Insomniac sexual harassment cases
go back to sonyera
Call your parents and tell them to increase the beatings.