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Takes a lot of practice, then it eventually just clicks.
Grenade launcher is the most satisfying weapon in the game when you have it down.

Use rocket launcher

just use the iron bomber lol

Use iron bomber, the hitbox of its pipes are twice as large.

While this thread is up, how do I even get weapons I don't have? I'm not paying for them lol
Do I need to trade? Haven't traded anything in TF2 since ages ago

trade scrap and duplicate weapons you have for them on scrap.tf

Isn't the Loch n Load easier with its projectile speed?

i just use the sticky launcher
>b-but no ski-
not my problem

Giving up on splash damage kinda sucks.
I only really ever use the Loch when I need to blow up a sentry ASAP.

>duplicate weapons you have for them
sorry, what?

I meant you can trade weapons you have more than one of for whatever ones you don't.

desu I find it easier to hit pipes than time stickies right

play the game
you'll get random weapon drops every now or then
you can then keep them, or turn them into scrap and use a service like scrap.tf to trade for other weapons
there are also a bunch of achievement weapons you can unlock for free so look into those as well

but you have to get direct hits, and have less arc which makes it more difficult to aim in some circumstances. You can't shoot over walls, can't shoot around corners, etc., and it has a smaller ammo cap. In practice it's not very good

When you begin to tap out everyone flawlessly you will achieve nirvana.

landing pipes < landing double donks

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They spawn weird, look up shounic, for example. They appear to the side and slightly above, so you have to aim with the right side of the screen instead of the crosshairs. The same goes for all projectile weapons but the original.

>caring about TF2 when Overwatch exists

actually it's 9 times as large by volume, nice balance valve!

find a wall and shoot at it from different ranges and different directional inputs, like simply strafing left and staring at the pills as they fly relative to your crosshair. it helps to do this at least once and your brain will wire itself to learn pill trajectory until you stop exercising. it's almost magic, really. the pills move like absolute ass up until you do this exercise for a few minutes
t. only play demoknight whenever i go demo, stickyspam is beneath me

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ah, makes sense, thanks friend

>they nerfed it to shit
>then they released the iron bomber
I miss it.

based donk king

pretty sure TF2 gets more daily players than OW does lmao

how do people backstab so well? I think I'm decent at every class except spy where landing backstabs feels impossible. Going full gun spy gives me much better results
I'll see my teammates uncloak right behind people in a quiet area and get away with it consistently but when I try to uncloak safely and try to take advantage of distractions I get fucked.

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Hybrid knight will always be my go-to.
I don't have the patience for babysitting sticky traps and sticky spam just isn't fun.

yeah I usually use one of the grenade launchers, targe for the charge and resistances, and a default melee
it's way more fun and lets you play far more aggressively

I *need* to have SteamGuard on my phone for a week to trade, right? No other option?

Backstab hit registration is totally fucked up.
Good spy players know how to exploit that.

It'll mess with your ingrained pipe senses if you aren't used to it

I'm pretty sure, yeah.

What a dumbass term for what's literally the original demoknight loadout

landing double donks is fun, but most of the time they are pretty usless, by the time I am preparing the shoot and after it any decent enemy will fuck me up faster than I can prepare the next shoot

Damn, I guess I'll have to wait 1 week to get the weapons I want, but thanks man

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Anyone else use the base jumper on demo? It's fun the nuke people from the top of the skybox, especially with the scotchish resistance. You just float around setting up death traps everywhere and 8 out of the 9 classes can't do shit about it

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it's a lot better on soldier

>8 out of the 9 classes can't do shit about it
lol, just because you melt agaisnt a sniper with that doesn't mean you don't get fucked by anyone else with decent aim

kill yourself

>t. tiny baby man

Grenade launchers in any game are satisfying if the projectiles bounce only off walls

the best weapon to get the most damage on your team while getting 0 kills

Why do people call the loch a crutch but give this shit a pass

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What the fuck is a double donk

>Pre-nerf parachute speeds and amazing air control
>Pre-nerf deploy/redeploying
>Pre-nerf afterburn making you descend slower via updraft

Still fun to use, but goddamn. I know in the back of my head I'm gimping myself so much by using it over shotgun/gunboats.

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When you shoot someone with a cannonball and they get hit by the impact damage and the explosion at about the same time.

