Games will never be seen as art until something is done about Japan and the way they make games. This shit right here has no place in the industry.
Games will never be seen as art until something is done about Japan and the way they make games...
god this game is so ugly
Who the fuck cares vidya ain't art
I want it to be and I want ti be taken seriously, but as long as Japan keeps making games for coomers like you, then it will never be.
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.
damn ho got a fat ass and some big fucking titties
The difference is that isn't made for cooming.
Can you try that again without your retardese memeword?
Could you try to have sex, that way you'll be a normal, functioning human being who isn't horny all the fucking time?
every media's primary purpose is pornography. videogames are like the only medium that's not primarily pornography.
what can we do to help fix this?
she's the only redeeming part of that game
did you told your parents you are a cock loving faggot yet OP?
>every media's primary purpose is pornography.
What? what do you think makes up 90% of movies? its porn. What do you think makes up 90% of books? its porn. What do you think makes up 90% of photography? its porn.
videogames are the exception to the pornography rule and I want to do my part in fixing it.
>Games will never be seen as art
Good, games don't need to be art.
Art is gay
And you will never have sex.
kys tranny
>What? what do you think makes up 90% of movies? its porn. What do you think makes up 90% of books? its porn. What do you think makes up 90% of photography? its porn.
This is not true it's not even funny.
I don't care what you want kike.
>I want it to be and I want ti be taken seriously
Why? How does the artistic integrity of vidya affect you?
403 movies came out in 2021 in the US. How many porn films do you think came out in 2021? its only around 100x more dont panic.
Yea, OP is right
we need to post more clips and pictures of things japan needs to stop doing, haha
How can people take this medium seriously when womyn are depicted this way?
women should only exist in fiction
hmm i'm not i get what the problem is.
maybe i'll understand if you post more
The only people who give a shit about whether or not video games are an art form are people who are insecure about enjoying a "lesser" form of entertainment. People don't look at their taste in video games the same as art, film, music, or literature, so in their minds they believe that it's lesser than them.
It's similar to people who are desperate to get cartoons recognized as a legitimate artform, who point to Avatar or Invincible and go, "See! It's not just for kids!"
These are very problematic, I need you to post more.
i assume you believe you are a "normal, functioning human being"?
You better because we're taking your shit away.
More than you.
I hear there's some great sites called reddit and twitter where you can get upvotes for being a normalfaggot. Feel free to piss off there at your earliest convenience.
>OP is a faggot
Like clockwork
yeah. It's pathetic and always manchildren who do that.
Doesn't work like that obviously. I can tell that because you have never had sex, and your solution to that is "nobody should enjoy sexuality"
Viking was OP for a long time, but Comanche has a high skill cap and is just more fun
art is for coomers you pseud
see this right here this is where the boner gets made
Well at least one of you freaks has finally admitted that video games, art, hobbies in general, were never yours to begin with. The left is completely incapable of appreciating art of any kind. You hate beauty. You hate fun. You guys are total faggots.
OP is a fag
Why do you feel games need to be art?
Nah, I'll continue to come here, hoping to rid this cesspool of incels like yourself.
Still taking your shit away. And there's jack shit you can do about it besides go cry about it on /pol/... oh wait, we're taking that away, too.
I'm tired of them being seen as toys or for children.
I don't want art. I want fun.
My favourite part about this seethe image is those scales look like shit, he's complaining that his unfinished project is in a room with a finished project, I never actually would have noticed his shitty dragon in a gallery if he didn't point it out, and the cherry on top is the guy sucking himself off is a perfect representation of the type of retard complaining that no one cares about his dragon. Ironically it's the entire theme of the other sculpture and he's proving its value as art. At the end of the day most art is just some guy sucking himself off and no one else gives a shit.
I can’t imagine being this retarded
Fucking why?
I don’t know if you are just baiting retards to keep your coomer thread alive or if you are just baiting retards.
Man I fucking hate the internet.
>Wanting fun in a game
>Asks why would a game be fun
Shut it Kotick.
Art > fun.
to be fair, porn takes way less time and money.
That guy's an incel, just like you.
A game that is only looks won't have a lot of people brought to it with artistic style alone. If the game is also fun, then it will bring a whole lot of people. Sadly art-directions these days are shit.
>Games can't be art if it's not eurocentric.
Art is a worthless term. Robert Ebert has terrible taste and nothing he says should be taken seriously.
>"You have to have never had sex in order to be a coomer!"
This is how you know someone actually hasn't had sex. It's a hell of a lot easier to abstain from sex the longer you've gone without it.
The video game industry is so fucked now because everyone is trying to pretend they're not toys for children. Back in the day there was an inherent understanding you could do complex stuff with them and outsiders didn't care because they were kids' toys. Now you have to pretend your game is art but also make it accessible for the retards who thought they were toys 20 years ago.
This is straight up bullshit. The number one thing gamers look for now is graphics. But, art is more than that. It';s about messages that uplift people and make those who play them feel good about themselves, not coomer shit.
did kof15 tank?
How come no one make porn of new models
Thats the point. the total sumnation of all media vastly tilts towards porn. videogames are the only exception (for now). The total runtime of all film ever doesn't come close to the runtime of porn released in the last 2 years.
facts must suck. try to damn vidya for being pr0n when its the only medium that doesnt tilt to porn.
This, I haven't fucked since covid started because I just stopped caring after bars were closed long enough.
It's because they keep trying to make it like movies or books instead of actually trying to play to the strengths of the medium.
LOL. Uplifting my ass. When I hear this kind of bullshit I see games that insult everyone's intellect and common sense. If you want something fucking uplifting and feel-good, then make a good story for the game instead of focusing on FUCKING ART. Art-direction should always be secondary.
I fucking despise modern AAA games like TLOU and Horizon. Adding trannies and ugly sheboons to your game does not make it deep or complex.
i know this is shitposting but still fuck you for even writing it
these deranged fucks say japan is the enemy because they still respect gender roles and have a successful isolated society that limits outside influence
Stories, messages, and emotions are the strengths of the medium.
>Games will never be seen as art until something is done about Japan and the way they make games
You're wrong. Interactivity should be played with more often in order to tell a story.
ironically, it will never be considered art until people stop wanting it to be art.
You deserve nothing, you pretentious little shit.
Nah, gameplay doesn't make people feel good about themselves or send positive messages about self-worth.
>Games will never be seen as art until something is done about Japan and the way they make games. This shit right here has no place in the industry.
What a retarded nothing statement lmao, these aren't the strengths of ANY specific medium.
>Games will never be seen as art
And you don't deserve sex.
>All games have to send the same message
You're a retard.
Drakengard is more artistic than anything the AAA game industry has put out for basically it's entire life cycle, and it uses the monotony of it's own gameplay to send a message about the pointlessness of violence and how numb it makes us.
So you don't play video games for the games part
Never in my life have I wanted to fuck digital pixels so much
play doom
Not really. Why would I? Gameplay can't tell a story.
I think that sex and romance are a waste of time.
no one deserves sex
Troons have no place in society. She will forever me more feminine than you. Noose yourself.
Good, because you'd never get it anyway.
Please tell me you're joking. What, you want cutscene fests that tell you how trannies are the master species?
for something to be art does not require all of that thing to be art
Having sex does not define the value of a human being.
Science says otherwise.
Sounds great and you know what? That is the future, whether you chuds like it or not.
what an impotent reply lmao, i was rooting for you until you posted some shit this dumb
This is what you are.
It literally does, though, which is why you'll never be a real human being.
Now this is what I call cope
Do you understand how much twitter troons infuriate me?
They really do. Their smug insistence on how the world revolves around them makes me want to stab them to death.