Yea Forums will unironically defend this
Yea Forums will unironically defend this
lol maybe dont be a retard?
Honestly not really it is dumb but by this point of the game you should expect the bad hitbox OP. (unless of course you sped through in which case good day)
On that last attack he literally moved away but you dieded.
>Jump in the corner for no reason
>20 vigor in leyendell
You de you learn, hopefully you'll avoid playing like a retard next time
I won't. This is bad, a flaw and unpolished.
Still a 10/10 game tho
Why is your loadout so empty?>
>20 vig
15 vig, retard. RL1
Meh the game's a slog. Copy pasted dungeons, bland story told through items, reused bosses. Just a terrible experience overall 6/10
won't defend it. it's utterly retarded. but youre no better
Let me guess, you NEED more?
sorry but its actually a good story told through items with reused dungeons and bosses. will that increase the score by 1
he didnt jump
he worked really hard on it this time okay?
>bad player dies
What's to defend? Stop being a bad.
I would defend this. With a shield.
why does architecture in fromsoftware games look so good
>the player having low value in a particular stat mean broken hitboxes are ok
I genuinely don't think I've ever met a fandom that was as stupid as Fromdrones.
iframes are so fucking retarded
>"skill issue"
I won't defend it, it's completely retarded.
Kek, this shitty franchise has had this issue since fucking DeS/DS1 and it still hasn't been fixed
RL1 has 10 vig.
>The way enemies push you around with their hitbox
It really is DS2 2, this game was ridden with this shit.
>5 VIG in Leyndell
>Using Scarseal with -5 VIG in Leyndell
>Using fucking Crimson Amber Medallion
Fuck off you turd
Yes, clearly if he had better gear and stats, the hitbox would have fixed itself!
>soreseal icon is clearly visible in the webm
Are you just pretending to be stupid or were you dropped on your head?
>Purposely walks into a corner trapping himself
nothing wrong with this
nothing wrong with this
Love watching shitters get wrecked.
>little tarnished, please help me out of this hole
Morgott is only aggro towards the tarnished because he can't get into the erdtree either.
>didn't make any attempt whatsoever to dodge the attack
what are you complaining about?
He's mad that he got OHKO even though he never leveled vigor.
He's used to cheesing enemies with Flame of the Redmane, so when one enemy poised through the cheese he furiously shat his diaper and screamed for mommy dearest.
Miyazaki could literally rape their own mother and they will find a way to justify it.
>expecting a competent game from Assets From my last Software™
Only yourself to blame, really
he only did it because you wouldn't LEARN
git gud fag
>poised through
Watch the webm again. He got stunned, flinched, and then immediately started the animation again as if nothing happened. No start-up or anything, just like Forskin Duo.
It’s an rpg it doesn’t even have an actual dodge button, it’s an iframe button, if you want to do SL1 shit that’s up to you but it hardly qualifies as an action game, it’s almost morrowind tier. It’s also eurojank tier, either you’re fine with it or you aren’t.
why would i care if he raped my mother? completely serious question, did you even think this post through? who gives a fuck about that
happened to me, and also had a glitch where the floor meshes weren't present, and I fell through the floor, and two incidents like the OP where I got stuck in limgrave, and had to respawn to get around the bullshit, but the biggest issue? frequently I will connect to another player's world, and the game will start randomly stuttering, and then forces a hard restart to steam library.
Right, he poised through your baby brained tactics and made you his bitch just like you deeply desire.
here we go again
>no vigor
I'm not that user, I don't even know what the spell is. The enemy should not have flinched and carried on like nothing happened.
i've only played through the game to completetion twice, so i'm no expert, but maybe you should try dodging when a boss attacks you
>blocks your path mid-sprint
putrid fucking avatar I swear to god
I hate this. There's a fountain in Crumbling Farum that you can walk into, but not out of. So you walk into a small circular depression and get stuck because your character can't walk out of something slightly lower.
I'm sorry your crutch didn't work, better luck next time shitter.
Definitely an unfortunate roll, but I agree that mobs being able to move you with their collision box is pretty damn annoying at times. I feel like a lot of hits I've taken against large enemies was my character simply getting pushed in a direction I didn't go in even through a dodge.
Sure, he should have rolled. I'm not complaining about that, I'm complaining about the enemy not giving a fuck.
Yeah because it’s an rpg and not an action game. It’s a shit action game if that’s what it is, it’s an rpg with all the corresponding stat manipulation being a part of it. ADP wasn’t even that big of an issue, people have a problem with it because the game never makes it clear ADP does improve iframes. Yes I said it ADP isn’t a problem once you understand what it does. Give me (You)s go ahead I don’t give a shit.
Wait people actually died to these dudes?
Imagine trying to run by a fight like a pussy instead of overcoming it like a chad. Why would I defend playing like an absolute cuck? You're confused, sir.
so RL21
I still can't tell the difference between this and Dark Souls 1. Rehash.