>have 40+ ping
>have to lead targets even at point blank

I never had below 80 ping in my entire life, so good for you

Demo giving up their other options for this is respectable, but God is the knockback annoying
>Either it catapults you across the map
>Or it stuns you in place

>take away weapon's incredible skill ceiling
>to appeal to competitive players
I don't get why they had such a hate boner for it. I'd take a damage vulnerability on wearer or marked for death on use, anything to have it back

Looks like shit
Sounds like shit
fuck metaslaves

>Trying to get the parachute achievements
>That fucking achievement where you have to parachute 19.47 miles
>Look online for a bottomless pit sort of map, where I can keep the game running as they parachute
>Creator of a map states it takes 3.5 hours for each achievement
>Reminded that for some fucking reason the base jumper achievements are split between Demo and Soldier despite asking you to do the same things, meaning I have to do the same shit twice
These achievements, I swear
>inb4 use SAM
I'll only use it for the unobtainable YouTube achievements once I get every other achievement legit. The Frontline Field Recorder will be my reward for getting every achievement

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It'd be fine if it was unbanned and saw actual use
But guess what? It's still fucking banned for some reason, so in the end the changes benefited nobody

The parachute had a few extremely retarded use cases but for sure it didn't need to be nerfed in every possible way simultaneously. As you've said some kind of damage risk mechanic would likely have been enough. Just another tragic balance decision to add to the pile.

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The gods have spoken, casualfag

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>some kind of damage risk mechanic would likely have been enough
Hitscan is the damage risk. Fast as they may be going, the player's floating in the air with no goddamn cover. Swear to Christ, I never once recall thinking someone with the air strike/BASE combo was unstoppable, even on the best players.
It was legit impressive seeing people make those weapons work, and you just don't see them anymore. Too much effort for hardly any reward now.

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>t. scorch shit user

I prefer the Flare Gun.

because it has a tiny ass hitbox, compare it to the iron bomber where the hitbox on that thing is like 20% larger than the actual model itself

While you are correct that hitscan is the actual balancing point of the item, it did need something additional for balance. I was a compfag (lol hl) during that time and I was among the few who would equip it in my entire division, let alone actually abuse it. Even a hitscan vulnerability of low magnitude would be well worth the mobility and weird mid-air jukes the old parachute could achieve.

I wanna use the flare gun, but It cant blast jump or destroy stickies

Is Fish too autistic about the Scorch Shot or am I wrong in thinking so?
I'm amazed that one nigger complains about a weapon and now it's like Hitler designed it from the get-go and the whole community shits on it

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I understand pipes are more consistent, but watching people freak out when you can donk well is fun.

its really not dude just get guud.

Based det user.

>knockback ubers
>cause pyros to anhero with reflects

Parachute demoman is underrated but requires a tall skybox to do safely.

>play with the base jumper a lot
>people with thousands of hours and unusuals get an achievement for killing me
Holy shit, is this the least used weapon in the game?

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i main demoman
ive never used pipes or stickies

In the time it takes you to get a double donk you could just fire two pipes and do more damage.

I always aim at the direction players are heading to, I only directly aim at static targets.
Hope that helps you.

i want to go back to pre-2014 tf2 so fucking badly
the game is completely unfun to play nowadays even if you play a community server

go to demobowl and practice for a thousand hours

He's a fucking retard that doesn't know how to deal with someone shooting projectiles across the map (i.e. dodge). Plus, he's a Sniper main, the class that gets the most fucked by it while having an unlock that completely counters it.

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yeah but that doesn't make the funny sound effect

You missed the heyday when you could detonate sticky bombs midair and wipe out a whole server

i was (and still am) a retarded f2p and deleted tons of shit through the years to have more backpack space for my untradeable weapons, including stuff and cosmetics from events and achievements that are no longer obtainable
what do i do

he already explained the backpacks are badly designed
maybe watch his videos before you form an opinion

The scorch has always had a bad reputation. It's basically the reason why they gave Sniper that stupid fire resistance with the Darwin's Danger Shield. Managing to get behind lines as a Pyro is less rewarding now that the class that sucks at close combat has an advantage over your main source of damage.

dont care, been using the targe since 2009