Dracthyr claw spread

I like the attention to detail on the Dracthyr claws. The subtle foot squish, the claw spread they do. They didnt have to model or animate this.

Attached: claws.png (291x452, 90.89K)

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>the last thing that is paid any attention to by devs is the feet

Attached: 1631328662896.jpg (550x535, 51.05K)

You need to kill yourself immediately and i say this as a footfag

This is how some franchises die by scraping the bottom of the barrel for attention like coomers. RE8 is guilty of this too.

scales are just unfinished fur for mesozoic simps

imagine being not only degenerate but very literally retarded and degenerate
fucking caveman

Plantigrades or gtfo.

>has to pander to furries, trannies and every other kind of subhuman just to keep afloat
Shit's just sad.

Attached: 1645403440664.jpg (258x195, 5.58K)

You're angry because you like it
I'm not even a footfag. I appreciate large dangerous features like super sharp claws or fangs or spikes and spines. Something about a monstrosity that can instantly kill you if it wanted you acting all soft and caring and huggable makes me feel nice and warm
see above
Ugly human feet

That little dewclaw jiggle when the character waves

Attached: dewclaw.webm (400x300, 66.43K)

A man of culture I see

>there are people getting off to this right now

Attached: tfw.png (1724x1437, 2.18M)

Attached: ofc.gif (320x136, 806.19K)

You are what's wrong with this world.

There are people getting off to literally anything and everything. You are not making a profound statement.

who asked for this

Attached: Dracthyr_Run.webm (1920x1080, 2.89M)

its really funny how they cant even properly appeal to coomers with slutmogs because cali trannies in the office would throw a shitfit, so they have to resort to complete degenerate furfags

this looks so comically gay lmao

Blizzard knows. However I don't think they'll surpass vulpera in the sexiness department.

Attached: vulpera goods.png (555x805, 165.5K)

you cant just post this and not provide sauce

World's faggiest dragons

Trust me when I say you don't want it. I cropped out the only good thing about it.

>acting like this is new when Pandaren came out over 10 years ago

OP absolutely btfo

Attached: 1444313629382.gif (720x404, 3.85M)

Why did Blizzard glue their shoes to their feet? They can never go truly barefoot. :(

>heel pad
eh, otherwise sexy feet

and only a handful or so shoe options that give them actual boots and not these weird sandals.

They belong to a guy

nice :3
who exactly? he has nice paws

YOu just know an austicic pedo scalie was put on this project. The turbo autism to make sure the foot is modeled with that much detail is only possible from some faggot

I think just a random vulpera.

was the pedo part necessary

heh, all right
I'm a bit curious though

Yes? All scalies are pedos whether they admit it or not

It's the newest buzzword since people are calling everyone a pedo to distract from their own pedophilia
Like Nazi or fascist before it

it does seem a bit redundant

stay away from kids please

Attached: ESiVQJzXQAAEl_3.png (779x535, 527.64K)

I'm looking for their twitter again but it's not showing up. They went by amazingartz.

>everyone calling this coombait
>literally just properly animated limbs
reality check

Is this guy still making videos? I haven't checked up on him in years.

ah, I see.
well they're certainly a good pair of paws though, I would press my face in them. uvu

comically gay

Attached: 1648822485759.jpg (470x470, 31.07K)

Same, for sure.

Hot take: I think the dragon race looks a-okay. The only thing I don't like is the wings, never been a fan of big fuck-off wings on anthro creatures.

Imagine the hugs though.


I don't like hugs.

yeah, i mean it might have been done because of the dev's fetishes, but it's still ultimately to normal people just a properly animated model.
the rest of the models should have moving feet and stuff.

cute feet

Attached: Dracthyr_Fly.webm (1920x1080, 828.21K)

You would if they were coming from a dragon with big appendages

Attached: 1650391974845.png (598x1417, 234.42K)

Attached: Dracthyr_Dance.webm (1340x1080, 2.97M)

>big appendages
There is one big appendage that would certainly get my attention ;3

Oh dear lord, this is glorious

No I'm still not a fan of hugs. They're uncomfortable.

Why can't they wear armour?

Blizzard really this fucking lazy?

Attached: REALLY.png (116x113, 16.27K)

You're a hard man to please.

Wait, they can't? Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

Don't you worry, I'll take those dangerous hugs in your place

Only shoulders, belt, and tabard will be visible.

Why are you trying to please strangers on the internet, homo?
You're not going to please anyone by telling someone who doesn't like hugs that they actually would like hugs.
I am fine with other forms of physical affection.

Thank God hedoesn't. He's a pseudointellectual as with any "furry" youtuber who wants come off as serious while parading the character they jerk off to around in the video. It's such a joke.

Why would they need a belt if they don't wear pants

I honestly think you would though and are just tsundere.

>haters gonna hate

why does he run like Red Riding Hood?

I've had hugs before, I felt nothing but awkwardness.

This along with Rags.

Well it's no wonder you hate them, you've only been hugged by amateurs.

>tfw you will never be used as a toilet by a twink dracthyr

why even bother living wowsisters


This sounds like a threat.

What do they store in them? All the virginites they've taken?